ancient indian history

viral in afterlife

“Viral in the Afterlife”

Lyrics by Cdr Alok Mohan,
Copyright (©) Cdr Alok Mohan.
“Viral in the Afterlife”

Lyrics by Cdr Alok Mohan,
Copyright (©) Cdr Alok Mohan.

They post a selfie, just woke up,
And instantly millions of likes erupt.
Meanwhile, I craft each line with care,
But for me? Not even a “there, there.”

Is it too much to ask, I ponder deep,
For one “You’re great!” before I sleep?
Or must I resort, in desperation,
To writing about their next vacation?

I’ve poured my blood into these posts,
Sweat-stained words, a lifetime’s ghosts.
Yet while I bleed, the world just scrolls,
Liking sneezes from famous souls.
A sneeze! It’s viral—bless you, fame!
While my verse waits, unsaid, unnamed.

Perhaps I should post about my meals,
It seems that’s what truly appeals.
Or maybe a pic of my coffee cup,
Because words alone don’t measure up.

But oh, when I’m gone, just you see,
My epitaph will go viral, instantly!
So keep your likes, your shares, your fuss—
I’ll trend when I’m dust, no rush, no rush.

A thousand puns, a witty line,
Ignored like socks that don’t quite shine.
But when I’m gone, a viral feast,
A posthumous poet, to say the least!

I’ve poured my blood into these posts,
Sweat-stained words, a lifetime’s ghosts.
Yet while I bleed, the world just scrolls,
Liking sneezes from famous souls.
A sneeze! It’s viral—bless you, fame!
While my verse waits, unsaid, unnamed.

While I wait for praise that never arrives,
I’ll outlive even the nine lives of a cat—surprise!
Maybe I’ll write about shoes that don’t fit,
That might get me a viral hit!

So when I’m gone, just keep in mind,
I left behind some prose refined.
But don’t you worry, I’ll make no fuss—
You can “like” my ghost when it haunts your bus.
I’ll trend in the end, don’t rush, no rush.
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