ancient indian history

Dura Inscription of the time of Kanishka

Dura Inscription of the time of Kanishka
–Year 16 ( 94-95 A.D)
Provenance: Dura, Kiraoli Tehsil, Agra District. U.P.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Mixed Sanskrit and Prakrit
References: Sircar. Ep.Ind.XXXV.
pp. 190-91.

1. From the facsimile Ep.Ind XXXV, Pl. Facing p.191.
2. Sircar reads [सं] at the end of 1.1. where there is no trace of any letter. In 1.2 under म in 1.1. it is quiet legible.
3. Sircar [ग्रा] मिकानां which he translates as village
headmen for which, there is no justification, since ग्रामिक
simply means a villager or a rustic, a fact is hardly worth mentioning.
There is enough space for four letters before and I propose to restore them as वये संग्रा 

1. महाराज देवपुत्रस्य कस्य स । 1 वत्सरे 10 + ५ =१५ पौष मास-दिवते १० । अस्म दिवसे प्रचारक-हरिथ । स् * य
= अस्मिन् दिवसे प्रावारिक-हस्तिन :
2. भर्य्र्य = भार्या : संघिला भगवतो पितामहस्प = भगवत: पितामहस्य सभ्य संबुद्धस्य स्वमताविरुद्धस्य देवस्य पूजात्ये प्रतिमं प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठा
3. पयति सर्व्व-दु:ख-प्रहानात् lथे = गात्थम् ||
हिन्दी अनुवाद
महाराज देवपुत्र कनिष्क के राज्य संवत्सर १५ में पोष मास के
१०वें दिन । इस दिन प्रावारिक हस्ता की धर्मपत्नी, संघिला, अपने इष्ट-देव भगवान् पितामह सम्यक्-संबुद्ध की पूजा के लिए प्रतिमा की प्रतिष्ठा करती है, सब दु:खों के नाश के लिए।

English Translation of the inscription
In the year 16 (of the reign) of Maharaja Kanishka, on this date, a house is dedicated in favour of the
tikas by Vardhan tikka, who is the daughter of Vasudatta and
belongs to the, family of the martial (clan of) tikas
of Arshtishena gotra .
May this be for the welfare of the people
This period therefore marked the revival of Hinduism under the patronage of the Gupta rulers Brahmins started getting donated land known as Agrahagar or brahmadeya .Vaish community was most productive but had to pay most taxes.
Ahinsa and vegetarianism was prevalent in the society.

Shudras got engaged art & culture activities & were very active in labor and craft jobs as well as agriculture.
.Rise of a new caste system Kayastha (took place during this period. They used to keep the land records. Guptas encouraged ancient Gurukul system of education.

Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the ancient Inscriptions by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
Kindly Visit
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