ancient indian history

The Everlasting Light

“The Everlasting Light of Friendship”

When the world seems harsh and cold,

Remember friendship’s warmth, so bold.
When troubles come and shadows grow,
Time itself begins to show.

When troubles come and shadows grow,
Time itself begins to show
It’s ever-changing, shifting hue,
Unveiling colors old and new.

What to do, what to say,
What to write, or sing today?
Which reality should I reveal,
To make your hearts and minds feel?
In every step, my heart does yearn,
For friendship’s bond, to twist and turn.
When troubles come and shadows grow,
Time itself begins to show.
In times of need, when hearts are weak,
It’s friendship’s strength which we seek.
No barrier can stand it’s ground,
Where true companionship is found.
Through darkest nights and hardest days,
A friend will guide in countless ways.
Their light can pierce the thickest gloom,
And fill our lives with love’s perfume.
When every path seems lost and gone,
A friend’s embrace will lead us on.
No judgment here, no harsh decree,
Just acceptance pure, and loyalty.
Through laughter shared and tears we shed,
In every word that’s gently said,
We find the solace, find the peace,
In friendship’s bond, our fears release.
For friendship is a sacred art,
A bridge that joins each heart to heart.
Its power grows as time unfolds,
A tale of love that’s ever told.
How to define a friend’s true worth,
Beyond all lines of caste and birth?
Above all ties, it stands so tall,
A bond that rises, beats them all.

When every storm has had its day,
Friendship’s light will find its way.
When troubles come and shadows grow,
Time itself begins to show –
Alok Mohan

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