ancient indian history


In the Silence, due Her Absence,
A few verses

As long as mountains stand tall in this world,
And rivers continue their endless flow,
Songs of love will be sung by hearts unfurled,
For feelings that only true lovers know.

He was virtuous, mighty, and pious too,
Learned, faultless, and powerful in every way.
A handsome man, rare and true,
In this world, he was her perfect day.

Yet he abandoned her, left her in tears,
A rare gem lost, a love divine.
In her heart, she harbored fears,
For such a soul is hard to find.

Silence and peace now reign in her mind,
A tranquil haven amidst the pain.
In her memories, his virtues are enshrined,
A quiet solace, though nothing’s the same.

As long as mountains stand and rivers remain,
She will sing of love, despite the sorrow.
For even in loss, love’s beauty sustains,
And hope whispers of a brighter tomorrow.

As long as mountains stand tall in this world,
And rivers continue their endless flow,
Songs of love will be sung by hearts unfurled,
For feelings that only true lovers know.

He was virtuous, mighty, and pious too,
Learned, faultless, and powerful in every way.
A handsome man, rare and true,
In this world, he was her perfect day.

Yet he abandoned her, left her in tears,
A rare gem lost, a love divine.
In her heart, she harbored fears,
For such a soul is hard to find.

Silence and peace now reign in her mind,
A tranquil haven amidst the pain.
In her memories, his virtues are enshrined,
A quiet solace, though nothing’s the same.

But the nights are long and the days so cold,
Her heart aches with a relentless fire.
Dreams of the past, tender and bold,
Ignite her longing, her deep desire.

She walks alone where they once shared,
In fields of gold, under skies of blue.
Whispers of his name, a love declared,
Echo in her heart, ever true.

She questions the stars, the moon’s soft glow,
Why did he leave, why this cruel fate?
Her soul seeks answers, the reasons to know,
In the silence, she contemplates.

And though the world keeps turning around,
Seasons change, and time moves on,
In her chest, his absence resounds,
A melody of a love now gone.

Yet still, she believes, with hope so bright,
That one day, they might reunite.
For as long as mountains stand in sight,
And rivers run, love’s beacon is the light.

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