ancient indian history

Ara Stone Inscription

91. Ara Stone Inscription of Kanishka II
Saka Year 41 (A D- 119)
Provenance Ara, Near Chah Bagh Nilab. 16 Km-South-South-west of Attock, Pakistan.
Script: Kharoshthi of the Kushana period.
Language: Prakrit

References: R.D. Banerji. Ind-Ant XXXVII. 1908. Pp-58 ff;
Luders, ib, XLII, 1913, pp 132 ff, Sten Konow Ep- Ind, XIV, pp-130-43, C.I.I, II.i, pp-162 ff.
(Number LXXXV, D.C. sircar, Sel.Inss, I. pp- 154-55, (No 51)
TEXT of the inscription

1. महरजत रजविरजस देव पुतरस कइ (स) रस
2. वझिष्प पुत्रस कनिशकस संवतारए एकचपरि
3. शए सं 20+20+1 जठस मसस दिवसे 10+4+1 इश
दिवस-क्षु छु णमि खं (दे )

4. कुपै दषव्हरेण पोष – पूरिअ -पुत्रण मतर-पितरण बुय [ ए ]
5. अत्मणस सभर्य। त । । स । स पुत्रस अनुग्रहर्शरए सर्व सप । ण ।
6. ज दिबू उ छ तए इमो च लिखितो म धु

संस्कृत छाया

महाराजस्य राजा तिराजस्य देवपुत्रस्य केसरतस्य वासिष्ठ पुत्रस्य कनिष्कस्य संवत्सरे एकवत्वारिंशे सं ५६ ज्येष्ठस्य मासस्य दिवसे पन्च दवो १५ अस्मिन् दिवस क्षणे खात: कूप: दशपर्णेन पोष परिक पुत्रेण माता-पित्रो : पूजायै , आत्मन: संभायस्य सपुत्रस्य अनुग्रहार्थाय =ग्रह-लाभाय । सर्व सात्त्वानां जातिषु = जन्मसु छदाय रक्षाये इदं च लिखितं मधु

1. From the facsimile in C.I.I, II, Plate XXXII, 1., facing p.164 and Ep. Ind, XIV,
facing p-143.
2. Banerji: वसिष्य Luders and Konow: वझेष्क
Evidently it was intended, top stroke to the left, Seems to have been omitted through oversight.
The king is identified with Vasishka of Sanchi Buddhist Image Inscription of the Year 28, and Jushka of the
3. Sircar Konow

English Translation of the inscription

( During the reign) of the Maharaja Rajatiraja Devaputra Kaisara Kanishka, the son of Vajhishka, in the forty first year anno 41, on the 15th day of tne month.
1. Sircar: (हि ) रणस अ एम
2 Konow: (हि ) तए (इ ) मो च (लि) खिय म् (धर्म )
3. Cf Prakrit गुढुव्हर for the Parthian name vindapharne
4. May stand for पारूषपुरिक
The man may have been named after the city of Purushapura (modern Peshawar),
A custom even now prevailing in these parts.
5. The four titles used here originated in different countries, Maharaja 1s Indian. Rajatiraja Iranian,
Devaputra Chinese and Kaisara or Cesser Roman. Four
Emperors. namely of China. India, the Roman empire and the yue-chi, were known as the sons of heaven. This
tradition was current over a wide area in the ancient world. See Konow C.I.I, II. i. pp-163. Jyaishtha, on this day and moment, This well was dug by
Dashavhara,, of Paushapurina, in honour of his mother and father, for the benefit of himself, with his wife and son, for the welfare of all beings in the various births And, this has been written down (by Madhu)

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