ancient indian history

The Democracy

What Sir Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister of Britain, had said at the time of the emergence of Indian Republic, stated,
“Of all the experiments in government, which have been attempted since the beginning of time. I believe that the Indian venture into parliamentary government is the most exciting. A vast sub-continent is attempting to apply to its tens and thousands of millions a system of free democracy….. It is a brave thing to do so.

The Indian venture is not a pale imitation of our practice at home, but a magnified and multiplied reproduction on a scale we have never dreamt of. If it succeeds, its influence on Asia is incalculable for good. Whatever the outcome, we must honour those who attempt it.”
A more meaningful was the opinion expressed by an American Constitutional authority, Prof. Granville Austin who wrote that,

“what the Indian Constituent Assembly began was “perhaps the greatest political venture since that originated in Philadelphia in 1787.”

Mahatma Gandhi had visualized the new Constitution of India in terms of universal values applied to the specific and special conditions of India. As early as 1931, he had written:

“I shall strive for a Constitution which will release India from thralldom and patronage. I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice: an India in which there is no high class or low class of people, an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability.
We shall be at peace with the rest of the world neither exploiting nor getting exploited. All interests not in conflict with the interests of the dumb millions will be scrupulously respected whether foreign or indigenous. Personally, I hate the distinction between foreign and indigenous. This is the India of my dreams for which I shall struggle.”

Following were some of the points of interest/highlights of a speech by an eminent leader on our constitution

The constitution of india is capable to tackle all problems ie har mushkil kaa jwaab dene mein saksham
(But where are duties of citizens of India are linked with fundamental rights. One Mr Kanhaia of JNU make an anti national fiercy speech in the heart of India ie JNU gets away with it on the name of freedom of expression.)

The constitution gives direction to all of us
The constitution legislations shall create confidence in coming generations
introduce values in the biggest democracy on earth
(But what confidence the constitution gives to a common man as regards abuse of power by the executive or the judiciary or other pillars of society. The holders of constitutional authority misuse the provisions and are not accountable to any one For example a court gives fault orders but these orders can not be criticised ob the name of autonomy to this institution else this shall be considered contempt of court. Today a politician An executive a judge etc sitting on high positions of constitutional authority get away with immunity. )

A capable constitutional system with vision of hindu india had always been a dream of a common hindu of Punjab and Bengal who had faced the major brunt of 1947 partition based on religion.
We desired a nation which provides safety and security to its citizens following vedic traditions.
A copied constitution from other nations cannot meet aspirations of a common man
The experiences of our previous three generations does not speak well as far as the behavior and attitudes of the individuals holding constitutional authorities ie their behavior viz a viz a common man.

I have no doubt in the capabilities and book value of various provisions given in various legislations by the authors of the constitution but the fact is it is just a copied version and may not be as practical as far as spirit of Two nation doctorine of Mr Jinnah and Mr Gandhi
Every writer of the constitution addressed issues related to his community ie SC ST OBC Minorities etc. etc. Other words they behaved like community leaders and not like national leaders. The then hindu leadership of India was also not taken into confidence.
As we all are aware that partition of India based on religion engineered by Mr Nehru and Mr Jinnah had in no way introduced any human value in the so called biggest democracy on earth and had resulted in cold blooded massacres of millions of people and had brought millions of people to streets. Expecting very high values from this self centered congress leadership, which did not care for life and properties of the masses, was just a stupid dream of any common man those days. We can excuse the so called founding fathers of India, a benefit of doubt but most of the common people of india had expected that the constitution written on 26 Jan 1950, shall give at least some direction to the successors of the custodians of constitution of India. As far as experiences of my previous generations are concerned, the political leadership of post partitioned India had miserably failed.
Of course as far as book value and capability of the Constitutional system & vision is concerned I do not have any doubt. But I do have a doubt on the credibility of leadership which abused its power as custodians of constitution from time to time. The terror which these people from political class, have spread while sitting in positions of governance, due their ignorance and due questionable competence, can be very well felt and need extensive survey all over India.
Therefore. I feel that after having gained experience of six decades since partition we need an overhaul of the constitution.
We need a uniform constitution which does not divide people on the name of religion cast community minority majority.
We need uniform civil code we need no article 370 which divide the people of two regions. We do not want opportunities for jobs or growth are based on cast creed ethnicity.
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