ancient indian history

Nanaghat Cave Inscriptions

Inscription number 157.
Nanaghat Cave Figure-label Inscription. of the time of Satakarni 1.
Nana Ghat is on the western ghats between the konkan coast and the ancient town of Junnar. This pass is about 120 kilometres north of Pune.
 It was on ancient trading route, and is famous for the caves engraved with Sanskrit inscriptions in Brahmi script during the time of Satavahana dynasty.
Provenance: Nanaghat Pass leading from Konkan to Junnar,
in Pune district. Maharashtra.
Script: Brahmi of the second half of first century B.C.
Language: Prakrit
References: Buhler Archeological survey of Western India. V, pp-64, Luders’ list, Numbers 1113-18, Sel Inss, I,
From Archeological survey of western India, V, P1, L1, Numbers 3-9. The first six Inscriptions are engraved above the Position of the beads,
of what were relievo figures now entirely destroyed,
since the names of the reigning king and his queen. Sri- Satakarni and Devi Naganika (No.2) are in the genitive case. The inscriptions are attributed to Nagamnika, the queen of the Satavahana dynasty, known as Satkarni brahmin kings.
it appears that the labels and representations belong to them,
them and to the fathers of either (No.1 and No.4 respectively) and the royal Princes. The name of vedisri is
not traceable.
He is known to have been a son of Satakarni and Naganinika (see Nanaghat Cave Inscription of Naganinika infra 158 below) The 7th Inscription (No.9 of the Plate)
belongs to much later times, those of Gautamiputra Satakarni 1, or Pulumayi accoing to Buhler. But the script
is exactly similar to the rest of the inscriptions on the
cave. (except for d).The Present form has alternately been used frequently even in Asokan inscriptions. It is engraved over a cistern, near the large cave.
2. Buhler restored भायल and took him to be a younger bother of Satakarni.
3. Earlier scholars assigned the Nanaghat inscdptions to the
middle of the 2nd century BC on grounds of palaeography.
But now the palaeography of these records, has been proved to
be later. (For references. see Ray Chaudhuri .P.H.A.I. 4th ed. pp-337ff.

No. 1
1. राया सिमुक-सातवाह
2. नो सिरिमातो

No. 2
1. देवि-नायनिकाय रणो
2. च सिरि-सातकनिनो (11)
कुमारो भा –
No. 3
1. कुमारो भ हनो
2. य —-(II)
No. 4
महारठि त्रनक यरो (II)
No. 5
कुमरो हकुसिरि (11)
No. 6
कुमारो सातवाहनो (11)
No. 7
सोपारयकस गोविन्ददासस देयधम पोढि

संस्कृत छाया
राजा शिमक-सातवाहन: श्रीमान् ।
देवी-नागन्निकाया : (नागाया : = नाग्या: ) राज्ञः श्री
शातकर्णे: (बिम्ब-द्वयम् ।
कुमार : भाग………… I
महारथो त्राणकार्यः ।
कुमार: शक्ति : श्री
कुमार: सात वाहन:
शार्पा रकस्य गोविन्ददासस्य देय धर्म:
प्रहि उदपानं यदा प्रपदी = वापि

English Translation of the inscription

No. 1. The illustrious King Simuka Satavahana
No. 2. (Statue) of queen Nagamnika and of king Sri Satakarni.
No, 3. Prince Bhaga —-
No.4. Great charioteer ( Maharathi) Tranakarya ( 7)
No. 5. Prince Saktisri
No. 6. Pince Satavahana
No. 7. A cistern, the meritorious gift of Govindadasa,
an innabitant of Suparaka.

1. The actual name of the queen must have been Naga.Anika
or Amnika, or Arnika, which is generally found suffixed to female names in early South Indian inscriptions. Male names usually have the suffix anaka or amnaka or annaka, arnaka).
2. Simuka’s Viruda, Satavahana, suggests that either it was
his second name, or it means a descendant of Satavahana.
The latter alternative is more plausible. since it became the family name as early as the time of Simuka’s immediate
successor. and Satakarni is satisfactory . They cannot be connected with the Satiyaputas of Asokas R. E.II.
The name Sata-vahana has been read on some coins recently published
in J.N.S.I.
3. Modern town of Sopara.
4. Satavahanas were succeeded by the Ikshvakus in the 3rd century AD

Although the Pauraṇic genealogy addresses the ethnicity of the Satavahanas as Andhras, but there should be no doubt that they originally belonged to Nasik-Pune region, wherein large number of coins of Simukha, the founder of the Satavahana dynasty were found.

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