Inscription number 6.
Patiakilla Copper-plate Inscription of sambuyasas and Sivaraja – Gupta Year-283. ( = 603 AD )
Provenance: Patiakilla, Cuttack. District, Orissa.
Script: Brahmi of the northern class of 6th 7th century, A.D.
Language: Sanskrit.
References: R. D. Bannerjee, Ep.Ind, IX, pp.285-288.
Unlike various other empires of ancient India, Odisha had remained stable for a long period till medieval era and the reason of its political & military stability was due the wide spread martial culture as well as prosperity brought by successive native ruling dynasties.
Following important dynasities had ruled Kalinga.
1. Kalinga dynasity. 2. Suryavamsha dynasty (350 – 261BCE) 3. Chedi dynasty 4. Sada dynasty. 5. Murunda dynasty 150 to 250 CE. 6. Satyavahana dynasty 7.Naga dynasty (225 to 360 CE) 8. Gupta dynasty (335 to 550E) 9. Nala Dynasty (400 to 740 CE) 10. Rajarsitulyakula (dynasty 4th–6th century CE) 11. Sharabhapuriya dynasty (475–590) 12. Mathara dynasty (4th–5th century CE) 13. Vishnukundina Empire (420–555) 14. Vigraha dynasty (575–630) 15. Mudgalas dynasty (580–620)
Important rulers were Sambhuyasa and Sivaraja. 16. Durjaya dynasty (620–680)
17. Gauda Dynasty 18. Shailodbhava dynasty 19. Harsha dynasty 20. Bhaumakara dynasty 21. Bhanjas of of Khinjali mandala 22. Sulkis of Kodalaka Mandala 23. Tungas of Yamagartta Mandala 24. Nandodbhavas of Airavatta Mandala 25. Gangas of Svetaka Mandala 26. Somvanshi (Keshari) dynasty 27. Chindaka Naga dynasty 28. Gudari Kataka Eastern Ganga rulers 29. Mayuras of Banei Mandala & So on
Footnote 1.
1. Though outside the scope of the present work, the inscription has been included in the volume, because
of it’s close proximity in time to the 6th century records.
Footnote 2.
1. From the Facsimile in Ep.Ind, IX, Plate facing pp-286. The plate is in poor
state of preservation. The medial vowels (matras) are often partly or wholly worn off.
2. Expressed by spiral symbol.
3. Banerjee: वल ( पित -च ) ल
According to R D. Banerji, (Ep.Ind..IX,
pp.286) Sivaraja was the feudatory chief, while sagguyayana (as he reads the name sambhuvasas) was
the sovereign whom he credits all eulogy showered by Maharaja Sivaraja. The text, though confusing, is
clear on the points)
1. The sovereign belonged to the Mana dynasty.
2. sambhuvasas Maharaja, according to his Soro Plates (Supra IV, 5) was administering Dakshina Tosali under the Manas.
3. Sivaraja the donor also, a Maharaja, claims to be serving close to
the sovereign. Evidently, he was making a donation, in an area under the administration of another vassal
of the common sovereign.
These points are missed by Banerji:-
The date in this and in the soro plates of sambhuvasas, seem to be in the Gupta era. The Gupta influence is visible in the title Paramabhattaraka of his sovereign.
Footnote 3.
1. R.D. Banerji: श्री शग्णुयय्यने
2. The location of Tosali, is indicated by Asoka’s Dhauli edicts. Banerji reads बोर्तानोक
3. Banerji. क्षोणि Sten Konow, Ep.Ind., IX, pp.287, n.7, corrected to श्रेणी.
4. Banerji: निचय:
5. Banerji construes the phrases अस्मिन्नेव – विषये and अत्र विषये (1.8 below) as referring to तोसली – विषये
6. Banerji -भविष्यत्सामन्त Better read भविष्यन्ति
making it an adjective of अधिकरणानि.
Second side.
Footnote 4.
1. Banerji: श्रावयति But what he reads श्रा is exactly like पू in in पूव्र्वके 1.9 below. And the next lettar is clearly a partly worn out
2. Banerji: तंड्रल्वालु – ग्राम Sten Konow, op.cit, n-8: तुंण्डिल्वालुज -ग्राम
3. Banerji वोत्र्तानोक विवास-गे हत्तो स्मा भि:
Sten Konow, op.cit, n. वोत्र्तानोके चावास —
4. Read कालीयो क्षय
5. Banerji: अनुरूद्ध
English Translation of the inscription.
Om! hail! (In the year two hundred) and eighty three, during the regime of the Mana dynasty over the, earth
that is full of cities and that has the sea-coast as its bracelet, the restless waves as its trinkets, radiant mangura fish as it’s —–
when the devout worshipper of
Mahesvara, Sri Sambhuyasas , of as spotless as a character as
the moon in he windless sky; who belonged to the spotless family, of the Maudgalas, as governing the southern Tosali, from Varttanoka Maharaja Sivaraja, from whom the pile of sins
attendant on the age of evil (kali) has been beaten back by his acquiring the necklace of the rows of pure lotus-like feet of the illustrious overlord (Parama-Bhattaraka,) the supreme God
of gods, being in good health, (sivaraja) duely worships and honours the present and future Officers, such as the Feudatory chiefs, Rajasthaniyas, Uparikas, Kumaramatyas and their
Ayuktakas, the senior Mahattaras, the Jagirdars, (and other ) employees of the king in this di strict (and enjoins):-
Be it known to you that the village Tandrilvaluja, belonging to this vishaya and a dwelling in Varttanoka, has been granted by us by pouring libation of water, under the lay of permanent endowment, so as to last as long as the moon and the sun do for the Increase of merit of my mother, father and myself to (the Brahmanas) of various gotras and and charanas. These are:- Aniruddasvamin, Gomidevasvamin, sura-svamin, Voppasvamin, Pitrisvamin, Harungasvamin, chandrasvamin,
Bhadrasvamin, chhedisvamin, Pushyasvamin, vibhakarasvamin,
Rohinisvamin, Buddhasvamin, Mahasenasvamin, Vishnusvamin
Yadusvamin, Matradasvamin, Nagasvamin, Bhogasvamin, Ratnasvamin, Prabhakarasvamin, Bhasurasvamin, Dipisvamin, Jambusvamin, Gomisvamin, Balasvamin, Jyeshthasvamin, sudarsanadeva
Dhanadeva, Kumarasvamin, Jyeshthasvamin, Revatisvamin,
Prayasvamin, Pushyasvamin, chhedisvamin, vaptrisvamin,
Sravasvamin, Gopalasvamin, and Gomisvamin —- To these has been
granted by a copper-plate charter. Considering that the
charities of the earlier kings should be maintained, (these my gifts should be protected) by you. It is heard in the law
books also-
(Here follow two of the benedictory/imprecatory verses)
samvat 200 + (83.)