ancient indian history

Welcome to Ancient India Website

 History may be defined as collection of evidences, research based on facts & figures and presentation of  authentic information about past events. History is a strong medium to get connected with ancient roots.   Scholars who write about history are called Historians. As we all are aware that   India witnessed several invasions. Adequate justice could not be done to honor our heros  due to lack of interest by the invaders. Small contributions in the field of  History of Ancient India by historians during Colonial rule could not do justice to earlier Proud rulers of South North & West India & their successors. Ancient Indian History, therefore  became victim of history of religions by erstwhile historians. “ Truth of those dark times was not Truth, it was just someone’s version  to please their religious & political bosses.

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About the Author: Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan

Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan was an Indian scholar of the Pāli & Sanskrit languages. He was a dedicated scholar and an academician.  He was born  on 28 Sep 1917 in Village Jafarwal District Shekhupura.  & grew up in a middle-class hindu family. His father Mehta Gokul Chand Mohan, was a Senior officer and had served various kingdoms of  British India. He served Mandi & Sukait Kingdoms as Revenue Minister. During 1926 to 1927, there was a rebellion in a neighboring State namely “Sukait”. The British Government appointed him as Chief Administrator to  restore law & order.He was also considered for the post of Chief Executive of jammu & kashmir but he could not join due obvious reasons. He served   Bharatpur & kingdom also as a Senior  Officer. His mother Smt Durga Devi Mohan was a daughter of renowned Arya Samaj Missionary Mahashya Karmachand dutt of  Jaffarwal Duttan, now in Pakistan.

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About the Author:  Dr Lajja Devi Mohan

Dr Lajja Devi Mohan wife of Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev mohan,  was born  on 17 Sep 1931 in Chuk No 468, Tehsil Samundri District layalpur ( Now in Pakistan)   & grew up in a middle-class Sikh family.  She was born and brought up “on nationalist fervour” as a daughter of veteran freedom fighter Giani Balwant Singh Dutt a Social Reformer.  She, therefore spent her childhood under the care of her Grand mother ( Maternal) Mrs Prem Devi Bali & Mama Raizada Mulkhraj Bali at Jammu, Who used to narrate her stories regarding sacrifices of Guru Teg Bahadur, Bhai Mati dass & Bhai Sati Dass, Sahibjades of Guru Gobind Singh, Bhagwan Ram Krishan & Hanuman & these stories left a deep impression & sense of proud in her mind.

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