ancient indian history

Some extracts of my book

During the late Eighties, my Squadron. was assigned the responsibility of smooth induction of Chukar III PTA with the Indian Navy. Most of the establishment used to maintain a distance from the poor baby, PTA squadron, as the PTAs were highly vulnerable to losses & GOI used to take its loss seriously & every loss was followed by BOI & punitive actions.
(In fact, India was the only country those days, wherein losses of Pilotless Aircraft were taken seriously, while almost all other countries of the world, had assigned a life of one Launch only to each PTA & had considered this item, as a consumable item)
During Oct 1989, we started receiving Chukar and spares from M/S Northrop America. However, Boxes were just lying in NSD Cochin and no action was being taken to muster & issue equipment and transfer on squadron ledger charge. Time was running out as training as per strict time schedule, was to commence mid Oct 1989 and only four days were left for American Team of instructors to arrive in India.
These four days, I was supposed to establish Squadron & make arrangements for operational as well as classroom training as a training coordinator.
I was given to understand that any delay in training may lead to a big loss as per the contract agreement with Northrop America. Understanding this difficulty, I & my Squadron offered our help to NSD Cochin. We worked continuously for 72 hours with NSD Staff, mustered all equipment prepared ledgers and received the items from NSD, and established Chukar training facility within three days.
NorthropTeam. led by Mr Rose Hudson, arrived on time.
I represented as Leader, Indian team, for smooth induction of Chukar III with the Indian navy.
Training commenced smoothly. I always maintained strict supervision on both instructors as well as the Trainees, as a few people had a tendency to sit idle and waste time.
We organized both classroom & operational training and Completed the training as per strict time schedule/contractual agreement.
I understand M/S Northrop America, subsequently congratulated the Headquarters at Delhi and complimented them stating that the team Headed by me, was highly competent & best in the World.
Later on, we were directed to move to Mumbai in three phases and a Ship was assigned the responsibility of shifting the squadron to Mumbai.
I could make out that the authorities at Cochin wanted to get rid of Chukars, while authorities at Mumbai wanted to delay the process, due to obvious reasons.

I was directed to load all the Chukar Equipment on the ship in one go by the authorities at cochin (not in three phases as was planned earlier) We performed the job effectively. Thereafter the command deputed me to help FATO (Mumbai) to establish the PTA squadron at Mumbai. This is pertinent to mention that I was given to understand that a few officers from Delhi, had gone to America & had stayed there for a few months. But we did not get any help/expertise from them.
After we got PTA equipment unloaded on the jetty, FATO called me immediately thereafter & I was asked to carry PTA launch. Presumably, the Admiral wanted to see the performance of Chukar PTA.
I informed him that I need some infrastructural facilities for making the PTAs operational & can not make the PTA fly from the jetty. In fact, there were many facilities required for making the PTA airworthy.
We had unloaded all the PTA equipment at Jetty & making PTAs fly directly from boxes was a stupid desire of the FATO.
I, therefore, made it very clear that I cannot prepare the aircraft with existing aircraft facilities, because some operations like setting up of Gyro, Aircraft Control Rigging, etc need a very Stable Platform and Zero Wind Conditions. We also needed some essential Electric power supplies, which were not available on the jetty
But they were not at all, in a mood, to listen to me. The next day, FOO called me in his office & ordered me to prepare the Aircraft and carry out the Chukar operation/launch from the jetty. I apprised him about the constraints. To this, he started shouting at me with a full pitch of his voice & said “I give you direct orders. Carry out the launch of PTA”

Without loosing my calm, I requested him to not to shout & calm down. I told him that with this shouting, he may not be heard even in his office but If I raise the pitch of my voice, I shall be heard on another side of the Jetty and that may not be good for his health & he may get a heart attack.

Immediately thereafter the Chief of Staff ie an Admiral called me at WNC office. Admiral also started shouting on me saying that “My Command my Order and I have to carry out PTA Operations” I expressed my regrets. I informed the admiral, about the difficulties in launching Chukars. I informed him that if they fly aircraft with existing conditions then they will loose the aircraft. I returned to my Mess, with a heavy heart and wrote a letter to FOC in C West explaining why I can’t prepare the Aircraft on the Jetty. I informed him that if still they launch PTA with available means, then they shall be loosing an aircraft costing one million Dollars.
The next day evening while I was in my cabin, a few Military Police Personnel handed me over a Gen Form, Railway ticket and asked me to return to Cochin immediately. They made me to pack up my baggage and dropped me at Railway Station.

I understand that the command prepared the aircraft, with available resources, in my absence and flew it, within two to three days after I had left Mumbai. They wanted to prove their point.
They lost one Chukar III PTA. The adamant attitude of the Command Authorities had led to this big financial loss.
Later on, Ms Northrop America confirmed that I had rightly advised the command, to not to prepare aircraft on jetty & launch thereafter.

While I was traveling back to Ernakulam, I looked out of the train window and noticed 2 birds flying along and then landing in a tree.
I, therefore, knew some seabirds during an approaching storm, can be a real help for getting around as birds are very sensitive to changes in air pressure and know instinctively where to take shelter. “Most perching birds’ feet work so that when a bird lands, special muscles make their toes automatically tighten around the branch on which they are perched. This holds them in place during high winds or when they sleep. Birds must make an effort to unclench their toes in order to take off. Therefore, during a storm, the birds do not necessarily need to hang on tighter – they need to relax!” Suddenly words started flowing my mind “Those who trust in Lord Shiva, will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk & run but not faint.” I had to maintain my calm as I knew the times ahead is going to be very tough. I reported my unit ie INS Garuda/NAY Cochin wherein my transfer Order for INS Rajali was waiting for me. I received my transfer letter from my unit and did not question the authorities for the untimely transfer orders & started preparing for another turbulent storm of my life.






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