ancient indian history

Mathura Jain Image Inscription

Mathura Jain Image Inscription of the time of Huvishka, Year 29.
Provenance: Kankali Tibba, Mathura
Script Brahmi
Language Prakrit
References: Buhler. Ep.ind, pp385. Number 6, Luders, list of Brahmi Inscriptions Number XXXIV

A. महाराज हुवि ष्कस सं 20 माहे 9 दि 30 अस्म क्षणे भगवतो
वर्धमानस प्रति मा प्रतिष्ठापिता ग्रहह थ स्य धितर सुखिताये बोधिनदि स य

B. कुटुंबिनिये वारगे गणे पुश्यमित्रीये कुले गणिस आये-दतस । य । शिष्यस गह । प्र क्षिवस निर्वत [ना ] अरहत बुजाये ।


1. यदि लेखक का उद्देश्य 550 को शब्दों को प्रकट करने का
था तो पुराण शत साद्र पंच चाहिए था ! इस अवस्था में साधेपंच प्रमाद वश छूट गया है ! ऐसा भी संभव है कि पुराण-शत एक सिक्का हो जो सो पुराण के बराबर था हम प्रत्येक अक्षय नीवी में 55000 पुराण दिये गये हों
2. From the facsimile in EP.Ind,I, p-388, Pl-6, A and B.
3. The dated Inscriptions of Huvishka range between the years 28 and 60 e.g Mathura Stone Inscription of the year 28 (Supra No. 43 and Ep.Ind XXI, p-60 f) and the latest
Mathura Inscription of the Year 60 (Infra no 100 and Ep.Ind- I, p386) Thus it being certain that in the Year 29, Huvishka was on the throne. We can safely restore the first two syllables of his name that are lost in this Inscription.
4 Read थि
5. Buhler  नदि [ये]

The Jain religious orders seem to have been highly organised by this time. The biggest unit was the gana, with a ganin at the head. Each gana was subdivided into kulas, each of which was in turn associated with a sakha. A further sub-
division was a sambhoga. The Mathura Set of in Inscriptions of the Kushana period mention only three ganas by name e.g Kottiya Varana and Aryoddahikiya, while a fragmentary
Inscription Ep.Ind, I, p 382, Number II seems to record, hika Kula, the name of whose gana is lost.
But we know from the Kalpasutra that this kula belonged to the Vesavadiya gana. The Kalpasutra (Ed-Yakobi. Jain Sutras Pt I. S.B.E. XXII. 1964. and trans. by J. Stevenson, London 1848, itself refers to nine ganas, but spells
Varana as Chāranā. Modem gachchhas, numbering more than a hundred, referred to in the Upengas. Nirryuktis and Prakirnakas, which are the later part of the Agemas,
appear to be equivalent to the ancient Canas Some of the
sachchhas e g. Nagendra-gachohha is also called a gana.
The Hathlra epigraphs record Brahmadas, Thaniya
(Sthaniya) Vachchhaliya ( Vatsaliya) and Pavahaka (Prasnavahanaka) kulas of the Kottiyya Gana.
The sakhas corresponding to the first three are recorded as
Uchenagari (Uchchainagari) Aryaveri or-Vaira or Vajanagari or Vajranagari) and Majhama (=Madnyama).
Srigana and Arina Sambhogas belonged to thie Gana.
To varana gana belonged to the Arya-Hatikiya, Pushyamitriya, petivamika, Natika, (Jnatika) and Arya-Chetiya kulas, originating from
Varjinagara (Vajranagari) and Majhama (Madhama) Srigana and Arina Sambhogas belonged to this gana. To
Varanagana belonged to Arya hatikiya,
Pushyamitriya, Petivamika, Natka the Arya-Hatikiya and Arya-Chatiya kulas.
and vajanagari (= Vajranagari, i.e originating from
(Verijinagara) Haritamalagadhi and Samkhasiya (Sankasyiyaa)
sakhas, and Siriya (= Sriya) or Arya-sirika ( Arya-Srika)
Sambhoga. To the Arya-Uddehikiya Gana belonged the Naga-
bhutikya and Paridhasika kulaš, and Petaputrika as the only sakha. according to these records. For further
information. See Jain Sutras, Pt.I. Kalpsutra ad.
Jacobi. S.B.E- XXII 1964. Pt.II Utaradhyana Sutra,
The Sutrakritanga Sutra, 1973 First published by the
Oxford University Press in 1884-95.
J. Stevenson Kalpasutra EnglishTranslation. London. 1848, Buhler Ep.Ind, I. pp- 378-80, B.N. Puri India undar the Kushanas, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Bombay. 1965. pp. 150-51, Baldev Kumar, The early Kushanas. New Delhi, 19 73, pp. 223-24,
A.C. Sen, schools and Sects in Jain literature, Calcutta, 1932 and Muni Uttam Kamal Jain, Jain Sects and Schools. Delhi. 1975. Chapters 6 and 8)
2. Buhler गह (प्र) (कि) (व) स

In the year 29, of the Great King Huvishka, in the
2nd month of winter, on the 30th day.
At this moment an image of the divine Vardhamana was set up by Sukhita, the daughter of Grahahastin and the wife of Bodhinandin (on the) advice of
Grahaprakshiva, the pupil of the venerable Datta, a Canin in
the Varana Gana and the Pushyamitriya kula, in honor of the

संस्कृत छाया

महाराज (हुवि) ष्कस सं वत्सरे 208 हे मन्त मासे 2 तिये दिवसे 30 तमे अस्मिन क्षणे भगवतो
वर्धमानस्य प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठापिता ग्रहहस्तिना: दुहित्रा सुखितया बोधिनन्दिन: कुटुंम्बिनया वारणे गणे पुश्यमित्रीये कुले गणिन: आर्य-दत्तस्य । शिष्यस र्गहप्रक्षिवस्य निर्वतना अर्हत पुजाये ।

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