ancient indian history

Kings of Sarabhapura

KINGS OF SARABHAPURASarabhapura dynasty ruled parts of Madhya Pradesh  and Orissa, during 5th and 6th centuries. The earliest known kings of this dynasty were vassals of Gupta empire but consequent to weakening of Gupta empire, they became independent. Sarabha father of Maharaja Narendra, was the first king, who can be regarded as a founder of this dynasty and had established the the city of Sarabhapura.Most of this dynasty’s grants were discovered in Malhar, Raipur, and Kosala region. These inscriptions were issued from Srabhapura and Shripura. Maharaja Narendra, the son of Sharabha, had issued some earliest grants of this dynasty.Maharaja Narendra was a devotee of Bhagavat. 

Inscription number 46. Pipardula Copper-plate Inscription of Narendra. Regnal year 3. Provenance: Pipardula, Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh. Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian Alphabet of the 5th or 6th century A. D Language: Sanskrit. Metre: Vv.1-2: अनुष्टुभ श्लोक References: D.C. Sircar and L.P. Pandeya Sarma, I.H.Q., XIX, pp-139 ff, D.C. Sircar, Select.Inss, pp-488-90. 


1. From the facsimile in I.H.Q, XIX.
2. The sixth syllable in the first quarter is short. A long one is required.
3. This sarabha is regarded identical with the Sarabha-raja, the maternal grand father of Gopa-raja, was killed fighting for king Bhanugupta, and
whose epitaph is engraved on the Eran stone Pillar Inscription of the Gupta year 191 (= 510 A.D.) (see supra,No. II,48 ). Thus Sarabha and his son Narendra should be assigned to the last quarter of the 5th century AD. In his 24th regnal year, Paramabha-gavata
Narendra issued Kurud plates (infra no III, 46) to replace the original palmyra leaf charter recording the grant of a vilage to a Brahmana by the
Parama-bhattaraka (apparently a Gupta king) when it was destroyed in a conflagration in the donees house.
Narendra issued the substitute charter in favour of the donee’ s son or the merit of the Parama-bhattaraka,
indicating at least his nominal allegiance.

Second plate first side.

1. Spiral symbol.
2. Possibly the same as modem Nandgaon and Sakra in the old sarangarh state. Bhoga, here is used in the sense of a bhukti or district.
3. Possibly a subordinate ruler.
4. = Sanskrit स्वाम्यात्मने
5. Ancient Indian law required sanction from the king, to make a piece of donated land rent-free.
Third plate First side.
1. Sircar and Pandya suggest amendation to pratyavaya, which is unnecessary.
2. i.e. उत्कीर्णा पट्टिकाE

English Translation of the inscription

Seal: This charter is of the king, Sri Narendra,who has conquered the earth by the sharp edge of his sword,

who is born of Sarabha, (and) who is the chastiser of his enemies.
L1.1-3: Om ! Hail From Sarabhapura, Maharaja Sri Narendra informs the householders headed by the Brahmanas residing in sarkara-padra in the Narendrapura bhoga.
L1.4-71: This village has been granted, through (this) copper charter, by Rahudeva, for the increase of his own
religious merit in favour of the Brahnana Svamippa (= Svamyatman) of the Vajasaneya (charana) and Atreya
gotra. And I have also confirmed it as out of bounds, for District Begar officers and troops.
L1.8-13: Wherefore you should offer them, on due time, tribute consisting of measurable items (of produce)
and gold & C. (i.e their share in cash and kind). He also greets the future lords of the bhoga (with the request) you should protect this (gift of) the
village in view of the fact that by protecting an earlier grant, one comes upon blessings, and by
confiscation to calamity.
L1.14-19: And in this context two verses sung by Vyasa are
(usually) cited.
(Here follow two of the customary verses).
L1.19-20 (This charter is issued) on the tenth day of the month of Marga-sirsha of the prospering third (regnal)
year. Engraved by Sridatta.

Besides sarabha, founder of the dynasty, five other Sarabha-puria kings, are known from their records, e.g.
1. Prasannamatra, 2. his son, Jayaraja, 3. the latter’s brother, Manamatra, 4. The latter’s son, Sudevaraja or Maha-
Sudevaraja, and 5. Latter’s brother, Pravararaja.
Sarabha and his five successors ruled for about a century, from 450 A.D. to 550 A.D., when the last ruler
was probably ousted by the Pandava king, Tivara, who issued his charters from Sripura, to which place the
last Sarabha ruler, Pravara,seems to have shifted his capital and issued his charter.

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