ancient indian history


As Received

(From Army but still relevant to Airforce & Navy )


1. You were born in a Military Hospital.

2. Half your toddler years were spent being looked after by Bhaiyas ( no explanation here).

3. You went to school either on Bhaiya’s cycle or in a Shaktiman.

4 .You know what a shaktiman is. ( No! it isn’t the TV serial about half man and half machine starring AB lookalike).

5. Jeeps & Jongas don’t excite you – they were your regular mode of transport!

6 .The only alternative to the Central School / Kendriya Vidyalay was the Army, Air Force or Navy School.

7. You always called Kendriya Vidyalaya Central School. Gosh even today that sounds better!

8. Your entire family could survive in one room or temporary quarters with 25 black trunks, wooden crates, the dog, the bedroll and two bhaiyas flitting around.

9. The smell of Brasso & cherry blossom shoe polish was regular staple.

10 .Mess was not what you created in your room, it was where you went every Friday for the free “English” movie.

11 .The “English Movie” was very often a western and you couldn’t follow a word! Sometimes you just went for the samosas and the local drink that they insisted was Cola.

12. At the end of the month your dad had to pay for many pink slips showing how many samosas and local drinks that they insisted was Cola you had consumed. They never missed any!!!

13. You attended many May Queen Balls before you knew what Miss India was.

14 .Your mother regularly got dressed, perfumed and disappeared for the Ladies Club.

15 .You knew towns like Mhow, Wellington, Deolali, Bhuj, Lansdowne

16. You weren’t a millionaire but hey you had Swimming, Horse Riding, Squash, Tennis and Golf!!

17. You thought the main reason to have a Golf Course was to have a Holi Bash.

18. You can still take one quick look at the epaulets and figure out the rank.

19. You discussed Wednesday’s Chitrahaar in the Shaktiman.

20. You can still recall the special & particular smell of the CSD canteen! A special prize for the correct concoction – mine is – it was a mix of Hamam Soap, Ponds Dreamflower Talc & Surf i think. In some corners it had overtures of Brooke Bond red Label and Lifebuoy soap, Cherry Blossom ……as well.
21. Your vacations were a package deal consisting of D-forms, Sharma Uncle Ka jonga and Mess ka khana.

22. All vehicles mysteriously appeared or disappeared from a vacuum called MT

23. When “C O Uncle” !! was happy he took the unit out on picnic and when he was GLAD he organised a “PAGAL GYMKHANA”..and then everyone got GLAD !!

24. No one commented on the dressing sense of any body – “It was all Uniform”

25. Every house had a settee ( which looked more like a narrow coffin!!) made out of condemned ammo cartons, sarkari blankets and an old embroidered table cloth.

26. ……..and finally when Papa retired it took Mom about 12 years to get rid of the “KABAAR ” that had been accumulated / hoarded over the years to include about 30 to 40 trunks & wooden boxes all painted black or green, 14 Brass Mementos which looked like Knights on horses, Old Cannons or some sort of imaginary work of modern art which looked more like flashes of Lightening ( the concept of which only Papa could explain after two drinks!!) , Eight or Nine empty Brass Shells which Bhaiya used to brasso every time we had someone visiting our house, Four sets of Naga Spears, Five types of Dahs, Two Khukris, One Mizo Bow and about 20 Arrows, Fishing Rods ( the hooks had been hidden by Mom long ago lest some brat managed to get them inserted into his hand or eye!!) eight “Machchar Danis” and 32 rods/ bamboo sticks, Two World War II helmets, One Parachute, about Two High Alti Parkhas, Three “chustis” , Papa’s 18 pairs of shoes, One shiny green coloured Great Coat, Ten fungus eaten leather belts , Moth eaten sarkari Balaclavas, one High Alti Sleeping Bag, Two Mattress Kapok, Key chains made out of M14 Anti Personnel Mine Safety Clips, One Pack 08 and about four FS Packs, Web belts, One pistol Holster, One cowboy hat, One “Barah Bore Bandook”, one .302 Springfield Rifle whose ammo is no more available and has become a nuisance to get rid of !!, Four Daggers, about Five walking sticks , Two sarkari canes, One Swagger Stick, One “chabuk” !!!!!, One Leather Crossbelt, about five Whistles, Thirty KGs of Hazen Cloth in various stages of decomposition !!!! , about 80 KGs of Drift wood, almost 400 White coloured Stones that were picked up from some God forsaken riverbed in Sikkim/Siliguri to be used one day for Landscaping of the Garden after retirement, 60 to 70 Flower Pots, 100 Meters of water pipes ( in bits and pieces), One unused fish aquarium , 50 Meters of Cable WD, Old Blanco Cakes, One Folding Camp Cot, One folding Camp Chair which has the nasty habit of injuring the hands of any inexperienced person trying to open it. Two Namdas, about Four to Six rusted dog leashes still attached to rotting dog collars and not to forget the JHOOLA that was made long ago after taking a lot of obligations of the “Work Shop Uncle”.

The kids are still proud of what they got and are aware of the sacrifices their parents made, toiling honestly and with fullest integrity. It steeled our kids to give their best and feel grateful for every additional comfort they receive. They know that ours is a culture apart which millions of Indians would want to experience and are highly envious about.

Well done Army/Air Force/Navy kids. You are the best and the products of the best upbringing. You make your parents proud and indeed the Defence Services are proud of you.

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