ancient indian history

Mathura Jain Image Inscription-1

63. Mathura Jain Image Inscription of the time of Kanishka (Year 5)
Provenance: Kankali tile near Mathura.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit
References Buhler. Ep.ind- p.381, No. I; Luders, I.A, XXXIII, Pp 34-36, No. IV, List Br-Inss, No: XVIII,

Mathura is a sacred place for both Hindus as well as Jains. The Jain Chaurasi Temple was built by Mathura Jain Samaj in the memory of Jambu Swami, who attained nirvana here. It is therefore a place of salvation for the followers of Jainism.

A1. देवपुत्रस्य क णि ष् कस्य स [-] हे । दि १ एतस्य पूव्र्व यं कोट्टियातो गंणातो बहमदासिका तो [कु ]
A2. लातो उ । चेनागुरिनो शाखातो- सेथीनिह स्यं शि ।षि । नि सेनस्य सहचरि खुडाये निवत । ना * ।
B1. पालस्य धित
B2. वाथमनस्य प्रति । मा * 11

संस्कृत छाया
देवपुत्रस्यvकनिष्कस्य सं वत्सरे । हे । मन्तमासे दि वसे एतस्य
पूर्वीय़ां कोट्टियात: गणत: ब्रह्मदासिकत: कुलत: उच्चैनगरित: शाखात : सेथीनिह शिष्या या : सेनस्य सार्द्धचर्या क्षुर्दाया:
निर्वर्तना पालस्य दुहितु वर्धमानस्य प्रतिमा

English Translation १of the Inscription
In the year 5 of Devaputra Kanishka, in the Ist month of winter, on the lst day
date specified as ——-
Above an image of Vardhamane (was dedicated) by Kshudra, pupil of the
Kottiya Gana, Brahmadasike kula
and uchchainagari sakha, consort of Sena and daughter of Pala.
1. From the Facsimile in Ep.Ind, I, Pl. no
2. According to Buhler there should be सिधम् before देवपुत्रस्य, But there is no space for any such word in the Plate.
3. Buhler: सहचरि
4. Buhler: देव
5. Ep.Ind- I, p 381.
Kanishka had encouraged both Gandhara school of Greco-Buddhist Art as well as the the Mathura school of art. Kanishka had embraced both Buddhism and the Persian attributes but he favoured Buddhism more as it can be proven by his devotion to the Buddhist teachings and prayer styles depicted in various books related to kushan empire.
However controlling both the land (the Silk Road) and sea trade routes between South Asia and Rome seems to have been one of Kanishka’s main ambition.
Kanishka was the successor of Vima Kadphises. Kanishka’s connections with other Kushan rulers is described in the Rabatak inscription as Kanishka makes the list of the kings who ruled up to his time.
Kujula Kadphises was his great-grandfather, Vima Taktu was his grandfather, Vima Kadphises  was his father. Ashvaghosha the Buddhist scholar, was his teacher and religious advisor.

Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscriptions by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
(Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1.
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