ancient indian history

Sindhi brahmins

Sindhi Brahmins are a subgroup of Brahmins who originally hail from the Sindh region, which is now a part of Pakistan. The known rulers of the  Brahmin dynasty are:

Chach (632 – c. 668 AD)
Dahir   (668 – c. 711AD)
Raja Dahir was Mohyal brahmin ruler of Sindh, in present-day Pakistan. In 711 AD his kingdom was invaded by Umayyad Caliphate led by Muhammad bin Qasim, where Dahir died, while defending his kingdom. Dahar ruled his kingdom for almost 40 years from 668-711 AD.
Hindu civilization has witnessed a glorious past. Hindu kings were known for their righteousness, fearlessness and valour and were always keen for overall development of their empires and therefore people were very prosperous.  Life stories of these forgotten kings, are source of inspiration for coming generations. Some of the past events in the lives of hindu kings awaken the extinct pride in the minds of Hindus about their religion, nation and culture. Among these ancient upright kings, Raja Dahir  was the last Hindu Brahmin ruler of Sindh. He died while defending his kingdom from Mughal invaders.

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Brahmin dynasty of Sindh, also known as the Chacha dynasty, were the Brahmin Hindu ruling family of the Chacha Empire. The Brahmin dynasty were successors of the Rai dynasty.
The Brahmin dynasty ruled on the Indian subcontinent which originated in the region of Sindh, present-day Pakistan

Sindhi Brahmans are Saraswat Brahmans, tracing their origins from the river Saraswati. Main clan of  Sindhi Brahmins, is pokhrana/ pushkarna brahmins. Surnames are Ballani, Jagani, Vasu, mohyals etc Sindhi Brahmins, like other Brahmins, are associated with the practice and propagation of Hindu rituals, performing ceremonies, and conducting religious ceremonies. They are believed to have descended from ancient seven vedic sages and are typically well-versed in the vedic scriptures and religious rituals.
There are  2 types of Sindhi?
Firaqi Sindhi: spoken in Kachhi plains the north eastern districts of Balochistan, where it is referred to as Firaqi Sindhi or commonly just Sindhi. Kutchi: is a dialect of Sindhi, spoken in Kutch district of Gujarat, over time, Kutchi has borrowed vocabulary from Gujarati.
The vast majority of Sindhi Hindus living in India belong to the Lohana Jati, which includes the sub-groups of Amil and Bhaiband. Due to historical and political reasons, many Sindhi Brahmins migrated from the Sindhi region consequent to partition of India in 1947. As a result, they are now scattered across various parts of India and other countries. Sindhi Brahmins have preserved their cultural and religious traditions, and they continue to play an important role in the Hindu community.

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