ancient indian history

Shahdaur Rock Inscription

Buddhist inscribed rock is an archaeological site located at Shahdaur in Mansehra District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Shahdaur Rock Inscription (A) of Mornijada– Saka year 60
Provanance Shahdaur (Shodaur of the maps), Mansehra tehsil,
Hazara district, Pakistan
Script: Kharoshthi
This place of boulder, 13x 16′ Overlooking a small spring is firmly buried in the soil. It bears the above
inscription on the perpendicular side facing the north,
and another on the top. The latter shows remnants of five lines. It must have extended to the south face,
where the surface has greatly eroded.
English Translation of the inscription
Of the Rajan Namijada in the sixtieth, 60th, Saka-year together with Bhadu (or the Bhandu king) and his father Balavaraha, for the increase of relatives and Friends (and) for the welfare of his son. Understand that many
Buddhism & Jainism inscriptions of that period were found at different sites in Afghanistan, Shahdaur in Hazara, Ahicchatra and Mathurä in northern India, Kanheri and Näsik in Maharashtra, and Nägärjunakonda, Bhattiprolu.
1. From the facsimile in Ep. Ind XIX
2. Tha matra of u in pitusa is not clear. Konow suggest that it may stand for
“Elevated by his own strength”

The Mathura votive Inscription of the time of Sodana Year 72 (AD 15)
Provenance Kankali kila at Mathura
Script Brahmi
Language Prakrit Influenced by Sanskrit
G Buhler Ep Ind II Page 199
Luderd List no 59
DC Sircar Sel. Inss, Page 120
Following important points:

1 Mound of Kankali,One of the 64 yoginis of Jain literature
2. From the facismile in Ep Ind II Page- 199, Plate. No. 2.
3. 24th January Tirthankara also known as Jina and Mahavira.
4. Buhler 80(7) 2
Refers to old Skytho Parthian era, now identified with the Vikrama era according to Sircar
S.I.I page – 120
5. So named because of the figure of Arya or Arhat on the sils.
6. Buhler intended reading seems to be
“Priyata Bhagwati”

English Translation

Salutation to the Arhat Vardhamana. In the year 72 in the reign of the lord, the Mahakshatrape Sodasa, in the second
month of winter, on the 9th day, the Aryavati was set up by
Amohini of Kautsa Lineage (gotra) a famale lay-desciple of the
ascetics (and) wife of Pala, the son of Hariti, together with
her Sons Palaghosha Praushthaghosha (and) Dhanaghosha.
May the vulnerable Aryavati be pleased for the worship of the Arhate.

It is understood that the most of the
inscriptions found in Mathura record gifts made by different people to monasteries and shrines.
Important points:
1. Sanskrit rendering of the Saka title meaning ‘lord’, of.
Saka-murunda. Indian title Bhattaraka (from Bhartri), used
by Satavahana and Guptas, presumably traceable to the Saka title.

2. The three seasons of the year ended with a chaturmasi.
Grishm consisted of Chaitra, vaishakh, Jyeshth, Ashard
And Varsha consisted of Shravan, Bhadrapad, Ashwin & Kartik
Hemant consisted of Margsheersh Posh Magh & Falgun

Mathura Stone Inscription of the time of Sodasa
(C-10 to 15 AD)
Provenance: Jail mound, Mathura, UP
Script: Brahmi
. Language: Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit.
References: Dowson J.R.A.S, N.S, page 188, No. 29
Cunningam, A.S.R III page 30,H Luders, Ind. Art, XXXIII,
page 149, no. 24, Ep. Ind., IX pp.246-47 D.C. sircar.
Sel.ind, page121.

1. From the facsimile in A S.R- III
2. The name was possibly pronounced both ways, with end, without nasalication. Compare Rajula and Rajuvula
3. The Rajatarangini, V, 177; V1I, 42 (Sten. Intro, page 37-38)
and kshamachanderas lokaprakasa Refer to the offices of Ganjvara (Treasurer) and Dibira (secretary) both the words are of Persian origin.
4. According to the Ganapatha the Saigrava gotra is referred to by Panini in II,4,67, and IV, 1,104.
Kern caschiedenis van. Let the budhism in India Vol II, Page 266,
Identifies Saigrava with Pali Siggava (Dipav, V, 57,69 etc) the name of the patriaron, who conferred the upasmpada on the great Tissa Mogaliputta.
English Translation
By the Treasurer of tha lord the Mahakshatrapa Sodasa, A brahmin of
segrava gotra, (a tank)The western tank of these twin tanks – A reservoir (or Well) A grove, A pillar and this stone slab

Mathura Stone Inscription of the time of Sodasa (C 10-25 AD)
Provenance: Mathura, U.P
Script: Brahmi
Language: Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit

References: R P Chanda A.S.I No 5, Page 169-73
H. Laders, Ep.Ind XXIV, Page. 208
D C Sircar J.B.R.S XXXIX, Pts 1-2, Pages 45-46, Sel. Insp I, Page 123

The divine family, an arched gate and a platform have been established in the great shrine of the Divine
Lord Vasudeva by vasu.
May Lord Vasudeva be pleased.
May the reign of the lord the Mahakshatrapa Sodas continue.

Mathura Stone Inscription of the time of Sodasa
(c. 10-25 AD.)
Provenance: A wall at Mora 12 km. from Mathura, U.P.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Sanskrit & Prakrit mixed up..
References: Cunninigham. A.S.R X X page 49 PL – V, 4
J. Ph. Vogal..
Catalogue of the archeological museum, Mathura Page 184, No Q 1. Luders, Ep. Ind, XXIV, page 19 4
D.C Sircar Sel.Inss. page 122.
1. From the facsimile in Ep.ind XXIV
2. Sanskrit Mahakshtrysya Rachuwutusya putrsya swaminh !
Vayu p. names the five deified vrishni heroes.
English Translation of the inscription

In the year of the lord, the Mahakshatrapa sodasa, the son of Mahakshatrapa Rajuvula, Images of the vulnerable vrishnis, the five heroes, have been established, in the rock temple.

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