ancient indian history

Ehuvala Chamtamula Inscriptions

Inscription number183.
Nagarjunikanda inscription of Ehuvula Chantamula.
Regnal Year 2.
Provenance: Itikarallaboda mound, about 500 metres to the
northwest of Great Chaitya in Nagarjunikanda hills, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh.
Script: Southern Brahmi of about the end of 3rd century A.D.
Language: Prakrít.
Refrences: J.Ph. Vogel, EP.Ind XX, Detached Pillar Inscription G, pp.23-24.
From the facsimile in Ep-Ind XX. Detached Pillar inscription facing pp 24
Vasishthi-putra Ehuvala Chamtamula ruled for close to 24 years, as per available records.
The Ikshvaku kingdom had reached its peak during his rule.
Several Hindu and Buddhist shrines were also built during his reign.
The Ikshvaku kingdom faced many foreign invasions during his reign, which he successfully repelled.
Hariti-putra Virapurushadatta, the son of Ehuvala and queen Kapanashri bore the title Maharaja but could not ascend the throne, as he died before his father. Ehuvala was succeeded by Rudrapurushadatta, who was his son from Vammabhatta, the daughter of a Mahakshatrapa.
English Translation of the inscription

Success ! Adoration to the Lord, the leader of the Law of the Three worlds. Mahadevi Bhattideva, the daughter-in-law of Maharaja Vasishthiputra, Sri Santamula of (the house of Ikshvakus (who is) adopted by Mahasena, the Lord of the Virupaksha; the performer of agnihotra, Agnishtoma, Vajpeya and asvamedha sacrifices (and who is the giver of crores of gold pieces, lacs of cows and lacs of Ploughs (of land and
(who is) unimpeded of purpose in all his objectives (she who is) the wife of Maharaja Madhariputra ie Virapurushadatta,
and she who is, the mother of Maharaja
Sri Ehuvula Santamula, has erected this monastery vihara, containing the images of all the Jinas (Bodhisattvas) for the acceptance of the masters of the Bahusrutiya section of the Mahasanghika School
of Buddhism.
The year, second, the summer night
for the welfare and happiness
of all the people.

1. Bahusrutiya was a sub division of the Gokulika sect of the Mahasanghika school of Buddhism.
cf. M. Walleser,
Die Sekten des alten Buddhism, pp6, and 21.
2. Virupaksha is the name of siva because the uneven number of his eyes. It is also the name of one of
sivas attendants.
The reference in these Inscription,
is to the latter.
Inscription number 184
Nagarjunikanda inscription of Ehuvula Chantamula – Regnal Year 2.
Provenance: Stupa number 5, about southeastern foot of the Nagarjunikanda hills, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh.
Script: Southern Brahmi of about the end of 3rd or 4th century A.D.
Language: Prakrít influenced by Sanskrit.
Refrences: J.Ph. Vogel, Ayaka Pillar inscription G 2, EP.Ind XXI,, pp.62.
From the facsimile in Ep.Ind. XXI (Ayaka pillar Inscription G 2). The text of the Ayaka Pillar G 3, inscription
including the date, is virtually identical. Hence it is omitted. Note the conjuncts like
In this inscription and ( in the next (Inscription of Ehuvula Santamula, Regnal year 11. There are other inscriptions of this kind as also Sanskrit ones belonging to Ehuvula Santamula’s time.
(Therefore we may reach a conclusion that Sanskrit is more ancient to other languages like Tamil, Telgu etc.
cf Ep.Ind XXXII, pp.147 ff.
3. In the records of his reign, Virapurushadatta is called
Rajan. except in uppugundur Marble Pillar Inscription,
where he is called a Maharaja.
English Translation of the inscription
Success ! Salutation to lord Buddha.
This Monastery provided with everything, has been erected as a plus gift of from the Chief queen, Bhattideva, the wife of the Great
King, Mathari-putra Sri Virapurushadatta, and the daughter-in-law of Vasishthiputra Sri Santamula of the house of the Ikshavakus, who is favoured by Mahasena, the lord of Virupaksha, the performer of Agnihotra. Agnishtoma, Vajpeya and Asvamedha (sacrifices), the giver of many crores of Gold pieces, lacs of cows and lacs of ploughs and is unimpeded, in his intentions in all matters:
(for the acceptance of) the Masters of tne Bahusrutiya sect.
In the second year of King Vasishthiputra, Sri Ehuvala Santamula, of the house of the Ikshvakus; the sixth, fortnight of summer the tenth day.
Inscription number 185
Nagarjunikanda inscription of Ehuvula Chantamula – Regnal Year 11.
Provenance: Stone pillar in the ruins of the vinara in the village, Kottampalugu, to the north of Nagarjunikanda, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh.
Script: Southern Brahmi of about the end of 3rd or 4th century A.D.
Language: Prakrít.
Refrences: J.Ph. Vogel, Detached Pillar inscription H, EP.Ind XX,, pp.24.
Footnote 1

1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind., XX, (Detached pillar inscription Number. H) faclng pp.25.
2. In another record, the name is spelt as
cf. the name of a Darai inscription of
the 7th century (A Report S.I. E, 1933-34, pp.41)
3. Not noticed by Vogel, is clearly legible.
4. Read
5. Read Usually Santamula is called Maharaja
and nis son, Raja. But here all the kings are given the higher title.
6. Possibly a reference to the so-called Chutu-Satakarni kings of Banavasi.
7. Since the ruins of a Chaitya and no cave have been discovered at the site the intended reading may be

Footnote 2
Tney were a branch of the Sthaviravadins (I.H.Q. XXIV,,
pp.252). The 10,000 heretical monks subdued in the Second Buddhist Council, formed the Mahasanghika school.
from which arose the Gokulika and Ekavyavaharika sects.
From tne Gokulika arose the Prajnapati and Bahulika sects,
and from these the Chetiyas.
Two more sects parted from
the Sthavira doctrine, viz. Mahisasaka and Vajjiputriya.
From the Mahisasaka parted the sarvartha and Dhaemaguptika, and from the sarvartha arose the Kasyapiya
thence the Samkrant and hence the Sutra.
Among the later sect5, the Haimavata, Rajagiriya, Siddnarthaka, Purva – Salliya, Apara-Sailiya and Vajiriya,
belonged to India while the Dharma uchi and Sagaliya belonged to Ceylon.

English Translation of the inscription
Success Adoration to the Truly Enlightened Lord.
On the seventh day of the first, fortnight of
the eleventh (regnal) year of the Maharaja Vasishthiputra Sri Ehuvula,
Santamula of the house of the Ikshvalkus; this
excavation (i.e Chaitya) and the monastery have been established by Kodabalisri the Chief queen of the Maharaja of Vanavasaka, (and the sister of Maharaja Vasishthniputra
Ehuvala Santamula of the Ikshvaku lineage and daughter of
Maharaja Mathariputra Sri Vira Purushadatta (and the grand-
daughter of Maharaja Vasishthniputra Santamula of the Ikshvakus house, the performer of Agnihotra Agnisthoma
Vajpeya and Ashvamedha Sacrifices and) donor of many crores
of gold pieces, lacs of cows and lacs of Ploughs. (and) who is unimpeded in his Purpose: for the acceptance of the
Masters of the Mahisasaka sect. aiming at he welfare of)
the Community (of monks.) From all the four quarters and for
the welfare and happiness of the sentient beings These
have been executed by the monk Dharmaghosha, the Master and the
great Preacher of the Law.

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