ancient indian history

Manchapuri Cave Inscripiton

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Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscription by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
(Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1. Pages 71 & 72)
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Hathigumpha Cave Inscription of Kharavala.
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Manchapuri Cave Inscription of the Chief Queen of Kharavela.

Provenance : Udayagiri Hills, Puri Distt, Orissa, in the upper storey called Svargapura, of the cave called Vaikuntha Gubha.

Script: Brahmi of about the end of the first century B.C.
Language: Prakrit.
References: Bhagwanlal Indraji, Actes du 6 me Congress Qr. a Leide, Pt. III, See ii. pp. 152 ff.; R. D. Banerji, Ep. Ind. XIII, p. 159; B.M. Barua, old Brahmi Inss.
pp.55 f.; Ind. Hist: Quart, XIV, p.159; Luders List, No.1346 (for other references) D.C. Sircar, Sel. Inss, I.

1. अरहंत-पसादाय कलिंगा (न) (सम) नानं लेनं कारितं (I) राजिनो ललाक (स)
2. हथिसिहस पपोतस धु [ तु] ना कलिंगच (कवितिनो सिरि-खार 3 वेलस
3. अंग – महिसी (य ) का (र ) इ (तं ) (II)
1. From the facsimile in Ep. Ind., XIII,
p.159, Pl. I. I.
2. “दान Indraji दानं some others
3. Indraji : साहानं Banerji: साहस

संस्कृत छाया
अहतू-प्रसादाय कालिड-गेभ्य: श्रमणेभ्यः ( =जैन-भिक्षूणां वासार्थ ) लवनं कारितम् राझ: लालार्कस्य -पुत्रस्य ( = लालार्क-पुत्रस्य यदा लालार्क वंशीयस्य)
हस्ति सिंहस्य प्रपोत्रस्य दुहित्रा कलिड.ग- चक्रवत्तिर्न श्री खारवेलस्य अग्र महिष्या लवनं कारितम्

English Translation
This cave dwelling has been got constructed as a propitatory gift to the Arhats for the benefit of the
Jaina ascetics of Kalinga. It has been got constructed by the chief queen of the illustrious Kharavela, the ovarlord
of Kalinga, and the daughter of the great grandson of the king Hostisimna son of Lalarka.
Name of the king some times read as “Kudepa” or “Kadampa” He may have been successor of kharavela.

Translation of another inscription
This is the cave of the Arya Maharaja, the illustrious vakradev, the lord of Kalinga and a scion of Mahameghavahana family.
Manchapuri Cave Inscription of Kumara Vaduka
Provenance: udayagiri Hills, Puri district, Orissa
Manchapuri Cave Lower Storey, side wall
Script: Brahmi of about the end of the first century B.C.
Language: Prakrit

कुमारो वडुजरा तेणं (1)
संस्कृत छाया
कुमार-वडुजस्य लयनम् ।
The cave of the Prince Vadukha.
हिन्दी अनुवाद
कुमार वडुक की बनवाई हुई गुफा | 

  • References: James Princep, J.A.S.B VI,pp.1072 ff, Rajinder Lal Mitra, Antiquities of Orissa,  II, pp.14-31, R D Banerji, Ep-Ind XIII, p.161.  

Velpuru Inscription of Aira Mana Sada (First half of the second century A D.)
Provenance: Velpuru, Sattenapalle Taluk, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh,
Script: Brahmi, resembling the form used in the inscriptions of Gautamiputra Satakarni ( 106-30 AD)
and has son Vasishthiputra Pulumavi ( 130-59 .D.}
Language: Prakrit.

The Chedi Mahameghavahana king Kharavela of Kalinga,
who Claimed Aira (Arya) descent is known to have besieged Asikanagara situated on the bank of the river
Kanhavena (Skt. Krishnavena, i.e modern Krishna) in defiance of thé contemporary Sätavahana king
Satakarni. The title Maharaja was popular among the Chedi Mahameghavahana but not among the Sattavāhanas
Hence it is conjectured that king Manasada may be a successor of Kharavela, though the.exact relation between the two cannot be determined
From the facsimile in Ep.Ind XXXII facing page 82
The complete name may have been something like Reva or Deva
English Translation another Inscription

Success Obeisance to the Lord. One mandapa for the Lord Bhutagrahaka has been completed by (Deva) who is the female torch bearer of the illustrious maharaja Noble
Manasada the son of Hariti the descendant of Galva.
Kindly note
1. Bhutagahka may be class of domestic spirits like Bhutagrihya
2. some scholars are of the opinion that Aira stands for Aila while other trace it to Sanskrit word Arya, which is used by Cheri Mahameghavahana of Kalinga
3 The ending sada in the name Sivamaka Sada in an
Amaravati inscription is generally taken to stand for Satakami or Satavahana.


  • Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscription by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –

    (Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1. Pages 70-71)

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