ancient indian history

Mathura Inscriptions

Vasudev belonged to Vrishni or Satvata tribe, and his followers called themselves Bhagavatas.
Vusadeva was the last Kushan emperor. End of his rule coincided with the invasion of the Sassanians as far as northwestern India.

Bhagavata religion had evolved around Vasudeva Krishna belonging to Vrishni clan. There have been several archeological evidences were recovered from various sites at Mathura.
This era witnessed evolution of image worship (Moorti Puja), which was based on scientific concepts of focussing spiritually on physical objects.
Puja of the images of divinities began to replace vedic yajya processes during this period. Early Vedic literature had been absorbed with simple methods of propitiation of Gods.
Rise of these new spiritual awakening ways of worship for the benefit of common people, had led to most important changes in the history of Hinduism.
Hindu civilization therefore witnessed extraordinary development during these evolutionary moments of the history of sanatan dharma. Image-worship and image-making had attained centrality, wherein common people actively participated in religious activities.
This process evolved a broad minded & tolerant faith.
The bhagavata religion that evolved around Vasudeva Krishna fused with the cults of the Vedic Vishnu, the cosmic god Narayana, and the pastoral deity Gopala. As a result of the fusion, Vasudeva Krishna as incarnation of Vishnu, emerged as supreme power.
Concurrently, Vishnu rose to be the most influential member of the triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva – Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer.

Mathura, had therefore always been connected with Krishna of the Mahabharata.
The most noteworthy archaeological finds of Mathura are the Vasu doorjamb inscription, the Mora doorjamb, and the Mora well inscription, all dated to the early Common Era, and recovered from the site of Katra Keshavadeva.

Inscription number 103.
Mathura Stone Slab Inscription of the Time of Vasudeva – Year 74.
Provenance: Jail mound, Mathura.
Script: Brahmi.
Language: Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit.

References: R.L Mitra, J.A.S.B. XXXIX, Pt.I, pp 129, No 15, Dowson, J.R.A.S,
New Series, Vol.V,
pp.183, No- 4, Cunningham, A. S. I.R, III, p-32, No 8: H Luders. Ind.Ant, XXXIII, p-106, No 20, Ep-Ind, IX, Pp- 241-46.
Text of the inscription
1 महाराजस्य रा जातिराज
2 स्व दैव पुत्रस्य वासु देवस्य
3 संवत्सरे 70+4 वर्ष मा
4 ते प्रथमे दिवसे
5. त्रि ग 30 अस्यं पुव्व्रयं
6 तलक्रिय महदाण्ड
7 नायकस्य वा
8 लिनस्य क् षे त्रे विहि महादंड

संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य राजातिराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य वासुदेवस्य संवत्सरे ७४,तमे वर्षामासे प्रथमे , दिवसे त्रिश ३० अस्था पूर्वाोय़ां तलकयि महादण्डनायकस्य
वालिन : क्षेत्रे महादंड नायक

हिन्दी अनुवाद
सिद्धि हो । महाराज वासुदेव के संवत्सर ८० हेमन्त मास १ दिवस १२ । इस पूर्वोक्त तिथि में श्रावक ( सनक दास ] की पुत्री, संघातिथि की बहू, बल की माता ने —-

1. From the facsimile in Ep Ind, Vol.IX, Pl. facing p242. This is the only impression available now. In some
places, it has been tampered with by pencilling out parts of letters that in the impression itself are
more or less effected. The original stone is lost, as noted by Cunningham.
English Translation of the inscription
In the year 74 of the Maharaja Rajatiraja Devaputra Vasudeva. In the first month of the rainy season, on the thirtieth–30th-day. On that date specified as above in the field of the great General valina at Telakiya.
The faint traces are totally illegible. Luders restored the reading entirely
on the authority of Capt.V Vatts eye-copy. There is a gap of about
two lines before these traces, which form the bottom line of the Facsimile. I have numbered this line as X.
2. Luders
104. Mathura Image Inscription of the time of Vasudeva – (Saka) Year 80 (A D 158)
Provenance: Kankali Tila, Mathura, U.P.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit
References: Buhler, Ep.Ind, I, p 392, No 24, Luders, List, No. 66, R. D. Banerji, Ep.ind, X, pp116,
No. 10, DC. sircar, Sel-Inss, pp162,
NO 57.

English Translation of the inscription

Success In the year 80 the 1st month of winter, the 12th day of the Maharaja Vasudeva, on that (date
specified as) above. the daughter of the lay desciple Sanakadasa,
the daughter in law of samghatithi,
the mother of Bala ——–
Text of the inscription
सिथ महाराजस्य वासुदेवस्य सं 80 हमव =हमत 1 दि 10+2 एतस पुव यां सनक दसस
2. धि त्र संघ तिथित वधुये वतस्य

संस्कृत छाया
सिद्धम् ।। महाराजस्य वासुदेवस्य सं ( वत्सरे अशीतितमे ) ८० हेमन्त – ( मासे प्रथम ) १ दि (वसे द्वादशे ) १२/— एतस्यां पूर्वायां [ सनकदासस्य ? ) दुहित्रा सडन्णतिथे वध्वा बलस्य ( मात्रा)

1. From the facsimile in Ep-Ind, I, Pl. No. 24. On Ep.Ind X, Pls. VII and VIII, of the image the inscription is not legible.
2. Buhler हण Banerjee हमव which stands for हमत a superfluous line joining the base of त through the carelessness of the engraver converted it to व

3. Banerji sa (va) ko Sircar सनक (दसस)
4. Buhler धितु संघ नधि (स्व) which is = skt संघनिधि
R D Baner ji. Ep- Ind, X, pp-117 संघनाधि

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