ancient indian history

Sanchi Buddhist & Surkh Kotal Inscriptions

81. Sanchi Buddhist Image Inscription of the time of Vasishka saka year 28 ( AD. 106)
Provenance: Sanchi Raisen district, Madhya Pradesh.
Script: Brahmi
Language: Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit
References: Buhler. Ep-ind, II, Pp369-70, Luders, Ep-Ind,IX, p-244 f, List number- 161, Fleet, J.R.A.S 1903, pp.326 ff. 1910, pp 1913, N-G- Majumdar in
“The monuments of Sanchi” by Marshall and Foucher,
Vol – I, pp3867, D-C. Sircar Sel. Inss, pp 150-51,
(महाराज) स्य रा जातिराजस्य (देव) पुत्रस्य षाहू इ वास इ ष्कस्य सं 20+8 हे (दिनांक 5) । ए । तस्या [+ पुवा (या) भगव –
2. तो …….. स्य जम्बुछाया शेल [T] ग्र [ स्थ | स्य धर्मदेव विहारे प्रतिष्ठापिता खरस्य धितरे मधुरिके
3. —णं देव धर्म परित्यागेन 

संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य राजा तिराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य षाहि-वासिष्कस्य सं ( वत्सरे अष्टाविंग ) २८ हे ( मन्त-मासे प्रथमे । १ पूर्णिमान्त
मार्गशीर्ष दिवसे पन्चमे ५ एतस्या पूर्वायां । तिथौ । भगवत : शाक्यमुने : जम्बुच्छाया शेलाग्रस्थस्य यद्वा – शैल-गृहस्य, यद्वाशैलाग्रीयस्य धर्मदेव-विहारे प्रतिष्ठा पिता खरस्य दुहित्रा मधुरिक्या ।
[ अने ] देय धर्म-परित्यागेन
1. From the facsimile Ep.Ind, II, Plate facing p- 368.
2. Buhler वासुस्क
Identified with Vajhishka of Number 51,
and Jushka 0f Rajatarangni, Which Suggests that Hushka
(Huvishka) Jushka and kanishka (In ruled contemporaneously. शाही = Shah= Khushayathia (of Darius inscription)
From Skt. क्षि to rule महीक्षित = A king
3. Buhler originally read it as 20, but at Cunningham’s suggestion revised his
reading to 70.
Dr Fleet, J. R.A.S 1903. pp- 326 ff,
established after long discussion, the figure as 20, Smith early History of India p238, suggested 60 as the reading. Luders Ep.Ind IX:pp 244-45, discussed various readings but Left the question open.
Sircar. Sel.Inss. l, pp.150, n.4 accepts the reading as 20, since
this without bar type of 20 is found on the coins of the Western Satraps and in the Nanaghat amd Gadha
inscriptions. On the basis of Mathura stone Inscription of Huvishka dated lst of Gorpiaios (corresponding to
Bhadra-Asvin} of the Year 28. He opines that Huvishka began to rule earlier than the date of the pesent record.

English Translation of the Inscription
In the year 28 of Maharaja Rajatiraja Devaputra, Shahi Vasishka, in (the month) 1 of winter on the fifth
5th–day, On this aforesaid (date) is established (the image)
of venerable (Sakyamuni) who stands on summit of the Jambu chchhaya hill, in the monastary of Dharmadeva by Madhurika, the daughter of Khara. By this offering in accordance with the
law of gifts.
Restoration suggested by Buhler शाक्य मुनिस्य
2 Buhler वेर
3 Buhler धितरे मधुरिका
Sircar धितर मधुरिक

Surkh Kotal Inscription of Kanishika II

-After the Kanishka year 31 = (109 A D-)
Provenance: Surkh Kotal (ancient Begolango) situated enroute
from Kábul to Nisar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan –
Script : Greek
Language: Indo- Bactrian
References: M. Andre Maricq. J.A, CCXLVI, 4, 1958, pp345-440,
W.B.Henning, Bul.School of Oriental and African Studies, XXIII, Pt-I, 1960) pp.47-55.
The Surkh Kotal inscription records the repair of a sanctuary founded by Kanishka (I), which had fallen into
disrepair and abandoned.
Nokonzoko, the lord of Marchel and a loyal and devoted vassal of the Emperor Kanishka (II), who bore the titles BADOSHAO and MAEZ0MO, ( The title corresponds to Kaiser).
The work was executed in association with three other officials of equal rank.
Nokonzoko came there in the year 31, and repaired and adorned the place by circum-vallating the acropolis. digging a well, Conducting it’s water out and setting Stones on pillars, S0 that pure
water should not be lacking. that is to say he built an aqueduct in the year 31.
The Inscription must have been recorded Sometimes after his visit. by Mihraman and Burzmihrpuhr. who signed it and caused the heraldic
devices to be incised after their names.

Kanishka II was the son of Vasishka, who ruled from the year 24 to 28. Kanishka II Succeeded to the
northwestern parts of the empire in the Kanishka year 28-29, while Huvishka became a sovereign ruler in the
rest of the empire. This date coincides with the Christian Year 106-107 A.D, Since Kanishka is believed to have
commenced his reign “in 78-79 A D. Kanishka 2 ruled till 129 AD, found to the west of Kabul. In this Inscription, Huvishka is called Maharaja Rajatiraja.
with full Kushana titles of a supreme ruler. On his death, Huvishka extended his authority over the north-westen portions of the empire. This is clear from the Wardak inscription in Kharoshthi script of the year 51 (129 AD-) found to the west of Kabul.
For detailed discussion of Early Kushán chronology, see Baldev Kumars “The Early Kushans New Delhi-Jullunder
1973 pp. 138 ff. and 154 ff.

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