ancient indian history

Dhruvasena Inscriptions -64 to 66

Inscription number 64
Palitana Plates of Dhruvasena 1, Gupta year 20, (526-27 AD.)
Provenance: Palitana, Gujrat.
(Now in the possession of
Murni Punya-vijaya-ji of Ahmedabad)
Script: Western variety of Southern Brahmi.
Language: Sanskrit
References: HG. shastri, Journal of Oriental Institute, Baroda, XII, pp.51- 54, G.S. Pai and P,R. Srinivasan,
Ep-Ind, XXXVII, pp.167-70.

Footnote 1
1. From the facsimile in J.0,I, Baroda and Ep-Ind XXXVII, facing pp.169.
2. Expressed by the usual spiral symbol.
3. Now represented by Valabipur in Bhavnagar district, Gujrat.
English Translation of the inscription

(For 11.1 to 13, see the translation of 11.1 to 15, of the Palitana Plates of the year 206 of Dhruva sena 1)
L1.13-20. Be it known to you that in the Hastavapra ahranil, in the Ashtasaraka mandali, on the south-west boundary,
we have granted with libation, of water as a Brahma-daya (gift or Brahmanas) the field held in trust by Damaka.
Chakrika, (and) Matangaka, measuring hundred padavartas of surrounding park, this together with income from winds and (other) elements, and together with minor taxes, to the Brahmanas, Mahilaka, Visvaka (and) Vadra of Bharadvaja gotra and students of Vajasaneya sakha (of the Yajurveda) and residents of Ankottaka, to be enjoyed by sons, grandsons and the
descendants and to last for the same time as the duration of the moon, the sun, the ocean, the earth, rivers and
mountains, for the performance of the rituals of bali, charu, vaisvadeva etc., For the increase of religious merit
of my parents and for my own attainment of desired fruit in
this life and the next,
(For 11.20 to 25 see translation of 11.22-26 of the Palitana Plates. of the year 206 of Dhruvasena 1).
(Here follow three of the customary imprecatory verses)
My own hand (= signature) of Maharaja Dhruvasena.
The executor (dutaka) is Pratihara Mamaka, written by Kikkaka, Year 207, Kartika, bright fortnight day the 7th.

Footnote 2
1. The akaharas “से and ट ” are engraved under व, one below the other.
2. Engraved at the end below 200 and का.
3. Ashtasaraka is mentioned in three other grants. The latter and Ankottaka have not been identified.

Footnote 3
1. For padavarta, see supra II, 63, L 14, n.
2. The era in Maitraka records is identified with the Valabhi era, a modified form of the Gupta era of 319-20 AD.
The first month, Kartika of 207 Valabhi
era, a modified form of the Gupta era will fell in 525 AD.
As many as twenty grants of Dhruvasena are known, the Largest
number issued by any king of Maitraka family These grants span the years from 206 to 226.
Pratihara Mammaka figures on those issues from 206-10, and Kikkaka as writer figures in those issued from 206 to 221.

Inscription number 65

A Copper plate Grant of Dhruvasena 1 (525-553 A, D,)
Provenance: Not recorded
Script: Brahmi, Though Madho Sarup Vats does not mention the script, it must be the same as in other Valabi
Language: Sanskrit.
References: Madho Sarup Vatsa, Ep.Ind., XIX, pp-302-4.

Footnote 1

The grants of Dhruvasena I range between the years 206 and 226.
(See Supra II, 64,n) The writer of his grants upto the year 221, was Kikkaka. But the Dutaka Pratihara changes with
the passage of time.
From the year 206 to Sravana
Sukla 15 of 210, it was Marmaka. In the Palitana plates, Asvayuja bahula 5 of 210, issued from
Valabhi, the Dutaka was Rudradhara . In the year 210,on the 9th day, in the dark fortnight of Bhadrapada, Rudradhara. The Dutaka of the present grant being
took over as Dutaka.)
Mammaka, we can place it in the period 206 to 210 Valabhi. (525-529 AD.).
2. Vatsa has not provided a Facsimile with his paper. Nor has he given the whereabouts of the original plates.
I, there fore, reproduce the text as edited by him.
Kalahataka may be identical with modern Koliak on the eastern bank of the creek near Hathab.

