ancient indian history

Mathura inscriptions

According to few scholars, lord krishna was called vasudev. He was born as a Kshatriya. Vasudeva is avatar of Vishnu & is a four-armed divinity, his elder brother Balarama to his right under a serpent hood, his son Pradyumna to his left (lost), and his grandson Aniruddha on top, as was found in a few image Inscriptions of 2nd century kept at, Mathura Museum.
Therefore, there are sufficient evidences available to us, which suggest that Krishna was infact a historical figure, who had lived about a few thousand years ago.
This evidence is not just literary but we have empirical evidences available to us in the form of Inscriptions.

Inscription number 105 Mathura Jain Image Inscription of the time of Vasudeva
Provenance Kankali Tibba. Mathura
Script Brahmi
Language Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit
Text of the inscription

सिधम् महाराजस्य वासुदेवस्य संवत्सरे 80+3 वर्ष मा 2,
10+6 दिवसे, ऐतस्य
पूव्र्वये सेनस्य
धि तु दत्तस्य वधूये रूप च स्य
मान्चिकस्य कुटुम्बिनिये ज़िनदासिय प्रतिमा ध र्म द नि

संस्कृत छाया
सिद्धम् । महाराजस्य वासुदेवस्य ( वत्सरे ) 83 ग्रीष्म मासे २. दि ( वसे ) १० (+)६ । एतस्यां पूर्वायां सेनस्य दुहितु: दत्तस्य वध्वा: व्य च स्य गन्धिकस्य कुटुंबिया: जिनदास्या : प्रतिमा धर्म दानं

हिन्दी अनुवाद
सिद्ध हुआ महाराज वासुदेव के संवत्सर ८३ की ग्रीष्म ऋतु के द्वितीय मास के १६वें दिवस । इस पूर्वोक्त तिथि में सेन की पुत्री दत्त की पुत्रवधू गन्धिक की धर्म पत्नी जिनदासी का धर्मदान (यह ) प्रतिमा है।

References Dawson JR.A.S V (NS),,
p.184. Number 6,
Cunningham, A.S.I.R . 111. p 34. No 16, Pl-XV:1890, Correction by Buhler. Viena Orient Journal, IV,: p-304 Luders. I.A, XXXIII, p- 107. No 21, List of Brahmi Inscriptions No 68.

1. From the facsimile in A.S.I.R, III.
2. Buhler
English Translation of the inscription

Approved, In the year 83 of Maharaja Vasudeva, in the 2nd month af summer. On the 16th day. On this date (specified)
as above Jinadasi. daughter of Sena, daughter-in-law of Datta, Wife of the perfumer, dedicated an image as religious donation.

Inscription number 106

Mathura Jain Image Inscription of the time of Vasudeva year 84
Provenance Kankali Banks of balabhadra kunds,, Mathura.
Script: Brahmi
Language Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit
References:, Vogel, Archeological museum Mathura (catalogue) p67,
No B4, R.D Bandopadhyay, J.A.S.B, V, 1909,No 8, pp276-277.
Text of the inscription
सिधम महार जस्य र जा तिर जस्य देवपुत्रस्य षाहि व सुदेवस्य
राजस्य वत्सरे 80+4, गृष्म मासे दि 2.
2. दि 1, एतस्य पु र्वा या भवदत्तस्य उगभिनकस्य वधूत स्य
3. भगवतो शर्हत्ता उषभस्य प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठापिता धर सहस्य
कु टु ब (ह) निए मि गुत्तकुमार द तस्य निर्वत्र्तन

संस्कृत छाया

सिद्धम् । महाराजस्य राजातिराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य षाहि वासुदेवस्य राज्य-संवत्सरे ८४, ग्रीष्म-मासे द्वितीये २ दि ( वसे ) ५ एतस्या’ पूर्वायां
महादत्तस्य उगमिनकस्य वध्वा
कुटुबिन्या भगवत: अर्हत: श्रषभस्य
प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठा पिता धरसहस्य कुटुंबिन्या : — गुप्त कुमारदत्तस्य निर्वर्तनम् ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद
सिद्ध हुआ । महाराज राजातिराज देवपुत्र षाहि वासुदेव के राज्य संवत्सर ८४ में ग्रीष्म के द्वितीय , २. मास में दिवस ५ को । इस पूर्वोक्त तिथि में उगमिनक ( उममिन निवासी) भटदत्त की पुत्रवधू [ धरसह ] की पत्नी ने भगवान् अर्हत ऋषभ की प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठित कराई ।
• धरसह की पत्नी उममिनक भटदत्त की पुत्रवधू का दान । गुप्त कुमारदत्त की यह निवर्तना है ।
English Translation of the inscription
Success in the reign of Maharaja Rajatiraja Devaputra Shahi Vasudeva, in the year 84. the 2nd month
of summer, 5th day. On that date specified as above,
the wife of, the daughter-in-law of the Bhatadatta, a resident of Ughabine, has erected an image of the Lord, the
Arhat Rishabha.
This is the nivartana of
the wife of Dharasaha – — (and) of Kumaradatta.

1. Bandyopadhya भव दत्त स्य धित भ टकस्य वधू एशि दिस कुटुबिनिये गधिक
2. Bandyopadhya has not deciphered the rest of 1.3.

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