ancient indian history

Buddhist Inscriptions

Inscription number 97.
Mathura Buddhist Image Inscription of the time of Hurvishka – Year 51.
Provenance: Huteshwar mound, Mathura.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit
References: Growse, J.S.A.R, XLVII, Pt.I, p-130
Luders: List No. LII.
Text of the inscription

महाराजस्य देव पुत्रस्य हुविषकस्य संवत्सरे 51 हेमन्त मस 1 दि

संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य देव पुत्रस्य हुविषकस्य संवत्सरे 51 हेमन्त मस 1 दिवसे

From the facsimile in J.A.S.B Vol XLVII, Pt I.

English Translation of the inscription
In the year 51 of Maharaja Devaputra Huvishika on the day of the first month of winter.

Inscription number 98.
Mathura Buddhist Image Inscription of the Time of Huvishka Saka Year 51 AD 129
Provenance Jamalpur mounds, Mathura, U.P.
Script Brahmi
Language Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit
References: R.D. Baner ji. Ep.Ind. X,p-112 ff: No. VI, Plate I, D.C. Sircar,
Sel Inss, I, pp-157-58, No. 55.
1. महाराजस्य देव पुत्रस्य हुविषकस्य संवत्सरे 51 हेमन्त मस 1 दि व सं अस य पुव्र्वा या भीक्षुना बुधि वमेणा भगवत ग क्य मुने :
2. प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठापित सर्व बुध पूज़ात्र्थ म अनु न दे य धर्म
प्रित्यामेन उपद्यायस्य सयदासस्य निवानावा जन्येस्तु माता-य् इत्रो च बुधार्थम ईदम चा दानं
3. बुधर्मस्य सर्व द जोयशम य सर्व तत्व हित सुखार्थ म हा राजदे व पुत्र वि हारे

1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind,.X,Plate I (p. 10 7) No. VI.
2. Banerji (bhi) kanuno Buddnavarma (nah)
English Translation of the inscription
In the year 5, the first month of the
day on this date specified as above,
an image of lord Sakya was set up by Bhikshu Buddnavarman, in honour of all the buddhas. Let the merit accruing
from the bestowal of this religious gift be for the attainment of nirvana by
the upadyaya (teacher)
Samghadasa and the donor’s
mother and father and for
the welfare and happiness of all beings, be the gift of Buddhaverman for the honour of Buddha in the Vihara of
the Maharaja Davaputra.

Inscription number 99.
Khawat (wardak) Bronze Vase Inscription of the Time
of Huvishka Saka Year 51 (AD 129)
Provenance: Ruined stupas, Khawat (Wardak) 48 kms west
of Kabul, Afghanistan, Now in British museum
SCRIPT Kharoshthi

Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit
References: Rajendr lala Mitra, J.A.S.B. 1861, p337, and Bayley ‘s note ibid, p347, J. Dowson,
J.R.A.S. XX, Pp-231-68, M Senart J.A,
sér 8, Vol XV, (1890). p121, Ser 9,
(1896) p8, F E. Pargiter Ep.Ind, XI,
pp-210 f, Konow C.I.I., II, i, p-170
D-C. Sircar, select, Inss, I, pp-158-59.
From C.I.I, II, i, Plate XXXIII facing p-170, and Ep.Ind. XI, pp 210-11 plates.
Text of the inscription
1. सं 20+20+10 वर्ष मासे 1 दि अर्थ मिसिय सस्तेहि 10+4+1 इयेण गड्रिग्रेण कमगुल्य – पुत्र वग्र मरेग्र स इय
खवदग्रि कदलयिग्र वग्र मरिग्र विहरम्रि थुस्तीम्रि भग्रवद
शक्यमुने शरिर वरिठ वेती
2. इमेण कुशल मुलेण महरज रजतिरज होवेष्क्स्य अग्र भग्रए भवतु
मद पिदर मे पुयए भवतु भ्रदर मे ह्ष्युण म्रेगरस्य पुयए भवतु
महिय च्र वग्र म्रेगरस्यअग्र भग्र पड्रियशं
3. भवतु सर्व सत्वण अरोग दक्षिणए भवतु अविये नरग्र-पर्यत
घव भवग्र यो अत्र अंतर अंडजो जलयुग क्षय फ तिम
असप्यत सर्विंण पुयए भवतु महिय च्र रोहण सद सर्विण
अवषड्रिमन सपरिवर च्र अग्र भग पड्रियश ए भवतु मिथ्यगस्य
च्र अग्र भय भवतु

