- Taxila Copper Plate Inscription of Patika Year 78(21AD)
Provenance: Thupkia near Taxila, Rawalpindi District, West Panjab.
Script: Kharoshthi.
Language: North Western (Gandharian) #Prakrit
1. सं व त्स रवे अठसत तिमए 20 +20+20+10+4+4
र 5+5 ६ महरयस महंतस भोगस प ने मस म सस दिवसे पँचमे ४+१ एतवे पूर्वये क्षहर
2. वुख्सस क्षत्रपस लिअको कुसुलुको पु त्रो प [ति ]
को तब शिलवे नगरे उतरेण प्रचु-देशो क्षेम नम अत्र
3. दे शे पतिको अप्रतिठवित भगवत शकमुनिस शरिरं प्र ति य वे ति थ वे ति सं परमं व सर्व-बुधन पुयए मत-पितरं पुययंतो 4. क्षत्रप स स पुत्र दरस अयु-बल बर्धिरए भ्रतर सर्व [ च ञ् ] तिम धवसा च पुययंतो मह दन पति पतिक सज उव झ ए न
5. रोहिणिमित्रेण य इम मि संघरमे नव कमिक
पति कसं क्षत्रप लिअक
Sanskrit, Hindi & English Translation of the Inscriptions by Dr Mehta Vasishtha Dev Mohan –
(Ancient Indian Inscriptions- Volume 1.
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संस्कृत छाया
संवत्सरके अष्टसप्तति तमके ७८ महाराजस्य महत: मोगस्य पनेमस्य ( नाम्न: यवनानां मासस्य ) दिवसे पंचमे ५ एतस्यां पूर्वायां संपत्य के अन्ट्राप्तति तमके ७८ नाराजस्य महत: मोगस्य पनेरास्व ५ पंचमे ५ — पूर्वाया’ (1 तस्या
वाना मासस्य ) मातत्य दिपते पंचमे वाढत्य दिधृते
नियस्य विक: कुसुलक: नाम ( यस्य ) तत्य
तिथौ क्ष हरस्य चुखतस्य च देशस्य क्षत्रस्य लियक: कुसुलक:
वाना मासस्य ) मातत्य दिपते पंचमे वाढत्य दिधृते नाम ( यस्य ) तस्य पुत्र : पतिक: तक्षशिलायां नगरे उत्तरेण प्राच्य देशः ( यक्ष प्रचुरदेशः (उत्तरस्य -विभाग- पूर्वाश: (यद्धा क्षमः नाम विस्तृतः देशः) अत्र देशे पतिक: अप्रतिष्ठापितं भगवतः शाक्यमुने: शरीरं (= देहावशेषं ) प्रतिष्ठापयति सड़न्घारामं च सर्व बुद्यानां” पूजायै माता-पितरौ पूजयन्, क्षत्रपस्य -स पुत्र दारस्य आयुर्वल बुद्धये भ्रातृन सर्वान् च झातिका धिवासान ( बांधवान् प्रति वेशिनश्च ) च पूज्यन महादानपति: पतिक: सार्द्धम् उपाध्यायेन रोहिणी मित्रेण यः अस्मिन सडन्धारामे
This Taxila copper-plate inscription is a notable archaeological artifact found in the area of Gandhara.
The copper plate is dated to a period between the 1st century BCE and the 1st century CE. It bears an imprecise date: the 5th day of the month of Panemos, in the year 78 of king Moga. The inscription may be related to the establishment of a Maues era and
relates the dedication of a relic of Buddha. the Buddha Shakyamuni which means Master of the Shakas to a Buddhist monastery by the Indo Scythian ruler Patika Kusulaka son of Liaka Kusulaka.
This inscription is significant in that it documents the fact that Indo-Scythians practiced the Buddhist faith. It is also famous for mentioning Patika Kusulaka, who also appears as a “Great Satrap” in the Mathura Lion Capital Inscription.
English Translation
In the Seventy eighth year
(78), In the reign of the great king, the great Moga, on the Fifth day of the month Panama. On the luner day as specified above. The name of Kshatrapa and Chukhsa is Liaka Kusulaka and his son is Patika.
In the city of takshashila, towards the north, the eastern, or an extensive area bears the name kshema. In this region, Patika establishes, (hitherto) unestablished relic of divine Sakyamuni, and a monastery, for the worship of all Buddhas – Worshipping his mother and father, for the increase of duration of life and power of Satrapa, together with his sons and wives – – honouring his brothers, all his relatives and neighbours. The lord of this great donation is Patika, together with the preceptor Rohinimitra, who is the officer incharge of new constructions in this monestry.
To Patika Kshtrapa. From Liaka
References: Dowson J.R.A.S XX, pp.221 ff.
Bhagwan Lal Indrajit
ibid 1894 pp. 551 ff. Buhler, Ep. Ind. IV, pp.55f,
Konow, C.I.I, II, Pt-I, page 23 ff.. Pl.V D.C. Sircar, Sel.Inss,I, Page 124-25
S S I, pp. 12-25.
From the facsimile in Ep.Ind, IV,. page 56.
The Macedonian, month, Panemos, marks the period covered by
the month of July in Christian calender it falls during the indian months, Ashadha and Sravana
1. Buhler believes that the reading
no doubt was “natiga” (bam) dhavasa. But the phrase natiga-dhavasa as it is, stands for jnatiga-adhavasa, wherein adhivasa means “A neighbour”.
2. Buher: “Mahadanapati-patikasan”
translates it into
“The victory of the great gift lord Patika” is described by Rohinimitra
3. Named Maues in his greek coin legends
4. Macedonian month Panemos
and Tansiates?
5. Acording to the buddhist faith, there were many Buddha’s before Gautama Buddha and there will be one in future