ancient indian history


Ancient India – 3


Followers of Sanatana Dharma called themselves as Aryans or the ‘nobles’ They were the natives of Sapt-Sindhu, which included Punjab, Kashmir, Sindh, Kabul and Gandhara (Kandhar) and parts of Central Asia.
They composed the reminiscent hymns to nature and celebrated life energetically. The main sources of information of this period, which has come down to us are, through the Vedas and the Epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, which through their stories and hymns tell us about the existence of the Aryans.
They were natives of the south & Central Asian  region for several thousand years and administered this region. There is a mention of this fact in Ramayana also.
However there were efforts to create fake Aryan Invasion theory. This concept was misused in the past by alien culture to create a divide between sanatna dharma society & thereafter deliberately used to promote the idea of racial superiority of Aryans, particularly during the Nazi era.
The critical study of Ancient Inscriptions & Aryan history, did not provide any evidence that Aryans had ever invaded south asia or central asia.
Rather every region of south asia and central asia there are evidences in the form of coins Inscriptions etc, to prove that same culture existed in the entire region. There was same spoken language and script found in different parts of Asia.
Ravan was a brahmin & most of the Brahmins were also called nobles Aryans and they existed in entire south asia.
The political system of the Aryans in their initial days here was amazingly complex, though quite ingenious.
They created small village settlements and provided security system to the villagers and later on developed them to small  kingdoms. Sanatana Dharma society was very much a patriarchal society, with the eldest man in the house was expected to keep his flock in control.
Groups of kulas together formed a Grama or village, which was headed by a Gramina. Many villages formed another political unit called a Visya, headed by a Visyapati. The Visyas in turn collected under a Jana, which was ruled by a Rajana or king. However, the precise relationship between the grama, the visya and the jana has not been clearly defined anywhere.The king was the most powerful monarch. Although he lived as befitted a king, he was supposed to work in tandem with the people’s wishes.
He had an elaborate court of many officials, including the chief queen (Mahishi) who was expected to help him, in the decision making process. Two assemblies, Sabha and Samiti further assisted the king. The Samiti was roughly equivalent to our modern Lower House or the Lok Sabha, with members that represented the people, and the Sabha was a permanent body of selected men. So everything was very proper and democratic. This was obviously speedily amended. As one Jana swallowed another and kingdoms arose out of their ashes, the king became increasingly the despot that we are all more familiar with. Women seemed to have had it good at this time, but then through almost all of the ancient period of Indian history, women continued to command respect and considerable pull in society. Although by the time of the Mahabharata, their position had slightly fallen enough for them to be treated as a man’s property, as is evinced by the episode, where Yudhistra gambles away his wife
The caste system as is known now does not seem to have evolved yet and even when it did, it was not the rigid thing, as it became by the time of the Guptas, but was a loose social system where people could move up and down the social scale. All aryans worshipped nature gods – they prayed to the Usha (Dawn), Prajapati (The Creator), Rudra (Thunder), Indra (Rain), Surya (Sun) and so on. These gods and goddesses were appeased by prayers and sacrifices.As time went this idyllic life among the beautiful wooded country with a benevolent monarch, a democratic senate and an open social system failed to survive. By the sixth century BC things had become complicated and rigid enough for socio-religious reformers like the Buddha and Mahavira, who Influenced the society for further betterment. The educated class, as has happened the modern world also, became increasingly the real masters in the socio-economic-political scheme of ancient India.

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