ancient indian history

1947 Partition

A blood soaked leaf, which was kept in history pages of India
Unethical Partition of India – Part 1
How patriotic are those who “denied” 1946-48 hindu holocaust, which had cost two million lives and uprooting of many more millions of Hindus. How right are those political leaders of Hindu part of partitioned India, who do not wish to talk about Partition of India, fearing civil war and their own death?
How patriotic were those authors of constitution of India, who considered the 1947 partition which led to loss of one third of India, as a non event and did not mention this major event in the document i.e the constitution of India.
Where was the administrative machinery of British India, when
Gangs of islamic killers roamed freely, on the roads of Lahore, Layalpur, Sargodha & Shekhupura.
Where were the law enforcing authorities prior to the planned bloodshed, consequent to Mohammad Ali Jinnahs direct action call.
Where were Gandhi & Nehru hiding, when the hindu residents had shut their doors & windows in terror, awaiting the inevitable, expecting the worst.
Where was international court of justice, Human right organisations, and United Nations, when the enemy captured Lahore and proceeded to massacre all the non Muslim residents in the city- the indigenous people of lahore.
There was no law and order in Lahore just as there had been no law and order in Multan and Rawalpindi earlier, now resembling ghost towns.
The barbarians had wiped out entire civilisation.
Those who stepped out to fetch water from the street taps, buy food or milk for the babies were instantly beheaded. The others perished in their own homes set ablaze by the highly charged Muslim mobs shouting “Allah hu Akbar”.
Women and girls were dragged out of their homes to be raped and gang raped, none heeding to their anguished cries. They shouted “Mummy!, Daddy!” whose mutilated corpses lay in front of their eyes.
India, Bharat, Hindusthan, whatever one may wish to call her, had died for the daughters of Lahore.
Where was humanity? Where were the champions of Secularism? Where were the super powers? Where was the UNO?
Where was Gandhi & Nehru team hiding ?
And Finally
Where was God?

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