ancient indian history

Lucknow Museum Jain Image Inscription

Inscription number 94
Lucknow Museum Jain Image Inscription of the
Time of Huvishika —- Saka Year 48
(D 12)
Provenance: Not Recorded- Possibly Mathura
Script Brahmi
Language Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit

References: R.D. Banerji, Ep. Ind X,
p 112, No-5.
D-C. Sircar, Sel.Inss,- I, pp-156-57
(No- 53)
Text of the inscription
1.महारजस्य हुवक्षस्य सवाचारा 40+8 व 2 दि 10 एतस्य
पुवायं कोटिटये गणे बम दा
2. सि ये कुले पचनमरिय शाकाय धत्र वलस्य शिशिनिये धल
शिरि ये निवर्तन

3. बधूकस्य वधुये शवत्रात पोत्रिये दान स भवस्य प्रोदिम प्र
4. वस्थपित

संस्कृत छाया
महाराजस्य हुविष्कस्य संवत्सरा: । अष्टवाचारिंशा: । 48 व | र्षा -मास: द्वितीय: ) २ = पूर्णिमान्त-भाद्रपद: ) दि ( व स: सप्तदशः ) ! १७ ! एतस्यां पूर्वायां तिथो ) कोट्टीये गणे ब्रह्म-दासीये कुले पञ्चनगरीय शाखायां धान्यपालस्य शिष्याया: थान्य श्रिया : निर्वत्तनात ( अनुरोधात् ) बन्धकस्य वध्वा शर्वत्रात-पौत्रया यशाया : दानं सम्भवस्य प्रतिमा प्रतिष्ठापिता ।

1. From the photo plate III, in Ep.Ind. facing p-112.
2. Banerji: Dhujavalas
3. Banerji: DH ujhas iriv
English Translation of the inscription

The years 48, the 2nd month of the rainy Season, the 17th day, of the Maharaja Huvaksha, on that ( date
specified as) above an image of Sambhava was set up by
way of a gift of Yasa, the grand-daughter of Savatrata (7)
and the daughter-in-law of Bandhuka, at the request of Dhanyasri, the female disciple of Dhanyapala from the
Kottiya-gana Brahmadasiya kula and Panchanagari Sakha.

1. Banerji: Savatrana
2. Inscribed in the middle below l.3.
3. Sambhavanatha, the third Jain tirthankara whose lanchhana
is the horse. The Yaksha Trimukha, the Yalkshini and Sasanadevi or Duritaridevi, the Kevala tree. Sala
the chowrie-bearer Satyavirya are usually associated with his image according to D.C. Sircar
4. R D- Banerji. Ep.ind, X, p.112.

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