ancient indian history

Junagarh Stone Inscriptions

Inscription number 139
Junagarh Stone Inscription of Jayadaman ‘s Grandson.
Provenance: Near Bava Pyaras Matha in front of one of the cells of
an extensive complex of caves situated to the east of Junagarh, Gujarat.
Script: Early Southern variety of Gupta Brahmi closely resembling the Brahmi of the Gunda inns of time of Rudrasimha.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: Buhler Arch Surv, W.Ind, II, pp140 ff, Pl:XXI,
Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit inss, Bhavnagar, pp.17, No. 1 and Pl.XV, Rapson, B.M.C., Coins of Andhra
Dynasity etc. P.1,xi, Number 401, Luders List, . 966, R. D. Banerji and V.S. Sukthankar, EP.ind, XVI,
pp.239-241, Sircar Select Inss,.I, pp.183.
The name of the reigning king is lost on the inscription. He must be Damysada.
His reign saw the decline of the dynasty after his dominions were conquered by the Satavahanas and saw the rise of the Abhiras in the south and Malavas in the north. He is also known as Damaysada, Damazada or

1. [क्ष ] त्रयस्य स्वामि-जीवदामस्य । एताय पूव्र्वाय वर्षे । १०
2. [व ] स्त्रदत्तस्य वास्तून 1-] दिकस्य वस्तु-शम्र्मकस्य रामकस्य पुत्र [T *]

English Translation of the inscription

also first among the warriors (kebata) by the assembly of gods.
On the fifth day of the bright half of
Chaitra in the year- –.
–(during the reign of king Mahakshtrapa) the son’s son of the King Kshatrapa lord Jayadaman, the great grandson of- —Chashtana.
Here in Girinagar,
– — The gods, asuras, nagas, yakshas and rakshasas, like the city of Indra ( )
-who had arrived at the knowleage of kavalines, old age death.

The facsimile in EP.Ind XYI 0PP. pp.236.
2. Fleet..थाप् (उ ) रमिव

Sircar: पु
3. Some read जित जरा
But the reading of the line is uncertain

हिन्दी अनुवाद
तथा देव-समुदायों के क्षत्रियों में प्रथम – ••…चष्टन के प्रपौत्र राजा छत्रय स्वामि जयदामा के पौत्र राजा महाक्षत्रप के वर्ष चैत्र शुक्ल पक्ष के दिवस पंचम, ५ में यहां गीरि नगर में देव, असुर, यक्ष, राक्षस इन्द्रपुर की तरह जिन्होंने केवल-ज्ञान पातिया है

Inscription number 140
Inscription on the silver coins of Jivadaman
(Saka) Year 120, (=198 A L)
Reference: Rapson B.M.C, pp.84, Number. 29C,
First side: Bust of king to imitation of ins. in Greek characters date in Brahmi numerals,,
Second side Symbol of three arches, surmounted by crescent to 1, star to r,
with wavy line beneath star, border of dots, Inscription in Brahmi.

र [T] झो मह [T] क्षत्रपस दामजदस पुत्रस राझो  मह [T] क्षत्र पत जीवदामस
संस्कृत छाया
राझ: महाक्षत्रपस्य दामजातस्य पुत्रस्य राझ: महाक्षत्रपस्य जीवदाम्नः ||
हिन्दी अनुवाद
राजा महाक्षत्रप  दामजात के पुत्र राजा महाक्षत्रप जीवदामा का सिक्का |
English Translation
(Coin) of Raja Mahakshtrapa, Jivadaman son of Raja
Mahakshatrapa Damajata.

1. Jivadaman was the grandson of Rudradaman 1. He possibly
succeeded his uncle Rudrasimha, in saka 119, (= AD 197)
2. Rapson B.M.C., P. CXXIV states:-
With the reign of Jivadāman, son of Damajadasri, begins the series
of dated coins. From this time onwards, the silver coins of the dynasty, regularly have the year of their issue recorded in Brahmi numerals on the obverse behind
the king’s head, Of Jivadaman, there are also dated coins of potin. But according to D. C. Sircar, Sel.Ins,
pp-184, n 3, the reading of the date on Rapson’s coin number.288 is doubtful. and the first Brahmi date may be attributed to the coins of Rudrasimha 1. A variety of chashtanas coins is supposed to contain dates, expressed in Kharoshthi numerals. (Rapson op.cit,.. p-cxiv). No doubt the dates on the coins are in Saka era.
Jaivadaman was a western Kshatrapa ruler. He was the great grandson, of Chastana, and the father of Rudradaman 1,, but may not be having an opportunity to become powerful Kshatrapa/Mahakshtrapa.
Chastana and Rudraman I ruled jointly as is evident from contemporary Indian inscriptions. His reduced title/power
may have been a consequence of the conquests of the Satavahanas over the Kshatrapas territory.

Inscription number 141.
Junagarh Stone slab Inscription of Jivadaman.
Provenance: Junagarh fort. Gujrat..
Script: Western Brahmi of the 2nd century AD .
Language: Sanskrit.
References: R.D. Banerji, EP-Ind. XVII, pp-339-40
1. Actual name as found on a variety of his coins is Damaghsada (also read by some as Damayasada) or
Damajadsri, Zada in Persian means ‘son.
Banerji deciphered the symbol for the year at the end, of 1.1 as 100. But the slab has broken off along the
final downward stroke of the numeral. So we can not be sure if to its right, the additional stroke for 200 was
there or not. On palaeographic grounds as also on the basis of his reading of the date, Banerji identified
the ruler with Jivadanan who is known from his coins, to have ruled Kathiavar, from the year 100 to 118 or 119,
of the Saka era, ruling out his identification with Jivadaman I, whose son Kshatrapa Rudrasimha 2, was
ruling, as his coins indicate, over tne same area in the Saka year 227. But since we are not certain, whether the year incised was l00 (+x) or 200 (+x)
We must leave the question of identification open.
Placement of the inscription in the present chronological
order is only on Palaeological considerations and is tentative.

1. [क्ष ] त्रयस्य स्वामि-जीवदामस्य । एताय पूव्र्वाय वर्षे । १०
2. [व ] स्त्रदत्तस्य वास्तून 1-] दिकस्य वस्तु-शम्र्मकस्य रामकस्य पुत्र [T *] 

English Translation of the inscription
-of the Maha kshatrapa Svami Jivadaman.
On this aforesaid (day) in the year 100 (7) stradatta, Vastunamdika, Vastusarmaka the sons of Ramaka.

हिन्दी अनुवाद
महाक्षत्रप स्वामी जीवदामन के ( राज्यकाल में )—- इस पूर्वोक्त में 100 वें वर्ष में रामक के
पुत्रों, वस्त्रदत्त, वास्तुनन्दिक (और) वस्तुशर्म्मक

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