ancient indian history

Lost Beneath the Broken Sky

Lost Beneath the Broken Sky

We don’t understand, how or why
We lost our way, beneath a broken sky
When news of your vows reached my ears
I drowned in a sea of forgotten years
They pointed fingers, accusing me
But I stood silent, couldn’t set myself free
Their cruel actions, left me numb
And I wondered where all this pain had come
They were close, those who caused the strife
And we grew careless, with the edge of life
We don’t understand, how or why
We lost our way, beneath a broken sky
Life’s worn out, with no more fight
My thoughts and I, no longer tight
Questions I have, they pass me by
Caravans lost on roads gone dry
My life is weary, burdened by the night
For my circumstances no longer fight
My thoughts drift away, they no longer care
For the questions I ask, or the pain I bear
These doubts, they grow with every breath
While my heart sinks deeper, closer to death
The paths I walk, the dreams I chase
All seem to vanish without a trace
My caravan of hope, lost in the dark
No guiding light, no distant spark
We don’t understand, how or why
We lost our way, beneath a broken sky
Life’s worn out, with no more fight
My thoughts and I, no longer tight
Questions I have, they pass me by
Caravans lost on roads gone dry
In this haze of confusion, we wander on
Through endless nights, with the light long gone
But somewhere deep, a whisper cries
To find our path, to clear the skies
For though we’re lost, we still believe
There’s a way to heal, a way to grieve
We may not understand, how or why
But we’ll find our way, beneath this sky
For even in darkness, there’s always a light
To guide us home, to end this fight
We’ll rise again, though we’ve been torn
For in every ending, new hope is born – Alok Mohan

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