ancient indian history

Some extracts of my book

Some extracts of my book

I remember one incident, when I was a young Lt Cdr during early 90s.
I joined an aviation technical establishment. The very first day of my joining this establishment, the Commandant (CO) called me & told me that
“Every thing is fair in love & war & he had declared a war against me”
within a week of my joining the establishment, he handed over an appraisal letter to me & asked me to acknowledge the letter by signing. I received the appraisal letter with thanks, but presumably the copy on which he had obtained my signatures had a heading reprisal letter.

After I read the letter, I got a big shock of my life.

There were three HODs (senior commanders) & each HOD had accused me for serious offences
pertaining to loss of top secret articles. They had also accused me for compromising with serviceability of military aircraft. There was another charge of disobedience.
I was given 24 hours to submit my explanation by the Commandant. The Commandant told me that he will see to it that I’m not only thrown out of the service, but I spend rest of my life in jails.
I couldn’t sleep that night, however didn’t let my family know this dangerous development.
I clearly remember that terrific night when
I had gone deep into depression as ganging up the seniors against me, was a matter of big worry.
This was the time when Lord Shiva had come to my rescue.

I made a reply in a state of deep depression.

Words & sentences started coming into my mind & getting recorded on a piece of paper miraculously, in mid night and
next morning, my reply was ready.

In fact this was lord shiva, who had made a reply on my behalf & ofcourse I couldn’t write such a beautiful reply as I was in a state of depression.
I submitted the reply next day.

Rest was history !

After this incident, of course, the Commandant (CO) was found visiting various mental hospitals of the defence services.


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