ancient indian history

Punjabi brahmins

During Vedic period in 1000 BC, the term “Brahmin became universally known as the term for all members of the educated class. These brahmins and south Asia.Two groups of brahmins emerged from Central Asia while remaining two emerged from south Asia. The south Asian brahmins of Punjab were:-

The south Asian brahmins of Punjab were

1. Mohyal Brahmins
Sarswat Brahmins like bhanot, Ghosain,  Bhan, Jetli etc
2. Gaur Brahmins i.e Sharmas
3. Hussaini Brahmins whose ancestors had converted & had been following
During the Vedic period, the Brahmins
were  priestly class, serving as priests (purohit, pandit, or pujari) and spiritual teachers (guru or acharya) however subsequently many brahmins adopted kshatriya profession and proudly described them as Rajputs or as kshatriya Brahmins.
Pushyamitra established the first Brahmin Kingdom in Magadha. He founded the Shunga dynasty. He was the first ruler of Shunga dynasty.
Most of the south Asia’s regions like Iran Afganistan Kashmir Sindh etc comprised small kingdoms and were ruled by brahmin kings. Prominent among them were Chach, Raja Dahir, Porus etc. Roots of Shishodia dynasty can also be traced to brahminism.
Maharana Pratap family belong to   Shishodia community. However with passage of time they identified themselves with kshatriyas/Rajputs.
inscriptions up to as late as 1285 AD call them as Vipra or Brahmins. The earliest record of geneaology is the Atpur inscription of Shakti Kumar the 18th King after the founder king Guha Dutta, dated vaisakha 10 34 Vikarama 977 AD ( Refer Epigraphia Indica XXXIX pp 186) The inscription commemorating the erection of temple of namga swami inter alia states-आनंदपुर-विनिग्रत – विप्र – कुलानान्द्नो महिदेवा : !

जयति श्री गुह दत्ता ” प्रभव : श्री गुहिल- वंशस्य !!

Epigraphia Indica XXXIX pp 186 states that “ Victorious is Shri Guha Dutta, the Brahmin who is founder of Guhila Dynasity & who is the cause of joy to the family of Brahmins hailing from Anandpur.

In another inscription dated 1274 AD, bappa Rawal the 9th king of the dynasity, is also called “Vipra” ie a Brahmin. Another record of his dated 1285 tells us that Bappa exchanged Brahma (ie Brahminical) for Kshatriya Splendor & he is one of the most celebrated rulers of the dynasty

The Brahmins of the Punjab region, who settled on the banks of  river, Saraswati are called Saraswat Brahmins. They are Barahis, Bawanjais, Athwans,Dwivedi, Dubey and Mohyals
The Saraswat Brahmins are further divied into following main sections.1.Panja jati (five families), A subgroup of Punjabi Brahmins whose surnames are Jaitly, Trikha, Kumoria, Jinghan,Rampal and Mohla.2.

 Barahis comprise twelve casts, who marry among this community only.
 Bawanjais have 42 communities who marry within these communities.
Athwans comprise seven families, which include Joshis, Kurals, Bhanots, Sands, Pathaks, Bharadwajs, Shouries.These eight families marry among each other.
Mohyals comprise seven casts and consider them as a  warrior Brahmin race. They refrain from performing priestly duties. They are a group of seven clans (Balis, Bhimwals, Chhibber, Datts,Mohan, Laus, and Vaids). They generally own lands,and are mostly involved in military and administrative services.
Bhaskars originated from a place “Bado ki Gusaiyaan”  in Lahore. In the changed socio-economic circumstances however, the rigidity of having matrimonial alliances within particular groups amongst Barahis, Bawanjais, Athwans and Mohyals has greatly diminished, and they generally inter marry nowadays. Most of these Brahmins consider themselves as
 direct descendants of saptrishis. Mohyals trace their descent from Lord Parshuram who was the first Brahmin as per Hindu beliefs to wear arms and to conquer territories. Dwivedi Punjabi Brahmins are mostly in hoshiarpur district. In village Budhipind near tanda.
Surnames of Pujabi Saraswats- Issar, Markandey (or Markande), Kumaria, trikha, jaitley, mohla, jhingan,shorey,punj, Rampal, Modgil, kapil, kaushal, kanav, lakhanpal, tejpal, sehajpal, Bhardwaj, Attri, Devgan, Bhaskar, Mannan, Biala, Agnihotri, Dwivedi, Davesar, Prabhakar, etc.

