ancient indian history

Artemidoros and Peucolaos

#Artemedorus & #Peucolaos
Artemidoros was a king who ruled in the area of #Gandhara and #Pushkalavati in modern northern Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Artemedorus ruled in #Pushkalavatl and the adjacent town of £Nikaea. This is indicated by the appearance on his
coins of “bull and “panther’ of Pushkalavati and of Nike.
He used the #monogram 112, in common with Strato 1
and #Antialkidas, He must, therefore, have been their contemporary. His family afiliations cannot be ascertained
from his coin-types, But at this time the ruler of Pushkalavati and #Nikaea could only be the sub-king, and hence a
relative, of Antialkidas. Strato I had lost these districts to Heliokles. Rarity of Artemedorus coins indicates a brief reign. At Nikaea he may have succeeded #Archebius
Peucolaos, who continued to issue the Artemis tpe Artemedorus, was probably his son. He succeeded Artemedorus to the #throne of Pushkalavati Nikaea region.
Peucolaus (means #Saviour) ruled Gandhara & his reign was probably short and insignificant, since he left only a few coins.
One of his Kapisi types, is also known, indicatinghis rule even in Kapisa. Peucoaos seems to have been
christened in honour of the #goddess. Pushkalavati or Peucolaos as the Greeks pronounced her name. Only two of his types are known. It suggests a very brief reign.
Thus the #family tree of the Eukratidean princes takes another shape wherein Archibius is grand son of Heliokles and Antialkidas is son of Heliokles.

M.V.D. Mohan Indo Greek Coins, Pages 132, 133 &
p. 196, Pl.VI 6.
(Pushkalavati Nagar devata type of an unknown king)
City goddess of Pushkalavatl
wearing a crown surmounted with
Lotus flowers,
clad in sari, holding Lotus in right hand. Pakhalavadi davata
Broken Khroshthi legend, but restored as Kali (Amba) by
P L Gupta JNSI XVII 1955 Pt.I Page 70q
(Artemidoros, whose name means “gift of Artemis,” chose Artemis as the featured deity on his coins. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, is recognized by her attributes, the bow and the quiver)
Reverse Indian humped bull Top.

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