ancient indian history

Western Chalukyas

There were three distinct, but related Chalukya dynasties.
1. Badami Chalukyas: The earliest Chalukyas with their capital at Badami (Vatapi) in Karnataka. .
2. Eastern Chalukyas: Emerged after the death of Pulakesin II in Eastern Deccan with capital at Vengi.
3. Western Chalukyas:
The Chalukya dynasty was established by Pulakeshin I in 543. Pulakeshin I took Vatapi (modern Badami in Bagalkot district, Karnataka) under his control and made it his capital. Pulakeshin I and his descendants are referred to as “Chalukyas of Badami”.
Pulakesin 2, was one of the greatest King of Chalukya Dynasty. He began his rule in the year 620 A.D. During his reign, the Chalukyas of Badami saw their kingdom extend over most of the Deccan. He was also the one of the first kings in South India to issue the Gold Coins.
The Badami Chalukyas were Brahmins and performed Vedic rituals.
The founders of the empire at Badami were native to the modern Karnataka  region. While western Chalukyas claimed to be Rajputs from the north who imposed their rule on the Dravidian inhabitants of the Deccan tableland.

The last king of the badami Chalukya emperor was King Kirtivarman. He was overthrown by Dantidurga the Rashtrakuta king in 753. Kirti-varman is known for building several hindu temples. Chalukyas rule is considered as golden age in the history of karnatka
Badami Chalukyas formed a large empire in southern India, between the Kaveri and Narmada  rivers. The rise of this empire saw the birth of efficient administration, overseas trade and commerce and the development of new style of architecture called “Chalukyan architecture”. 

Inscription number 19.
Godachi Plates of Katti-Arasa – year 12.
Provenance: Godachi, Torgal Taluk, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra.
Script: Brahmi of southern class of 6th century A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: Dr. Nandimath, J. Uni.. Bombay, Hist. Econ. and
Sociology series, V, pp. 165 ff, Prabuddha, Karnataka, XXIII, No.1, pp.25 ff. ; P.B. Desai,
Ep.Ind., XVIII, pp.59-62.
First plate.
Identified with Kirti-varman 1, son of Rana-vikrama, i.e. Pulakes in 1. (Ind.Ant., XIX, pp. 17). He is
similarly referred to by his other names and titles, e.g. Maha-samanta Katyera of the chalukya family
(Sel.Inss.. I, IX, Pt.I, No.64): Kattiyara Chalukya in Didgur inscription (Ep.Ind.. VI, pp.253); Kattiyaradeva,
probably identical with Kirti-varman 1 or 2 of the eastern Chalukya family (ib., V, pp.20); Kattiraja in an archaic Telugu record, A. R. No. 529 of 1913
Kattiraja in Sel.Inss. ,I, IV, No.798.
2. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind., XXVIII, facing pp.62.
3. Engraved on the margin, between 11.1 and 2.
4. Anusvara is wrongly engraved over क्क्ता
Second plate
1. The mark of punctuation is not required.
2. Better, पाराबगाहनावबोध
3. The Badami Vaishnava cave inscription of Kirti-varman 1,
mentions all the details of this date along with the Saka year 500 (Ind.Ant. X, pp.57). Thus the date
of the present record is 578 AD.
3. Desai marumannam. Mannam may be for man, meaning land, Varu cannot be explained.

English Translation of the inscription.

Peace !
The dear son, named Katti Arasa (Kirti-varman 1) of the Pious Maharaja Rana-vikrama (Pulakessin-1), whose body had been purified by the sacred (avabhritha) baths following
the agni-shtoma, agni-chayana, Vajapeya, Bahu-suvarna,
paundarika and asvamedha sacrifices, (and) who was (a scion) of the Chalukyas, the sons (descendants) of Hariti, belonging to the Manavya gotra (and) who were appointed (as kings)
because of their devotion to the Lord Karttikeya and the group (his six) mothers:-
(That same) Katti Arasaa, whose intellect is sharp with understanding memory and retention as a result of deep study of all the sciences and their true meanings and who has uprooted all the rival heirs with tact and prowess,
and who has pleased all (his) subjects by governing them justly according to varna and asrama laws– in the
twelfth year of his reign, on the full moon day of (the month) Karttika; – having been advised by the great Brahmana, The Vyaghra–svamin, who is the past master of the Vedas and the
Vedangas, who is an expert in the science of administration,
who has an uncommon wealth of exposition in grammar together
with word analysis, logic, poetry, drama, history, and the Puranas, (in short) who is the Brihaspati (the preceptor
of the gods) of the present age, (and) who holds the foremost responsibility of the entire assets of the kingdom; has
granted a field of valu land,
measuring twenty-five nivartanas by royal standard og measurement belonging to the village Nulgala, inclusive of all produce, garden
cultivation (sa-totiam) cummin crops water and house to Krishna-svamin, who is a master of the Vedas and the
Vedangas, and who maintains two fires (sa-dvatitheya) and who is of Kaundinya gotra. He, who confiscate this (gift) will be guilty of the five great sins. He, who protects it will share the reward or this meritorious deed.
Here follows a customary benedicto imprecatory verse. Om !
1. This punctuation mark is not needed.
2. Expressed by the usual spiral symbol
3. The western Chalukyas, who succeeded the Kadambas to
the sovereignty of Karnataka, copied the Kadamba prasasti including the title Dharma-Maharaja in the beginning but later in the reign of Pulakesin 2, regularised the form, discarding this
title altogether. Earlier dynasties, like Western Gangas, Kadambas and Pallavas, assumed similar titles,
Dharmaraja, Dharmamahadhiraja and Dharmamaharaja- dhiraja.
See Ep.Ind. XXIV, pp.139-40.
1. Desai concludes from this expression that Vyaghra–svamin was, probably Chief Minister and Head of
the Administrative affairs of the chalukya Kingdom.
2. Vaumannam is obscure. It may be compared with unchhamanna in later records (e.g. Ind.Ant., IX pp.66
and J.B.B.R.A.S., XVI, pp.244 etc.),

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