ancient indian history

Shahdaur Rock Inscripiton

Shahdaur Rock Inscription

(A) of Namijada —- Saka year 60.
Provenance: Shahdaur (Shodaur of the maps), Mansehrä tahsil, Hazara district, Pakistan
Script: Karoshthi.
Language: Prakrit.
References: Sten Konow, Ep.Ind XIX, pp.198-202.
1. This place of boulder, 13 x 16′, overlooking a small spring, is firmly burried in the soil. It bears the above inscription on the perpendicular side facing the north, and another on the top. The lattershows remnants of five lines. It must have extended to the south face, where the surface has greatly eroded.
संस्कृत छाया
राज्ञो नमिजातस्य शक संवत्सरे षष्टितमे, ६.०. सं-भण्डो:, बलवर्ध-पितुः झाति मित्र -वर्धनाय पुत्र हिताय .
1. रजन नमिजदस सक-स [बत् ]श [ रे *] ष [ ष्टि ★ ] [ अमि ] + 20 + 20+ 20 स-भडुस स-वलवढपि [ तु ] स [ञ ] ब –
2. मित्रवट [ने ] पुत्रहित [ए]
English Translation
Of the Rajan Namijada in the sixtieth, 60th saka year, together with Bhadu (or the Bhandu king) and his father Balavardha, for the increase of relatives and friends (and) for the welfare of his son.
हिन्दी अनुवाद
साठवें , ६०वें . शक वर्ष में भड्ड अथवा भंडु -राज और उसके
पिता बलवर्ध सहित राजा नमिजद का ( यह अभिलेख है ), संबंधियों और मित्रों के संवर्धर्नार्थ, और पुत्र हितार्थ

Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscription by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
(Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1.
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