ancient indian history

Mathura Jain Image Inscription-2

64. Mathura Jain Image Inscription of the time of Kanishka (Year 7)
Provenance: Kankali Tila, near Mathura
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit

References: Buhler V.O.J. Vol II, Pt 1, Pp- 141 ff
Ep.Ind, I, pp 391, No- XIX Luders, List
No: XXI.
1. A.S.I.R, Vol III, p.30. No. III
2. From the facsimile. Ep- Ind,. I, pp. 392, Pl. No. 19
3. Buhler Ep-Ind, I. pp.391: पूव्वोया

संस्कृत छाया
सिद्धम् । महाराजस्य राजातिराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य षाहि-कनिष्कस्य सं वत्सरे हे ( मन्तमासे ) , दि । ) ( वसे ). 15. एतस्यां पूर्वायां आर्यो -नागभुतिकीयतः कुलतः गणे: आर्य बुद्धश्रिय शिष्य वाचक: आर्य सन्धिक: तस्य भगिनी आर्य जया आर्य – गोष्ठ —–
1. (सिद्धम् )महाराजस्य राजातिरा ज स्य देवपुत्रस्य षोहि-कनिष्कस्य सं 7 हे , दि 10 ) एतस्य पूव्र्वायां अययं
देहि कियातो
2. भगातो अय्र्य-नाममुर्ति कियातो कुलातो गणिस अय्य-बुद्धशिरिस्य शिष्यो वाचको आय्र्य-स कस्य भगनि आय्र्य-जया आय्र्य गोष्ठ
हिन्दी अनुवाद
सिद्ध हुआ । महाराज राजतिराज देवपुत्र षाहि कनिष्क के सं
वत्सरे म की हेमन्त शतु के 1 म मास के 15वें दिन। इस पूर्वोक्त तिथी में आर्य नागभूतिकीय कुल के, गणी आर्य बुद्ध श्री के शिष्य वाचक आर्य सन्धिक की बहिन आर्या जया आर्या गोष्ठ

English Translation of the inscription

Success in the year 7 of Maharaja Rajatiraja Devaputra, Shahi Kanishka, in the first month of winter, on the
fifteenth day, on the Lunar day specified above, the
Preacher, Aryya-sandhika, the pupil of the ganin of the
Aryoddehikiya school and of the Aryya-Nagabhutikiya line
of teachers, his sister Aryya Jaya, Aryya-Goshtha.

65. Mathura Naga Image Inscription of the Time of Kanishka 1,
Regnal Year – 8 ( 86 AD)
Provenance: Village Bhadal, 9 Km from Mathura, U.P (Now in Mathura Museum)
Script Brahmi
Language: Sanskrit. influenced by Prakrit.
References: Y R. Gupta, Ep.Ind, XVII,
pp 10-12.

1. महाराजस्य राज [T | ति राजस्य LT) हि -कणिकखस्य कणिष्कस्य स र्गी 4 दि
2 = अस [ या = ) = [ पूव्र्वाया | भगवत: [ भूमि ] नागस्य
पुक्षिरिणि = पुष्करिणी आर (T * j मो च = मश्च प्र [ ति ]
3. ष्ठापितो —– पु । त्रस् । य । माथुरस्य । नि । यमद 1 किस्य (स ) व्र्व [ सत् ] व – हि सु हित सुबाथेम

हिन्दी अनुवाद
महाराज राजातिराज षाहि कणिष्क के वर्ष ग्रीष्म (मास) हथ , दिवस 5 म। इस पूर्वोक्त दिन भगवान् भूमिनाग का सरोवर और उद्यान – – – के पुत्र, मथुरा-वास्तव्य नियम दकि का = द्वारा सब प्राणियों के हितसुखार्थ स्थापित किया गया ।

English Translation of the Inscription

The 5th day of the summer month of the Year 8, of the Great King, King of Kings, Shahi Kanishka. On this
aforesaid day, a tank and a garden at the holy Bhuminaga was founded
of/by, Niyamadaki a resident of Mathura, and the son of —-
for the welfare and happiness of
all sentient kings.

1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind-. XVII Plate between PP-10 and 11
2. A Subscript was first engraved and then was erased incompletely.
3. Gupta: turasya

Mathura Jain mage Inscription of the time of Kanishka (Year 9)
Provenance: Kankali tile, Mathura.
Script Brahmi
Language: Prakrit
References: Cunningham, AS.I.R.. III pp-31, No. 4;
Buhler, VOJ, Vol.1, pp 183, No-2, Luders, Ind.Ant XXXIII, pp.37, No. VI List no. XXII

1. सिद्धं महाराजस्य कणिष्कस्य राज्य संवत्सरे नवमे [ वास ] – मासे प्रथम १ दिवते अस्य पुर्व्वे क्रोटेयतो मणातो त्था = स्वा नीयतो |* कु लातो रात वैरातो शखातो वचक ।
2. धव —– दिस — न वुद —- मजिमित विकद
संस्कृत छाया

सिद्धम महाराजस्य कणिष्कस्य संवत्सरे नवमे [ वर्षा ] – मासे प्रथमे १ दिवते अस्यां पूर्वायां कोटियत: गणत: स्थानीयत कुलत: रात वज्रत: शाखात वचिक:

1. From the facsimile in A.S.I.R, III, Pl-XIII, No-4
English Translation of the Inscription:
Success, on the 5th day of the first, month of Year 9, of Maharaja Kanishka, on this date specified as
above the preacher . of Kottiya gana and Vajra sakha.
Mathura’s Jain connection can evidently be related from Kankali tile, also known as Jain mound. It derives its name from Kankali Devi Goddess (A form of Mata Durga) Mathura rose to prominence under kanishka rule and was second capital of Kanishka empire.
67. British Stone Inscription of Kanishka, Year: 10, (AD-88)
Provenance: Not known, the characters and the language and the date prove that it cane from some place in northern India.
Script Brahmi of early Kushana type
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit.
References: H. Luders. Ep.Ind. IX, pp239 ff. D.C.Sircar.
Sel.Inss, I, pp-138-39.
English Translation of the Inscription
Success: In the year 10 of the Maharaja Devaputra Kanishka, in the second month of summer, on the ninth day,
on that date specified as above, a temple was given in the northern navamika . May the Goddess of the village be pleased

1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind. IX pp.240.
2. There is no space for anusvara over स So it has been engraved over the previous syllable स्य
It was evidently to be read with स

Buddhism and Jainism are two Indian religions that had developed in entire north india. Gautama Buddha and Mahavira were generally accepted as contemporaries.
Jainism and Buddhism faiths, both had preached common human values among people.

1. सिद्ध 1=11 महराजस्य देव । पुत्रस्य ।
2.  कणिष्कस्य संवत्सरे । १० ।
3. ग्रि २ दि एत्ये पुर्वय्
4.उतराये नवभिकार्य हा
5. म्ये   न्दत  प्रियता’ देवि ग्राम । स्य | ।।
संस्कृत छाया
सिद्धम् ।। महराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य कानकस्य संवत्सरे । दशमे  10 ग्री । – ष्म मासे  द्वितीये । २ = पूर्णिमान्ते वैशाखे  दि वसे नवमे एतस्यां पूर्वोयां  । तिथौ  । उत्तरायां ‘ नवमिकायां = उत्तरनवमिका-ग्रामस्य  उत्तरे भागे हम्र्य दत्तम् । प्रितां ‘ देवी ग्रामस्य ।।
Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the ancient Inscriptions by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
Kindly Visit
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