ancient indian history

Vasishthiputra Pulumavi

Inscription number 161.
Nasik Cave Inscription of the time of Vasishthiputra Pulumavi
Regnal Year 2 (=132 A. D.)
Provenance: Nasik, Nasik District, Maharashtra. On the front wall of an unfinished cave beyond cave Number 23.
Script: Brahmi.
Language: Prakit.
References: Joumal of the Mumbai Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, VII, pp-37 ff. Bhagwanlal Indraji,
Mumbai Gazetteer XVI, pp 544 ff.; Buhler Archeological Survey of Western India, pp.160 ff; . Senart. Ep-Ind, VIII, pp-94-95, No. 25.
Vasishthiputra Pulumavi was a Satavahana king, and the son of Gautamiputra Satakarni. His reign is ca. 85-125 CE. He is also referred to as Vasishthiputra Sri Pulumavi. He ruled the Deccan region of India.
This inscription was issued by Gautamiputra Satakarni.
The Nasik Prasasti, written by
Gautamiputra Satakarni,
describes Gautamiputra Satakarni, as the ruler of the Aparanta, Anupa, Saurashtra, Kukura, Akara and Avanti and defeated the Saka King Nahapana and restored the prestige of his dynasty by reconquering a large part of the former dominions of the Satavahanas.
It is understood that during the later years of his rule, Later, however, Vashishtiputra Satakarni was defeated by his father-in-law in a battle, which had serious effects on Satavahana powers and prestige.
It is understood that Satkarni was being remembered among one of the important and greatest rulers of the Satavahana Dynasty. He ruled in the 1st or 2nd century CE, although his exact period is uncertain.

1. From the facsimile in EP.Ind, VIII, Plate VI, Number 25, facing pp.86)
2. Bhagwanlal Indraji 6, Buhler: 8.
Senart claims to discern some traces of the syllables. भगिने

English Translation of the inscription

Success! On the (6th or 8th-day of the 4th fortnight of winter in the year 2 of the king, the lord Sri Pulumavi,
son of Vasishthi. On the aforementioned (date) the
husbandman Dhanama has cau sed this to be made together with
his mother and father with ——

Inscription number
162. Nasik Cave Inscription of the time of Vasishthiputra Pulumavi- Regnal Year 6 (=136 A D.)
Provenance: Nasik, Nasik District, Maharashtra. On the
backall of the veranda of Cave number. 2.
Script: Brahmi.
Language: Prakrít.
Refrences: Bhagwan Lal Indraji. Mumbai Gazetteer XVI,
pp. 544 ff. (G.) No-1,: Senart. Ep.Ind., VIII, pp-59 (also for other references)
English Translation of the inscription
Success ! On the day of the fifth – 5th-
fortnight of summer, in the sixth-6th-Year of king
Shi Pulumavi son of Vasishthi—–
From tne facsimile in Ep.Ind.. VIII, Plate III. Number 1 (opp-pp – 76)
2. Buhler (Archaeological survey of western India
दिवसे 1 पो -हि -ति -आ
But the reading is doubtful.
Inscription number 163.
Karle Cave Inscription of Vasishthiputra Pulumavi. (c.130-159 A.D.) Regnal Year 7 (= c.137 A.D.)
Provenance: Karle. Pune district. Maharashtra. On the upper frieze to the left of the central door
Script: Brahmi.
Language: Prakrit.
References: Burgess and Buhler Archeological survey of western India, IV 1883. pp-107, Number.17, Senart. Ep.Ind VII, Number-14 and
Pl II, pp.61 f, Luders list number 1100.
(for other references) Sel.Inss, I, pp.202.

A snake with raised hood, appeared to be resting in the arch of a crescent.
1. From the Plates in Architectural Survey of western India, . iV,, and Ep.Ind., VII, Number. 14. Pl. II.
Presumably a symbolic representation of Siva. Inscription is in a poor state of preservation.
English Translation of the inscription

On the first 1st day of the fifth -5th fortnight of summer in the year seven – 7-of king Lord Sri Pulumavi,
the son of Vasishthniputra. In this aforesaid (day) a village with it’s taxes ordinary and extraordinary along with income payable in cash and in measurable produce, was donated
to the community (of bhikshus) of Valuraka, of the Valuraka
caves by Maharathi Somadeva son of Vasishthi (and of Maharathi Mitradeva the son of Kausiki, of the Autkhalaka

Some read वलुरकासघस and सकराकरोर

Valuraka, probably, was the ancient name of Karle region.
Maharathin was, it seems
a feudal title like Maha-senapati, मेयो is engraved, just below देय
2. The rent-free holding of the village was apparently created by Somadeva, out of his own Jagir with the king’s

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