The decision of partitioning india based on religion, was master minded by the then secular leaders of India led to massive voilence against brahmin community during mid 1947 to 1948 period.
The unethical decision had led to loss millions of hindu lives. As per an estimate close to two million hindus were killed, and most of them were brahmins of these communities.

There are some Hindus still alive who  clearly recall the exact horrible situation of partition days,  because the vulgar shouts (“Send your females out!”) have haunted them in their nightmares every night ever since the savage, separatist, undemocratic and illegal Partition of India took place in 1947. For the Hindus and Sikhs especially Punjabi brahmins living in the “Partitioned Indian Secular State”, this question is not buffoonery but a really dreadful fact of life, a part of recent history.

In the Noakhali district of Bengal there was a “Direction Acton Call” given by none other then Mohammad Ali Jinnah,which meant wholesale rape and slaughter of the Hindus who did not get any help or support from the fellow Hindus in the rest of India. It is our well established set tradition that when facing death the Hindu is on his own. In West Punjab, the Muslims did total ethnic cleansing in 1947, wiping out the entire Hindu and Sikh especially Punjabi brahmin communities.

Should history books of India wipe out this part of our history, as just a non event.  Should historians not bring truth worldwide, for awareness of the people. Whom are we fooling ?
Why did we celebrate 15 August, as Independence day.
But most of us always celebrate it with a guilt as we are aware in our subconscious mind that partition of India, had brought death, destruction and miseries to millions of Hindu families.
Unfortunately our conscious and subconscious minds had also never ever remembered those innocent hindu lives, who were made to leave their homes, in the cold winter season of 1947. Many hindus died due starvation or due pandemics like  cholera, malaria etc immediately after partition.
And the major reason of this neglect was that our leadership and the then historians, were busy in cover ups. Why are we, the Indians deceiving ourselves and forget our ancestors.
How can those born after 1947 in the present day truncated India in her disgusting borders, savagely tearing through the middle of Bengal, Kashmir and Punjab, understand the feelings, emotions and grief of those who were born in that pre-Partition India or those who lost their near dears or lost everything in the unethical & unjustified partition of India based on religion.
Consequent to partition, most of the hindu communities especially brahmin communities shifted to East Punjab and settled there happily forgetting past.
But their happiness was not digested by the secular Mohammad Ali Jinnahs followers, who started financing terrorism against Hindus during late 70s and mid 80s. Bindrawale a khalistani separatist leader, was chosen by Pakistan, to once again play dirty dance of death & destruction. Bindrawale’s men murdered many hindus, but for historians of India hindu genocide of mid 80s was a non event.
Bindrawale prepared a hit  list of hindus & strictly carried out his mission of ethnic cleansing as advised by his masters at Pakistan. This led to exodus of Hindu Brahmin communities to haryana. They witnessed two partitions, within a short period of time. Courtesy the so-called secular leadership of Pakistan.
It is pertinent to mention here that
1947 partition based on religion was illegal, unethical & inhuman event.
There was no plebiscite i.e no consent of common people was taken. Three people drew a line on the map with the help of british & forced millions of hindus (mostly brahmins) to leave their ancestral lands houses etc.
There was no justice No compensation for losses of hindus. The people who forced hindus to leave Pakistan were assured that they shall be shifting to a hindu nation But the congress leaders Gandhi Nehru betrayed the uprooted hindus. There was no security provided to hindus in Pakistan, while the same leadership provided safe passage to muslims shifting to Pakistan.
A new Constitution for our hindu part of  Partitioned India i.e hindu nation is very important to us, especially when Lahore and Dhaka had gone under islamic constitutions. This is must for coming generations of uprooted hindus, who have settled in Hindu part of partitioned India.

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