ancient indian history

Mankial Stone Inscription of Kanishka

73. Mankial Stone Inscription of Kanishka 1
Year 18 = (AD 96)
Provenance: Manikial, Rawal pindi, District, Pakistan
Script: Prakrit
Language: Sanskrit
References: Princep. J.AS.B., 1834. pp.557 f, Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 129 J.AS.B, 1854, pp. 703 ff.
ASI ii, 1871, pp. 161 ff. Dowson JR.A.S
1863. pp- 250 f. ; Senart J.A, IX, vii. 1896, pp ff. Banerji. I.A. 1908, pp.46f. Luders, J.R.AS 1909, pp.645 ff: Fleet. J-R.A.S. 1914. pp.373 f, 1003 f, Pargiter, J.R.A.S 1914. Pp-641 ff.7 Stael-Holstein. J-R.A.S.
1914. Pp. 757. 759; N.G. Majumdar. J.P.A.S.B. 1928, p- 67. Sten Konow C.I.I., II, i. Pp.149 f.
(Number. LXXVI); D. C. Sircar, Sel-Inss, I., pp.142-43
1. सं 10+4+4 ( कर्तियस मस स दिवसे 20) ऐत्र पूर्वए मह रजस कणे

2. ष्कस गुषाण – वंश-संवधक लल
3. दडणणयगो वेश्यशिस क्षत्रपस
4. होरमुर्तो सवस अपनगे विहरे
5. होरमुर्तो एत्र पण भगव-बुद्ध- झुव
6. प्रतिस्त्वयति सह तए । न । वैश्प शिएण खुदेचिये
7. बुरितेन च विहर कर ।व्ह । एण
8. संवेण च परिवरेण सथ ।
एतेन कु शलमुलेन बुधेहि च ष ।। एहि । च ।
समं सद भवतु
भ्रतर स्वर बुधिस अग्रप 1 डि । अशए सथ बुधिलेन नवकर्मिंगेण ।।

संस्कृत छाया
सं ‘वत्सरे अष्टादश १८ कात्तिकस्य मातत्य दिवसे विशे: 20
अन पूर्वााया तिथौ महाराजस्य कणिष्कस्य राज्ये । कुषाण-वंश-संवर्धक: लल: दण्डनायक : य: वेश्यसे: क्षत्रपस्य होरमुते: दानपति : स: तस्य आत्मके = आत्मीये विहारे होरमुर्त : – अत्र नाना भगवद्बुद्ध-स्तूपान प्रतिष्ठापयति सह त्रयेण — वैश्य शिकेन खुदेचियेन खुदेचि वासिना
बुरितेन च विहार-कारकेण साम्बेन च — परिवारेण सार्द्धम् | एतेन कुषाल -मूलेन स्तूप रूपेण सत्कार्येण जातं पुण्यं बुद्दै: च श्रावकै: च समं = सार्द्दे सदा भवतु, भ्रातु: स्वरबुद्ध: अंग्र प्रत्यंशाय मुख्य -भागाय साई बुद्धिल नवकमिण निर्माण संस्कारादि नियुक्तेन

1. From the facsimile in C.I.I, II.i, page 148, Plate XXVII.
Second line from the top is actually the first, while the first on the stone is in reality, the second. Lines l-6 run parallel to the long side of the stone. lines
Lines 7-9 transversely at left margin, line 10 upside down along the left side of the upper edge line 11 is on top margin exactly parallel to line 1 below it. And line 12 transversally at the Right margin To the right of
1.12 on the right margin there is another line reading कर्तीयस मसस दिवसे
&This should be read after in 1.1

2. Konow. मझे Pargiter म

A Matra is clear below ष

2. According to Luders होरमुर्तो is a skythian word equivalent to Sanskrit दानपति
M. Senart took होरमुर्त सतस as one word.
(skt. होर मूर्ती सत्त्वस्य )
an incarnate image of Ahura”. and Pargiter as होरमूर्तासक्तस्य
i.e Attached to horas or muhurtas
3. Konow C:I.I, II. i, p.148, accepted Luders interpretation namely alms-lord in his own monastery. ” It is an old
form of modern Hindi word
4. Konow: from Pali, कापेती used inter alia about the cremation of the Buddha’s body and hence is a synonyms
of. शरीर धातु or relics. But Senart read it as ध्रुव
Luders as ठुव (स्तूप) and Pargiter as व
5. Senart. तएण (Skt.= त्रयेन )
Pargiter तएन Skt तेन
6. Senart. सच सद Pargiter सवसन Luders सछ सन 

English Translation of the Inscription

Aano 18, on the 20 day in the month of Karttika, on this aforesaid (tithi) during the reign of Maharaja Kanishka,
the general Lala, the scion of the Kushana race, the donation
master of the Kshatrape Vespasi- he is his donation master in his own Vihara -establishes several relics of the Lord
Buddha together with a triad: Vespasia the Khudachian. Burita the Vihara architect. and Samba, together with (his) whole family (Merit from this root of bliss. together with
the Buddhas and Sravakas, may for ever be for the principal
share of (my) brother Svarabuddhi. He was also associated)
with Buddhila, the repairing architect.
1. I-E ‘Comander of an army’ but Dandanayakas were often
governors of districts.
2. Konow C.I.I, II, i. p-150

74. Set-Mahet Buddhist Image Inscription of Kanishka I (A-D. 78-102)
Provenance: Set (or Sahat)- Mahet (ancient Sravasti} on the borders of Gonda and Bahraich districts,
UP. (Now in Indian Museum, Calcutta).
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit
References T. Bloch, Ep. Ind, VIII, p-180 f., sircar
Salect Inss. I, p.145.

