Mathura stone Inscription of the time of Sodasa. (10-25 A.D.)
Provenanca: Mathura Script : Brahmi Language: Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit. For Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscription by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan – (Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1. Citation requested Kindly Visit
References: R.P. Chanda, A.S.I., No. 5. pp-169-73, H Luders, Ep.Ind, XXIV, p.208, D.C. Sircar, J.B.R.S, XXXIX. Pts. 1-2, pp. 45-46: Sel.Inss, I, p. 123. Text 1-5 6. वसुना भगव [ तो वासुरे ] – 7. वस्य महास्थान [के देवकु ] 8. लं तोरणं वे [ दिका प्रति ] 9. ष्ठापितं ( = तम् ) प्रीतो भ [गवान् वासु ] 10. देव: स्वामि [ स्य ( न : ) महा क्षत्र ] 11. पस्य शोडास [स्य शासनं ] 12. संवत्र्तयतां [ = ताम ]
English Translation. 1-5. —–; 6-9: The divine family, an arched gate and a platform have been established in the great shrine of the Divine lord Vasudeva by – Vasu 9-10: May Lord Vasu be pleased. 10-12: May the reign of the lord, the mahakshatrapa Sodasa continue. Footnote. 1. From Ep.Ind., XXIV 2. Traces of letters visible, though illegible. 3. Chanda महास्थान [ चतु: शा ] Lüders: शै [ लं ] 4. Chanda: वेदिका 5. Chanda and Lüders:… ष्ठापितो 6. Chanda: म [ वतु वासु] हिन्दी अनुवाद 1-5: —– 6-9: वसु ने भगवान् वासुदेव के विशाल भवन में देव-परिवार तोरण और वेदी स्थापित की | 9-10: भगवान वासुदेव प्रसन्न होवें । 10-12. स्वामी महाक्षत्रप शोडास का शासन जारी रहे ।
Mathura stone Inscription of the time of Sodasa. (10-25 A.D.) Provenanca: A wall at Mora, 12 kms from Mathura Script : Brahmi. Language: Sanskrit influenced by Prakrit. For Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscription by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan – (Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1. Citation requested Kindly Visit
References: Cunningham A.S.R, XX, p.49, Pl. V, J.Ph. Vogal, Catalogue of Archeological museum, Mathura, p.184, No.Q1, Luders, Ep.Ind, XXIV, p.194, D.C. Sircar, Sel.Inss, I, p.122.
English Translation: In the year of Lord the mahakshatrapa Sodasa, son of mahakshatrapa Rajuvula, images of the venerable vrishinis, the five heroes, have been established in the roak temple. हिन्दी अनुवाद महाक्षत्रप राजुवुल के पुत्र स्वामि महाक्षत्रप शोडास के राज्य संवत्सर में पांव भगवान वृष्णी वीरों की प्रतिमाएं शिला निर्मित देवाल्य ( मन्दिर ) में स्थापित की गई
Footnote. 1. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind., XXIV 2. Sanskrit: महाक्षत्रपस्य राजवुलस्य पुत्रस्य स्वामिन: 3. Vayu P. (LXXIX 1-2) names the five deified vrishi heroes. संकर्षणो वासुदेव: प्रधुम्न साम्व एव च अनिरूद्धश्च पञ्चैते वंशवीरा प्रकीर्तिता: 4. Reading as also the meaning of lines 4 and 5, is doubtful.