4. एष विहरं अचं च र्यण महसंघिगण परि ग्रह ( ।। )

संस्कृत छाया
सं । वत्सरे एकप चाशत्तमे ५१ मासस्य अर्थ मिस्या नाम्न:
यवन-मासस्य | सस्तेहि १५ = दिवसे ५ पन्च दशे अनेन घटिकेन ( = अस्या’ घटिकायां , कमगूल्य-पुत्र: वग्र-मरेग: -विहारे स्तूपे भगवत: शाक्यमुने शरीरं प्रतिष्ठापयति अनेन कुशल मुलेन इदं पुण्यस्य मूलं महाराज राजातिराज-हुविष्कस्य अग्र-भागाय भवतु: माता-पित्रो : मे पूजायै भवतु भ्रातु: मे हष्धुण: मरेगस्य पूजायै भवतु, भ्रातु: मे
हष्धुण: मरेगस्य पूजायै भवतु एतत च मे भूय: झातिक मित्र संभ्रातृकाणां = बान्धवानां पूजायै भवतु,
मम च वग्र-मरेगस्य अग्र-भागाय -प्रत्यंशाय मुख्यभागरूपाशाय भवतु । सर्व-सत्त्वानाम् आरोग्य-दक्षिणायै – आरोग्य दान-लाभाय भवतु । अपि च नरक-पर्यन्तात्
( अधस्तन-लोकानां शेष-सीमात:
समारभ्य यावद् भवाग्र (स्वर्ग लोक )
– यः अत्र अन्तरे अण्डज:- जारायुक: जरायुज: शष्पादिकं (उद्भिभज्ज)
अरुप्यात्मा (अगोचरात्मा) सर्वेषा पूजायै भवतु । मम च रोहाणां = वंशधराणां सदा सर्वेषाम्

1. Konow masy (e) Arthamisiya sastehi According to him sastehi is identical with Khotäni saka word sasta,
past participle of the base/sad to shine/to appear.
used with reference to the sun. Sastehi
15 = When 15 had appeared. Senart proposes –
It is used in the sense of day in several Kharoshthi records.
Macedonian month Artemisios roughly corresponds to the Indian Vaisakha”Jyaishtha.

2. Konow Thu (ba) m (r)
3. The seemingly otiose r stroke below several consonants, is
presumably is used to indicate variant consonant sounds
peculiar to north-western dialects.

4. The two dots above na, seem to represent Visarga. They
are not found in Indian Kharoshthi records, but are found in a Sanskrit Kharoshthi document from Endere in
Eastem Turkestan where they are used vith a few exceptions to represent visarga. see Konow C.I.I, II, i, p-166.
5. Pargiter ‘s amendment ariya ( Skt.आर्य)
6. Konow ya yetiga (Skt.cha yavat i.e. as far as)

English Translation of the inscription

Anno 51, in the month Artemesios , when 15 had appeared at this hour the Kamagulya action on Vagramarega, vihara in a stupa. Through this root of bliss, may it be for the
principal lot of the Maharaja Rajätiraja Huvishka, may it be for the honour of my mother and father, may it be for the
honour of my brother Hashthuna Marega. and may it, generally
be for the honour of my relatives, friends and associates,
may it be for the sharing in the principal lot for myself, Vagramarega. may it be for the benefit of health of all beings.
And moreover, let it be for the honour of all.
What there is here between, from hell up to the a culminating point of existence (superior most existence as of heaven) egg-bom and the viviparous ones, grass and the like plant life
and formless beings, and for all my descendants, who are not
heretical, and also along with their families, may it always be
for the sharing of the principal lot and may there also be a
principal lot for the man of false belief.
This vihara is the acceptance of the Mahasamgnika teachers.

Kanow C:I.I., II, i. p 170.

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