ancient indian history

The Vamarathas

The Vamarathas.

Vamarathas was an ancient tribe inhabiting the north west India.
Listed in the Ganapatha and mentioned by Katyayana and Patañjali, the Vamarathas were a minor community of whose history and seat not much is known. But their origin can be established from Ganapathi Upanishad wherein there is mention of this shiva Tribe. Vamarathas are one of the oldest tribes in India, They were spread across Panjab, Himachal & Kashmir.
From time immemorial they had cleared forests, tilled the land and produced food for subsistence. They are Indo Aryan tribal people & got absorbed into the population in the northern India. They were worshippers of
Ganesha, who has been identified with the Supreme Self and is the first god to
awaken our consciousness and the first god to preside over our inner transformation.
Ganesha is also an important deity in the hindu Pantheon and is regarded as the remover of obstacles and the Lord of the Ganas
The legends that are connected with Lord Ganesha are recorded in the Ganesha Khanda of the ‘Brahma Vivartha Purana.

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