ancient indian history

Ganj Inscription of Vyaghra

According to Ajanta Cave 16 inscriptions, Vakatakas were brahmins of Visnuvrddha gotra and were staunch followers of vedas. Prithivishena 2, was a devotee of Vishnu.
Diring his reign he retrieved his position in vidarbha. He regained his kingdom. He raided Nala’s kingdom, devastated their capital puskari. Nalas were forced to abandon vidarbha region and return to their own home province.
Vyagradeva, who made this Inscription, was an uccakalpa prince of vyaghra. Uccakalpas were previously the feudatories of the gupta empire, when the power of Guptas declined in the second half of the 5th century CE.
They seem to have transferred their allegiance to the vakatakas. The reign of Prithvishena, ended in about 490 CE.
Thereafter his kingdom was incorporated in the dominion of harishena of vatsgulma branch.

Inscription number 12.
Ganj Inscription (of Vyaghra ) of the time of Prithivishena 2.
Provenance: Ganj, Panna District, Madhya Pradesh.
Script: Box headed variety of Late Brahmi of the Southern class of the 6th century A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: V.S. Sukthankar, Ep.Ind., XVII, pp. 12 ff. K.N. Dikshit, Ibid., pp. 362, D.C. Sircar, sel.Inss. I, pp.456.
1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind, XVIII, Facing pp.12,no.1. Sircar earlier assigned this inscription, as also the
one from Nachne-ki-talai with identical text (C.I.I, III, pp.234) to Prithvishena I (4th cent. AD.) (see Hist and Culture. of the Ind. People, III. The Classical Age, ed. Majumdar, pp.179, n.1).
But later changed his view in the light of the script. For थ , with 1oop inside the lower bend as found here,
cf. Sircar, Ep.Ind., XXXIII, pp.259, n.3 and XXXIV, pp.248, n.4, and SelInss.T, P.456, n.1.
This area, known now as Bundelkhand, was under Gupta rule till about the end
of the 5th century. A.D. when the Vaka-takas appear to have ousted them.
2. Vyaghra, the feudatory of Prithivishena 2, Vaka-taka,
has left three similar inscriptions.
No where he mentioned, the structures, he constructed. Presumably, the inscribed, slabs were built into them.
English Translation of the inscription

Vyaghradeva, who meditates on the feet of the Maharaja, the illustrious Prithivishena (of the family) of
the Vaka-takas, has made (this) for the sake of religious merit of his parents.

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