Omgodu (Narasaraopeta) Plates of Simhavarman 3
Simhavarman 3, reigned in the first half of the 6th century AD. He is the father and predecessor of Simhavishnu.
Nandi Varman 1, was his predecessor.
He performed several Asvamedha sacrifices, during his reign.
This is a Sanskrit charter issued by Dharmamaharaja Simhavarman of the Bharadvaja-gotra, in his 4th year, in the month of Vaisakha, sukla-paksha, panchami, registering a gift of the village Omgodu in Karmma-rashtra to the scholar Devasarman, a resident of Kundur, who belonged to the Kasyapa-gotra and Chhandoga-sutra.
Regnal Year: 4
Provenance: Somewhere in Narasaraopet taluk of the Guntur
district, Andhra Pradesh. Now in Madras Museum.
Script: Southern Brahmi of 7th century A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: H Krishna Sastri, Ep.Ind. pp. 252-55.
Footnote 1.
1. See Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1916, pp.113, paras 3 and 4.
2. It appears to be a 7th century copy of the original grant made in 5th 6th century A.D.
3. From the facsimile in Ep.Ind, XV between pp. 254-55.
4. त is incised below the line.
5. The name of the skandhavara is inadvertently left out. Another record discovered from the same place was
issued from Tambrapa-sthana.
Footnote 2.
EP.Ind. VIII, p.161, ).
1. The reading in Pikira grant is:
(Infra, IV, 27, LL.3-4) and Ep.Inf, VIII, pp.161)
2. d in in ddha is a correction from sh which as erroneously incised above dha.
Footnote 3.
1. Gotro is incised above the line
2. The reading in Mangadur plates is:- र्कतुनां शतर्कतु कल्पानां श्री
That in Pikira plates is यथावदाहृतानेकाश्वमेधानां (Infra IV, L-13)
3. Read ओंगोड़ू, as in the grant of Vijaya-Skanda-Varman 2,
(supra, IV,. 23, Ep Ind, XV, pp.246-52, L.10)
4. ल. ( = r ) in काण्टके
is the bandira or sakata- repha of the Telugu alphabet. Theoretically, it is a cerebral र.
5. Rai is incised over an erased conjunct syllable, which ended in Ya.
Footnote 5.
द दत्ता is incised below the line.
English Translation of the inscription.
Victorious is the lord ! Peace ! From his
prosperous and victorious Camp, the pious king, Srisimhavarman
of Bharadvaja gotra, a devout vaishnava, who contemplated on
the feet of Lord vishnu and was devoted to the feet of his majestic father, desirous of winning Dharma (piety) desirous of winning all
the pile of royal virtues, ever engaged in rescuing Dharma fallen under the evils of Kaliyuga = the evil age) and
belonging to (the family of the beloved Pallavas, who meticulously performed many sacrifices and (hence) were
like (Indra) the Performer of a hundred sacrifices, (and) who had with their Prowess occupied (overrun) the seats of wealth of the other kings (Dharma- maharaja – Sri Simhavarman) who
was the son of the truthful Crown prince, the illustrious vishnugopa, who attended upon the gods, the brahmanas, the teachers and the elderly ( i.e. mature) Persons and hence) had augmented his good manners and was resplendent with fame of victories won in the sudden melees of many battles, who was the grandson of the great soul Maharaja Sri Skandavarman, who was the fifth lokapal a among (i.e in addition to the four) lokapalas i.e (the guardians of the four quarters of the world), who was adapt at protecting his subjects, whose
accumulation of merit (Dharma) had grown greatly as a result of great gifts of many cows, gold, land etc.. who had, by bringing about devotion to the Lord Vishnu, produced all the blessings, to whom the circle of kings had submitted
because of his prowess, who was richly endowed with vigorous power and accomplishment- Who (i.e. Simhavarman) was the
great-grand son of the unique hero on the surface of the earth
Maharaja Sri Viravarman, who was greatly devoted to the
Brahmanas, who had earned a treasure of vigorous heat (energy)
of a Kshatriya by the prowess of his own arms, who had established all the bounds of morality (ethical standards)
according to the sacred law, who stood fast on moral rectitude and who had an immeasurable great personality
(commands) that on account of (for expiation of an eclipse and for the increase of our longevity, strength and victories. We, herewith bestow upon Devasarman, a resident of Kondur,
(and) of Kasyapa gotra, who is a student versed in the vedas
and an expert in all the sastras, the village Omgodu, in Karma state, excluding previous holdings, within the four boundaries, namely Kodikim village in the east, Naramchadu village to the
south, Kadakuduru village to the west (and) Penukaparru village
to the north. Therefore, this (gift) be exempt and caused to be
exempted with all immunities. And the wicked person, who transgresses this command of ours, shall deserve physical chastisement. Also in this context, there are verses of the Rishis.
There never was, nor shall ever be a gift like a gift of land. And a more heinous than the confiscation of the same has never been committed, nor shall ever be committed.
To more customary follow:
Given in the fourth year of the flourishing and victorious reign, on the fifth day of the bright half of
the month of Vaisakha. It has been recorded the oral command of his Majesty.