ancient indian history

Alok Mohan – Profile

Cdr Alok Mohan is a graduate mechanical engineer from REC/NITK & possess following post graduate specializations:-
M Tech Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering
Marine engineering from Naval College of Engineering Pune
Aeronautical Engineering from AFTC Bangalore
Computer Sciences from SSI South Campus New Delhi
Software Engineering Specialization from IIT Kharagpur (with distinction)
He has authored several articles/papers, which are published in various websites & books.
Studium Press India Ltd has published one of his latest contributions “Standardization of Education” as a senior author in a book along with many other famous writers of international repute.
Cdr Alok Mohan has held important positions in both Govt & Private organisations as a Senior professional & as an Engineer & possess close to four decades accompalished experience.
As an aeronautical engineer (for close to two decades with the aviation wing of Indian navy) he ensured accident incident free flying.
As leader of indian team during early 1990s, he had successfully ensured smooth induction of Chukar III PTA with Indian navy as well as conduct of operational training.
As an aeronautical engineer, he was instrumental in establishing major aircraft maintenance & repair facilities of aviation wing of Indian navy, like NAY Goa, AED Arrakkonan etc.
Cdr Alok Mohan is a QMS, EMS & HSE consultant.
He provides consultancy to business organisations for implimentation of the requirements of ISO 45001 OH & S, ISO 14001 EMS & ISO 9001 QMS, AS 9100, AS9120 Aero Space Standards.
He is a qualified ISO 9001 QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO 45001 OH & S Lead Auditor (CQI/IRCA recognised certification courses) & HSE Consultant. He is a qualified Zed Master Trainer & Zed Assessor.
He has thorough knowledge of six sigma quality concepts & has also been awarded industry 4, certificate
from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Knowledge Hub Training Platform
Commander Alok Mohan is a Trainer, a Counselor, an Advisor and a Competent professional of cross functional exposures. He has successfully implimented requirements of various international management system standards in several organizations.
He is a dedicated technocrat with expertise in Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Facility Management, General Administration, Marketing, Security, Training, Administration etc. He is a graduate mechanical engineer with specialization in aeronautical engineering.
He is always eager to be involved in imparting training, implementing new ideas and improving existing processes by utilizing his vast experience.

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