म खाराजस्य राजातिराजस्य
वपु त्रस्य कणिकस्य सं — दि 10 एतये पुनये भिक्षुस्य पुष्य । बु

2. दिस्य * ) सद्धयेविहारिस्य भीक्षुस्य बलस्य त्रेपिटकस्य दानं बृ धिसत्वो दाण्डाच शावस्तिये भगवतो चैकमे
3. कोसंबकुटिये अचाय्योणां सवास्तिवादिनं परिगहे
संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य कनिष्कस्य संवत्सरे
दिवसे उन विशे १८ — एतस्यां पूर्वाय़ां [ टिथौ] भिक्षो: पुण्यवृंद्दे: सार्द्दविहारिंण: सतीर्थतस्य भिक्षो: बलस्य त्रेपिटकस्य दानं बोधिसत्त्व : छत्रं दण्ड: च श्रावस्त्यां भगवत: चड्-क्रमे कौशाम्बकुटयाम कौशाम्बकुटी विहाराविन्दे आचार्याणां सर्वास्तिवादिनां परिग्रहे (ग्रहाय)

1. From the facsimile in Ep-Ind. VIII, Plate facing p.181.
2. Right upper corner of the pedestal bearing the Inscription, is broken off. It bore possibly. of 1.1 and of 1.2, which latter can be restored with help of the Sarnath image inscriptions (Nos.37-39 S.I.).
The uppar half of about two-thirds of 1.1 is lost. only traces of the lower parts of letters are visible.
English Translation of the Inscription

In the year of the Maharaja, the
Davaputra Kanishka (or Havishka 7) in the the month of —– on the
19th day. On the date specified above, a Bodhisattva, an umbrella and a
stick, tne gift of the monk Bala, who knows the Tripitaka,
and who is a Companion of the monk Pushya-Vriddhi, (have been set up) as the property of the teachers of the
school of Sarvastivadins. in the Kausambakuti in the
promnade of the temple of Lord Buddha in (the city of) Sravasti.
1. The literary Pali form is

2. According to Block, was a building inside the Jetavana park near Sravasti.

Set-Mahet Stone umbrella Staff Inscription of the time of
Kanishka (AD. 78-102)
Provenance: Set (or Sahet) Mahet (ancient sravasti) on
the borders of Gonda and Bahraich districts, Uttara Pradesh.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit.
References T. Bloch, Ep. Ind. IX pp- 290-91, D-C. Sircar, Select Inss. I, Pp.144-45.

1. म हाराजस्य राजा तिराजस्य ।। दे। –
2. वपु त्रस्य कणिकस्य सं दि ——
3. भिक्षुस्य सध्ये । वि । हार् [इ*) –
4. स्य | भिक्षुस्य पुष्यवुद्धिस्य सद्धयेविहारिस्य भि * [ क्षु ] –
5. स्य 1 बलस्य त्रेपिटकस्य *
6. दानं बोधि [स] त्वो छत्रं दण्डाश्च
7. शावस्तिये | भग | [ वतो चं ] क । मे कोसंब
8. [ कुटिये आचार्यानं सवा ] | स्ति । वादिन
9. [परिग्रहे |

1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind, IX, facing p.291. This record is virtually identical with another from the
same site. ( see Supra number 74) The donor of the present record is evidently identical with the đonor, namely. Bhikshu Bala, who erected a Bodhisattva and Chhatrayashti at Varanasi, and put up a record in
similar language ( see supra Number 61) there.

(For Sanskrit, English and Hindi
Translation see Set-Mahet Buddhist Image Inscription of Kanishka I.
76. Mathura Stone Pedestal Inscription of the time of Kanishka- Year 20.
Provenance: Mathura
Script: Brahmi
Language: Mixed Prakrít and Sanskrit.
References: D R. Sahni, J.R.A.S. 1924, p-400, No. 1.
1. (म ) हाराजस्य कनिस्कस्थ सवछरे 20 हेमन्त माशे दिवशे —-
2. देवचये बोधिस्त व पतिथपितो गोठि
3. मात पिति हि सह नवि

Reproduced from J.R.A.S, 1924, P-400, Number 1, No plate accompanies the text.

On the day of the 4th month of winter in the year 20 in the reign of Maharaja Kanishka this bodhisattva was set up in the devachaya with parents.

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