ancient indian history

Salri Stone Inscription of Chandesvarahastin

Ancient Indian Inscriptions discovered from different archeological sites provide authentic evidences of a period, around 700-800BC, when a great sanatna dharma civilization, comprising several independent kingdoms, flourished in the most of the parts of south asia called  Bharat.
Ancient kingdom of Trigarta, (Himachal Pradesh) is named after three rivers, i.e. Ravi, Beas and Satluj. It is believed to have been an independent republic empire called Kuluta empire, with its capital in Naggar.

Ancient India has a long recorded history, which dates back to the Indus Period (about 3000 BC), In its long history, India, comprised of the whole Indian subcontinent and adjoining territories, which were ruled by many brave kings, queens and emperors. They pioneered vast empires, built large and powerful armies and established well-organized administrative systems.
In its long history, ancient India, witnessed the rise and fall of numerous dynasties, kings and emperors. One such brave king was Maharaja Sri Chandesvarahastin the noble and virtuous son of the illlustrious Maharaja isvarahastin, of the Vatsa gotra.
His name and fame had spread world wide.
West India witnessed several hunas invasions and whose major targets were Brahmins and buddist monks. During his life time he built several lord Siva temples and Buddhist monasteries, and helped the fleeing Hindi and buddist priests, in resettlement in his empire.
He fought and emerged victorious in a few battles and Rajjila battle was his major accomplishment.
Inscription number 52.
Salri Stone Inscription of Chandesvarahastin
Provenance: Sałri, near Salanu, Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh
Script: Late Brahmi of North-Western India of the earlier part of fourth century A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: D.C. Sircar and J. Sundaram, Ep.Ind. XXXV, pp. 66-68.

English Translation of the inscription
Bhatasalipuri was caused to be constructed in Srenyaka by Maharaja Sri Chandesvarahastin the virtuous
son of the illlustrious Maharaja isvarahastin. of the
Vatsa gotra after conquering in battle Rajjila
From the facsimile in Ep. Ind. XXV facing pp.68.
2. The damaged surface here is sufficient for two aksharas. The sub script noticed here by Sircar and Sundaram, is in fact the matra for attached to in karita in the next line.
3. The visarga like mark followed by a short horizontal stroke appears to be thel punctuation mark.
4. Salri where the inscription has been discovered, possibly represents the town bhatasalipuri (from
Salipuri) Srenyaka in that case would be the country around. Mandi, was formerly known as Mandav Nagar, or Sahor, was the main marketing place of this kingdom, which comprised two towns and 3,625 villages. It is located in the Himalayan range, bordering to the west, north, and east on the district of Kangra; to the south, on Suket; and to the southwest, on Bilaspur.
Mandi has around 300 temples, with 81 ancient stone temples known for their intricate carvings. Most of these temples are built for Shiva and Kali. Some of the temples to visit are Panchvaktra Temple, Ardhnareshwar Temple and Triloknath Temple, all declared as protected monuments by the Archaeological Survey of India.
Mandi is also known as “Chotti Kashi” due to its similarity with Varanasi in respect of Ghats on the bank of Beas River and temples of Lord Shiva near the Ghats. This place is often described as cultural capital of Himachal Pradesh due to its rich culture, traditions and temple architectural heritage.
Understand there is a mention of Rewalsar and Salri in the Skanda Purana also, being sacred places of pilgrimage.
Karnpur, a small adjoining village is said to have been founded by Karan, a hero of the Mahabharta.
There’s another temple at Gumma points, where the Pandavas had sheltered themselves when the attempt to burn them down, had failed.
Mandi had also been a great place of Buddhist learnings. The chiefs of Mandi and Suket are said to be from a common ancestor of the Chandravanshi line of Rajputs and they claim their descent from the Pandavas of the Mahabharata.
Inscription number 53.
Shorkot Inscription, (Gupta) year 83 ( 403 A.D.)
Provenance: Shortkot, West Punjab.
Script: Brahmi resembling the Gupta Inscriptions of 5th century A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: J.Ph. Vogel. Ep.Ind. XVL pp.15-17.
1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind.. XVI. facing pp.15.
The inscription is engraved round the shoulder of a copper cauldron found together with a dozen other utensils at Shorkot in Panjab on 8th September. 1906.
2. It does not appear to be a regnal year of some ruler, since in that case the name of the king, should have
accompanied the date. Further such a long reign, There is no evidence of Lokakala, having ever been used in these parts. Hence Vogel accepts the dating in Gupta era. The initial
year of which began in the period between 9 th March 319 A D. and 25th February. 320 A D.
This would place the record about the beginning of 403 A D.
The palaeography also confirms this date. Use of Gupta era confirms the claim of Chandragupta
Vikramaditya, to have advanced across the land of seven tributaries of the Indus and conquered the country as far as Bactria. In his Mehrauli Iron pillar inscription (See supra Vol II, Number 13, I – 2)

1. Correct Sanskrit form is
It occurs, spelt as also.
In Sanskrit writings of the buddhist in the sense of “one who dees businese or executes a commission for
another agent. The Pali form is Veyyavachahakara.
See R.C. Childers – “Dict of the Pali language”
s.v. Veyyavachaham = service or duty performed by an inferior for a so hern manual of
Indian Buddhism pp-84, The function of a proxy agent Veyavachchakara, may be held by an inmate of the
monastery (aramika) or a layman. Vogel is inclined to accept the word in the more restricted sense of a functionary of the monastery since in the mahavyutpatti, it immediately follows navakarmika a word which occurs
in several Inscriptions from the North-West of india.
2. The same as the modern town of Shorkot, where the vessel was found. Sibipur is associated with the
ancient republican, Sibi tribe, mentioned in the Mahabharata , also known to the Greeks as the Siboi
and now represented by the sibia caste of the Punjabi and Hariyanvi Jats.

3. Several inscriptions found in N. W. India confirm the prevalence of the Sarvastivadi seat in the north east
of India, e.g the Relic Casket inscription
of Kanishka discovered at Shah ji-ki-Dheri near Peshawar.
It was the most widely flourishing sect of Buddhism.It flourished in central and north India and had some
adherents in east and west, India.
In Sumatra, Java and neighbouring islands it held universal sway.
In China all the four sub-divisions of it were flourishing.
and a trace was found in Champa too.

English Translation of the inscription

In the year 83. on the 5th day of the bright fortnight of Magha, erected by the illustrious Vaiyaprityakara
Baddhadasa, to the universal congregation of the friars of the
Sarvastivadin sect at the Radhika convent in the park of sibipura.



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