ancient indian history

Copper-plates of Samgamasimha, Inscription-76.

Kalachuris and their Subordinates
The Kalachuris were an Indian dynasty that ruled in west-central India between 6th and 7th centuries. They are also known as Haihayas.
The Kalachuri territory included parts of present-day Gujrat Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra. Their capital was located at Mahishmati. Epigraphic and numismatic evidence suggests that the earliest of the Ellora and Elephanta  cave monuments were built during the Kalachuri rule.
In the 6th century, the Kalachuris gained control of the territories formerly ruled by the Guptas and Vakatakas.  The Kalachuris lost their power to Chalukyas in the 7th century.
Following are the known rulers of the Kalachuri dynasty of Malwa
1. Krishnaraja
2. Shankaragana
3. Buddharaja
Inscription number 76
Sunao Kalan Copper-plates of Samgamasimha.
(Kalachuri Year 292 ( = 540 or 541 AD.).
Provenance: Sunao Kalan village, Hansot Mahal, Broach District, Gujrat.
Script: Brahmi of the Southern Class, with triangular headed letters.
Language: Sanskrit, slightly inuenced by Prakrít.
References: A.M.T. Jackson, Journal of the Mumbai Asiatic society, XX, pp.211, Sten Konow Ep.Ind,. X, pp.72-75.
Footnote 1
1 The king is not known otherwise, but Jackson, and Sten Konow assume that he was a feudatory (Mahasamanta) of
the Kalachuris, and he uses their era.
2. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind., X, between pp.74 and 75.
3. Expressed by a symbol.
4. Present Broach (pronounced Bharoch).
Footnote 2
1. Sonavva may be identified with the present day Village of Sunao, which has now two neighbouring settlements, distinguished by the epithets Kalan (Large) and Khurd (small).
2. The entire phrase from भरुकच्छक in ll4-5, to भवरुचिभ्यो
is treated as a single compound word though insertion of the indeclinable तथा to seperate the name of each donee, is irregular.

3. Sten Konow amends अगीकृत्य to
अधिकृत्य and translates, with reference to (the holy tithi. The full moon day of Karttika is considered holy in honour of siva’s victory over Tripurasura. A festival
is held on this day.

English Translation of the inscription
Om. Hail !
From Bharukachchha-the Mahasamanta, the illustrious Maharaja Samgamasimha, favourod by his-respected (lit. meditating on the feet of his mother and father, after referring to his own well-being informs all his (subordinates, viz
rajasthaniyas, uparikas, kumaramatyas, vishayapatis (district officers), arakshikas, drangikas, Kulaputrakas, chatas, bhatasand others, who carry out their orders i.e. who are subject to
the control of the officers designated:-

Be it known to you that the village Sonavva, situated in the Antarnarmada district has, today in honour of the holiest Mahakartiki tithi been granted by us or the obtainment of merit and fame for our perents and ourselves, with pouring out libation of water, or as long as the moon, the sun the
sea, the planets, the stars and the earth endure, with the udranga, with the uparikara and with the bhuta-vata-pratyaya,
not to entered by chatas District Begar officers and soldiers, according to the maxim of bhumichchhidra, to be enjoyed by the succession of sons and
son’s sons to the (undermentioned) residents of Bharukachchha,
(viz anantadatta of Chhandogi gotra and a student samaveda,
Prajapatisarman of the Galava gotra, a student of the chchhandoga
(Sakha) Sivadeva of the Laugakshi gotra, a student of the
Lajurveda Bhanudeva of tho Lauhayana gotra, a student of the
Yajurveda and to Bhavaruchi of the Paundri gotra, a student
of the Rigveda, for the performance of the rites connected with the five great sacrifices, (viz. bali, charu, vaisvadeva,
agnihotra (and) havana. Wherefore nobody should act in contravention (of these orders while those Brahmanas
enjoy (these lands) according to the established rules relating to the villages gifted to the brahmanas cultivate (it)
cause (it) to be cultivated and assign (it to others) And the inhabitants of this village remaining obedient to them,
should make over to them proper measurable commodities, gold

and other revenue. And let future kings, whether of our own family and others, desirous of sharing in the common merit of (this) donation of land, while reflecting that wealth is
liable to perish, that life is followed by separation, and that virtue lasts for a long time, keeping in view that gifts to
virtuous people are excellent and anxious to accumulate for
a long time, fame resplendent and bright as the rays of the moon should confirm and preserve this our gift. And it has been said by the venerable Vyasas (Here follow four of the
usual imprecatory stanzas)
According to the order brought by the Mahapratihara Gopadhya, (this edict), the Dutaka of which was the
Sandhivigrahika Revadhyaka, was written by vishnushena.
The year 200 (+) 90 (+) 2. Karttika sukla 10 (+) 5.

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