ancient indian history

Partition – 8

1947 Partition

A blood Soaked leaf kept in the history book of India.
India is home to numerous sacred sites, temples, pilgrimage destinations, and spiritual practices that attract devotees and seekers from around the world. It is the birthplace of  Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Mahavira, the founder of Jainism.
India, is the land of divinity, rich spiritual and religious heritage, par excellence, & has had the fortune of having God’s “sons and daughters” in abundance. India is known for its diverse and ancient religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, among others.
India’s historical association, with spirituality and mysticism, has contributed to its reputation as a land of divinity.
People often visit India to explore its spiritual heritage, practice meditation and yoga, or seek spiritual guidance from renowned teachers and gurus.
But it has a very sad & tragic blood soaked history of invasions due barbaric  islamic, Portuguese & British civilisations.
Cruelty of these invading cultures, had become a disgrace for the highly advanced human society of India, especially consequent to large scale religious the missionaries.
Hindus of India, (so-called higher casts by the invaders) were made to live, in most difficult conditions, during the few centuries of slavery of these muddy waters.
These waters were further dirtied by the secular leaders Jinnah & Nehru, who gave our society, another muddy  & polluted two nation theory.
According to the so-called secular doctorine, of this leadership, they partitioned the country based on religion. Jinnah, in fact, had gone one step ahead in his secularism doctorine. He gave direct action call to secular Muslim followers & the consequences were, two millions hindus dead and many more dragged out, from their ancestral homes. Consequent to
one sided population transfer,  many secular muslims didn’t shift to their newly acquired muslim nation.
Presumably they stayed back to teach some more lessons on secularism, with the help of  Gandhians, to the hindu survivors of 1947 Partition.
Our Gandhi Nehru idealogy was highly mean minded and was influenced by the theory of secularism, wherein cost of Hindu lives had no value, but loss of single muslim in any isolated case, was granted huge financial aid, by our governments obviously they were better vote banks then the Hindu survivors of islamic voilence. Other words, Gandhians & Nehruvians, committed a fraud against Hindus by gifting their properties to Jinnahites free of cost without consent of legal owners.
With each passing day, hindu, christian and ahmadi girls are being raped or killed or converted to Islam.
The fact of the matter is that muslims are the most favoured beneficiary under the current regimes. All the measures and decisions taken by the successive governments have benefitted the Muslim community, and not a single decision which benefitted uprooted communities due islamic voilence.
However the polluted idealogy, of our leadership, had shown broad mindedness to not only to  indigneous Islamists, but also China & Pakistan.
For example:-
1. Nehru gave  91,000 square miles of Indian land to China during 1948,
but were adamant, when approached for compensation by hindus in lieu of properties they had gifted to Jinnah for creation of Pakistan.
2. Nehru didn’t protest when China forcibly took over Tibbet. Tibbet had always been part of British India.
3. They gifted half of Kashmir to Pakistan inspite of the fact that Maharaja Hari Singh acceded his kingdom to India.
4. Nehru gave independent flag & independent constitution to Kashmir, while implementing 370 and 35A.
5. They implemented “Nehru-Liaquat Ali agreement” in Pakistan, but not implemented it in hindu part of Partitioned India i.e no population exchange,  & did not expel 5 crore muslim infiltrators,
6. Indra Gandhi converted 1971 victory into defeat.
& So on.
How can people forget so many misdeeds. From where did Gandhians imported brains that people forgot their misdeeds?
Did Gandhians lack guts to honour the memory of betrayed hindu population because the enemy could have got offended?
The honorable Jews have made Holocaust Museums all over the world but our Gandhians could not do that.
And why not present leadership has guts to drop arrogant tyrant name of Indira Gandhi, from an airport. Indra Gandhi had crushed the freedom of expression of one billion of us by declaring emergency.
Why not to rename the New Delhi International Airport after our own “Defender of Hindu Dharma”Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
While renaming cities, parks, buildings, airports etc, But what to do about our inferior genes that, we have not yet responded bravely to those invaders who forced their foreign faith upon our ancestors by sword and fire? 
Unfortunately, the Muslim society is being funded by petrodollars coming from the Arabic Islamic nations, on the name of Islamic education, but end up constructing mosques and madrassas in each neighbourhood, which means more and more radicalisation of Muslim youth.
Most unfortunate part is that the bigger leftist echo system working in tandem with the Islamic radical force.

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