ancient indian history

King Manendra

In the year ——-, of the Great king Menander, on the fourteenth, 14th day of (the month) of Karttika, the body relic endowed with life (of Lord sakyamuni) was consecrated. The corporal relics of the Lord Sakeyamuni of Viyakamitra, the apratyagrája (the king without enemies} Vijayamitra established (or consecrated this) — bowl. This relic having been disturbed (or damaged} has not been honoured
with homages. It is decaying because of (the passage) of time/
Nobody is respectful or offers alms and water to the manes.
The body relic of Lord Sakyamuni, the one, who is truly enlightened, that which is its it’s receptacle, — has been consecrated after raising removal from the original site by Vijayamitra, king, without opponents, on the twenty fifth day of the month of vaisakha in the fifth, 5th year. Written (engraved} by
obedient Visvile

12. Swat Relic Vase Inscription of the Meridarkh Theodorus.
Provenance A Pathan village in Swat valley, now in Panjab museum, Lahore.
Script: Khroshthi of ist century BC Language – Prakrit.

References F.W. Thomas, Festschrift Ernst Windisch Leipzig

1914, ,pp362 FF, Sten Konow C.I.I II, I pp.1-4 D.C. Sircar sel.inss, I, pp 111.

English Translation

By Theudora (disdorus) the Meridarkh, were established, these relics of the Lord sakyamuni for the welfare of the
1. From the facsimile in C.I.I, II Pt-I Plate

2. Konow “Jagsivchive
Konow Translates. By Theodoros,

“The moridarkh, were established, these relics of the Lord Sakyamuni for the purpose of security of many people.

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