ancient indian history

Lysias Sub-king under Manendera

LYSIAS. Sub-king under Menander

1.A. Qunduz hoard, Kabul Museum.
References: J.N.S.I., VII, 1955, pt. 1, p.51, no.43, Pl. VI. 4, M.V.D. Mohan. Indo Greek Coins, p.188-89, Pl. IV. 1.
Obv: In bead-and-reel border, draped bust of Lysias r., wearing elephant scalp. died. one end floating and the other stiffly suspended.
Rev: Heracles standing to front holding lion-skin and club in 1. hand and placing wreath upon head with r. To 1. mon. 122. (This mon, occurs on his bilingual coins also e g. I.M.C, Pl.III.4)

Lysias Sub-king under Manendera

Meaning of Lysias is the #Invincible
Lysias was an Indo Greek king
(A Sub-king under Manendera)
“Lysias was successor to #Menander  and therefore may have ruled around 130–120 BCE. Lysias is most likely descendant of DEMETRIUS”
Lysias’ rule seems to have begun after the murder of Menander’s infant son #Thrason. The £Bactrian kingdom had fallen to invading nomads and though the Indo-Greeks managed to survive.
The case of Lysias is interesting in this context. #Elephant on one of his types gives the location of his subkingdom in #Kapist. #Heracles, the #Euthydemid family god, figures on all the types of Lysias. On one type the king wears elephant scalp, the well known head-dress of #Demetrius. On another, he wears a kausia, reminding us of #Antimachus Theos. Thus, there is no doubt that Lysias belonged to the family of Demetrius. Most of the monograms found on his coins are commonly found on the coins of #Menander. Two of his monograms, e-g no. 17 and € are also found on the coins of Strato. Only one of his monograms, e g. no 36, is absent from the coins of Menander and Strato. Again all his monograms, except no 17 are found on the coins of Antialkidas. Even Heliocles, believed to be the latter’s father, shares the monograms and no. 115 with Lysias,
#Community of #monograms on their coins shows that the firms which were formerly minting coins for Menander,
Lysias and Strato, began at a later date to mint for #Heliocles and #Antialkidas. This conclusion agrees with the
known history of Kapisa. Shortly after Menander’s death, #Strato lost this district to Heliocles. who was succeeded by Antialkidas. An overstrike of the latter on a coin of Lysias
further confirms the fact that Antialkidas succeeded this #king in these parts.
All this evidence points to the fact that Lysias was a sub-king of Menander at #Kapisi. He possibly survived
the latter for some time and continued to serve under Strato I. On all his coins, his bust is that of a youngman.
His reign, therefore, must have been a short one. A great difficulty has been created in reconstructing the story of Lysias by a solitary coin in British Museum. It is supposed to be a joint issue of Lysias and #Antialkidas.
The type is
Observation #Bust of bearded #Heracles to r.Legend, ANIKHTOY
Reverse .Pilei and palms of the Dioscuroi. Legend: Maharajasa #Jayadharasa Amtilikitasa.
This coin has excited considerable attention. Dr. Tarn
in particular, has made a lot of speculation on it. He states
that it indicates some sort of rapproachment between the
two rival Greek families. The illogicality of this view is obvious. The presence at Kapisi of a Euthydemid con- temporary of Antialkidas is historical nonsense.
On Dr Tarns hypothesis, Sir John Marshal aptly remarks
“When a coin bears the names of kings, without any indication of their relationship, it is natural to suppose that the king named on the obverse is the more important and senior of the two. It is hardly credible that a local
princeling. reigning somewhere in the bills, would have the hardihood to relegate the great Antialkidas to an
inferior position on the reverse of the coins, which were struck in the latter’s own mint and circulated in his
territories. Dr. A. K. Narain seems to be correct, when he says that this coin “may well be a mule. The existence
of a joint issue of these two kings could only be confirmed by the discovery of further specimens.
This coin may well be a spurious one. But if genuine. the following is the only logical explanation. As a result of a mistake in the workshop of a firm,
formerly minted for Lysias, an old die got mixed up with the new ones. When adjusting them the workman hurriedly
Compared the obverse and reverse dies. Noticing that the first two words on the obverse die, e.g. BAXIAENE
ANIKHTOY, agreed with the first two words on the reverse die, e.g #Maharajasa #Jayadharasa. He was satisfied with his selection. He did not bother to read the names of the
kings, little suspecting that an unwanted obverse die had
got mixed up with those of Antialkidas. Thus a #mule was produced. A mistake of this type can be repeated.
Hence we cannot rule out the possibility of discovering more specimens of this type.
Qunduz board, Kabul Museum
References J.N.S.I, XVII, 1955, Part 1 Page 51, No 43, Plate VI.4
Indo Greek Coins By Dr M. V. D Mohan pages 188-189, Plate VI.4
Observations: In bead-and-reel border, draped bust of Lysias
wearing elephant scalp.
Died. One hand floating
and the othor stiffly suspended
Reverse of the Coin
Heracles standing in the front, holding #lion skin and holding club in one hand and placing wreath upon head with right hand.

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