ancient indian history

Inscription of Vasudeva father of lord Krishna

Inscription number 102
Mathura (Palikhara) Buddha Image Inscription of
the time of Vasudeva, Saka Year 64 or 67 (142 or 145 A D)
Provenance: Palikhra, 7 Kilometers from Mathura, U.P
Script: Brahmi
Language: Line 1 Sanskrit & the rest Prakrít
M.M. Nagar, Proc.. I. H.C, Hyderabad 1941. pp-163-64 D.C. Sircar, Ep.Ind, XXX, pp.181-84: Sel.Inss, I, pp161-62, No. 56A

From facsimile in Ep: Ind. XXX facing
p. 184.
2. Devaputrasya may have been preceded by a symbol followed
by Maharajasya Resorations in the beginning off each line, are mggestad by Sircar.
1. The lost word may be
2. Till this inscription was discovered, the earliest record known of Vasudeva was of the year 74. corresponding
to the year 152 AD. (List No. 60) The last known date of Huvishka is the year 60 (See Luders’ List No 56)
The present inscription reduces this gap of 14 years to only four or seven Years respactively, to AD. 142 and 145. As the rainy season, followed the full-moon day of the month of Ashadha and lasted for four months till the full moon of Kartika., The rainy month corresponded to tne lunar (Purnimanta,
month of Bhadrapada (August-September). The actual date
of the inscription therefore was a day of bhadrapada in 142 or 145 A D.
Text of the inscription
1. देवपुत्रस्य वसुदेवस्य सं 60+4 वर्ष मासे द्वितिया दिवसी
2. सत्वा नं सव्र्वष यत्रोपनान पूजार्थ
3. सर्व बुद्धा न परिग्रहा य अचरीयन महासघिका (नं )
4. शाक्य मुनी नि त्य स्य प्र तिमा स गिहा माता
5. पित्रेन अभसितनं कु ट बिकानं मुह सेनेन

संस्कृत छाया

–[देव ] पुत्रस्य वासुदेवस्य संवत्सरे ( चतुःषष्ठितमे यद्धा (सप्तषष्टितमे ) ६४ (यदा ६७) वर्षा-मासे द्वितीये (पूर्णिमान्त-
भाद्रपदे), २, दिवसे ( हितसुखार्थ) । सत्त्वानां *] सर्वेषां यत्रोत्वन्नानां ‘, पूजार्य [ सर्व बुद्धा *] नां , परिग्रहाय आचार्याणां माहासांधिकानां ‘,
[ शाक्यमु * ] ने: प्रतिमा स-गृहा, माता-पितृभ्यां ( सह ) अभासितानां (या अभाषितानां ) कुटुम्बकानां गुहसेनेन [ प्रतिष्ठापिता * }

English Translation of the inscription

On day of the second month, 2 of the rainy season in year 64 (or 67) of
Devaputra Vasudava (on this aforesaid day, an image of the
Sakyamuni together with a shrine (for it) vas installed.
by Guhasana belonging to family of
Abhasitas along with his mother and father, for the acceptance of the
teacher of the Mahasangika community, for honouring
the Buddhas ( for the welfare and happiness of all the creatures.

Vāsudeva was a powerful emperor, among Kushana and his reign extended from at least 191 to 232 CE. He ruled in Northern India and Central Asia, where he minted extensive coinage in the city of Bactria.
His rule led to lesser influence of China in central asia as Vasudeva had filled the power vacuum in that area, consequent to reign of Huvishika.Buddhist, dharmaguptaka group also had grown during his rule.
End of his rule coincided with the invasion of the Sassanians in the north west India, Vasudeva lost the territory of Bactria to Sassanians.
Thereafter, Kushan rule was restricted to eastern regions, in western and central Punjab. Else vasudeva’s rule was relatively peaceful & he encouraged art & cultural activities during his reign.
Several Buddhist statues, dated to the reign of Vasudeva, are discovered in mathura.

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