English Translation of the inscription.

L1.1-14. (See Translation of 11.1 to 15 of the Palitana Plates of the year 206 of Dhruvasena 1).
L1,14-19 Be it known to you that I have granted, in for the increase of religious merit of my mother and father and for the sake of my own attainment of desired fruit in this and the next life the village Kalahataka situated in the Hastavapraharani, previously enjoyed and (even) now being enjoyed (by the
donee’s, on the previously existing terms, to the two brahmanas, Visvadatta and Vasudatta, of Bharadvaja gotra and students of- — (and) residents of nagara, to endure for the same time as the moon, the sun, the oceans, the earth, the rivers and the
mountains last, to be enjoyed by their sons, grandsons and their descendants, for the purpose of performance of bali, charu, Vaisvadeva and other rituals.
L1,19-22: (see translation of 11.22 to 26 of the Palitana Plates.
of the year 206 of Dhruvasena 1, above).
L1.22-26: (here follow three of the customary verses).
L1.27-28: The sign manual of me, Mahasamanta Maharaja Dhruvasena,
The executor (of the grant) is Pratihara Mamaka. Written by kikkaka
-bright fortnight —
Inscription number 66.

66. Palitan a Plates of Dhruvasena 1 (Gupte-Valabhi year 210 (529 A,D.)
Provenance: Palitana, Gujrat. (Found in an underground Chamber near a Tank.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Sanskrit.
References: Sten Konow, EP.Ind, pp-109-12.
1. From the facsimile in Ep-Ind XI.
2. Expressed by a symbol.
3. In other plates, the phrase is: विश्राणनावपूत – राज – श्री:
In either case the meaning is same.
English Translation of the inscription

(Lines 1-14 are practically identical with the 11.1_15, of his Palitana Plates of Sam 206, translated above, II, 59.
Be it known to you that for the Brahmana Vishnu sarman of Jabala gotra a student of vjasaneya (Sakha) (and) resident of Simhapura, I have confirmed in accordance with the
previously established practice, this (property listed as in the Hastavapa sharani, in the Bhallara village
on the south.Western border, the tax-paying field (formerly) enjoyed by the Brahmana visakha (and) the step
well (called) Amrilika with a periphery twelve padavartas, in area, further on the Northern frontier of the
Vasukiya village, included in the Akshasaraka district, fifty padavartas which have formerly been and are still
being enjoyed (by the donee). for the increase of religious merit of my mother and father and in order to obtain for myself such rewards in this world and in the other as I may desire.
Wherefore, hindrance should not be made by any one to him, while enjoying, cultivating, getting it cultivated or assigning (to others). This our confirmation should be confirmed by those born in our lineage and
by future pious kings, bearing in mind that the reward of a gift of land is common. And in this context there are
Verses sung by Vyasa”
(Here follow three of the traditional imprecatory- verses)
The sign-manual of me, the Maha-samanta the Maharaja
Dhruvasena. The messenger is the Pratihara Mamaka.
Written by Kikkaka.The year 200 (+ 10) the 15th (tithi) of the bright fortnight of sravana.
Footnote 3
1. This second is भवन्ति superfluous
2. Identified with present sihor, situated at 21 deg 43 minutes and 72 deg east.
3. Konow
Revenue circle
Takes here in the sense in which it is used in the and translates which can be entered from (i.e which borders on)
Akshasaraka. For the present interpretation see:-
Gunaighar plates of Vainyagupta year 188, Supra II, 46, pp 29-30, note and Palitana Plates of Dhruvasena 1, year 207, Supra II, Year 207, Supra, II, 62, Notes.

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