ANTIALKIDAS. King of Kapisa and Gandhara. -135 to 95 B.C.
AR. Attic tetradrachm. Qundus hoard, Kabul Museum.
References: J.N.S.I., XVII, 1955, Pt. I, pl.VI.6, M.V.D. Mohan,
Indo Greek Coins. p. 196, pl. VI, 5.
Obv: Within bead-and-reel border, draped and helmeted bust of antialkidas, diad, one end floating and the other stiffly suspended.
Rev: Zeus enthroned half l, holding wreath, bearing Nike in outstretched r. hand, sceptre in 1. In 1. field fore-part of elephant. To r. mon. 120. Above
Antialkidas (means Victorious) was an Indo Greek king, who reigned from #Taxila. from 135 to 95 B.C. His kingdom included parts of modern Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Of the two #rulers, Antialkidas and Archebius, who from their #coins are known to have succeeded to the
dominions of #Heliokles, Antialkidas appears to be the senior.The exact relation of these two with Heliokles
is unknown. But it is certain that they belonged to the #house ot Eukratides, since #Dioscuroi symbols appear on the coins of both. Though neither is connected through a common monogram with Heliokles, Antialkidas shares a number of them with #Menander, indicating his proximity
in time to the latter. Archebius, on the other hand, used the monogram 17 in common with Strato. This #mono-
gram had been in use since the days of Euthydemus I, has very little value as a chronological datum. Still I am inclined to regard owner of the monogram on the coins of #Archebius and #Strato as one and the same person.
He may have inherited his name and monogram from an ancestor, who had worked for Euthidemus 1. Archebius
was nearer to Strato that time.Thus the evidence of monogram places Antialkidas earlier and Archebius
later. We, therefore, agree with Dr. Tarn that Heliokles
Immediate successor was Antialkidas. Heliokles died about 135 B C
Antiaklidas is also remembered through the #Garuda pillar inscription at besnagar, near Gwalior, This inscription
records the “setting up of a Garuda pillar (dhvaja, lit. flag post) in honour of the God of gods, Vasudeva, by the
Greek ambassador, Heliodorus, son of Dion, and a Bhagavata
by faith, who hailed from Takshila, and had come from the great king Antialkidas to the court of the #Saviour king Kautsiputra Bhagabhadra during the latter’s 14th prosperous regnal year. King Bhagabhadra of this inscription
haa been identified with Bhaga or Bhagavata, the ninth
#Sunga king in the #Purana lists. His 14th regnal year would
concide with 100 B. C. Thus Antialkidas, who lived upto 100 B. C or perhaps a litle beyond this date, had a long reign.
King of Kapisa and Gandhara.–135 to 95 B.C
Attic tatradrachm.
Qundus hoard Kabul Museum.
Dr M. V. D. Mohan Indo Greek Coins
Page 196, Pl.VI, 5.
Within bead-and-reel border draped and helmeted bust of Antialkidas, died. one end floating and the other
stiffly suspendad.
Reverse: Zeus enthroned half, 1 holding wreath, bearing Nike in outstretohed right hand. sceptre in one In one
field: forepart of elephant