ancient indian history

A write up/input especially meant for Punjabi hindu think tanks

A write up/input especially meant for Punjabi hindu think tanks

A question frequently haunts me.

Are we ethnically different people & therefore enjoy lesser rights as compared to the people of rest of india especially SC ST OBC minorities etc etc etc ?

This question is a consequence of several events & disparities which like you people I have also witnessed in my life.
We always talk about 1947 Partition based on religion but who suffered most consequent to this partition masterminded by muslim league & jinnah
The political leadership of Maharashtra UP Gujarat etc had handed over our ancestral lands for creation of Pakistan & thereafter the leadership representing SC ST Dalit OBC etc etc formulated a constitution of partitioned part of India, wherein the bloody & voilent partition of India had no mention at all. They considered 1947 partition as a non-event.

A constitution, Wherein, no one had thought of providing justice to the agrieved displaced punjabi communities.

My this statement does not mean that i have no confidence in our constitution.
It means, why there is no mention of our losses (both life & materials) & why no mention of providing justice to displaced punjabi hindus. Especially when the constitution writers had seen some injustices to their own communities & provided them reservations in the form of jobs, promotions etc etc etc

Do we know why had they drawn partition line on a piece of paper having map of undivided India through the heart of only Punjab, Sindh & Bengal & Why not their own states ?

Do we know Why they let west punjab of undivided india, become victim of anarchism, while they had all the powers to use military paramilitary and police forces during 1947_1948 so that they could restore law and order situation in the region where our people were being murdered.

During 1947 hindu genocide, why did some leaders woke up only when there was backlash in this region.
As i was born after 1947 partition, I never ever had any regret of materialistic losses ie the ancestral properties of my family due the stupidities of the founding fathers of India and Pakistan. But I did miss several of my relatives especially my grand parents, who were murdered mercilessly.

As we all are aware, during 1947, Pakistan was created, consequent to partition based on Jinnah’s two nation theory, wherein, in one part of India, there was no demographic change at all, while in other partitioned part, hindu communities were eliminated ie dragged out or looted & killed.

Hindu population in pakistan, prior to the Jinnahs notorious two nation theory, was almost equal to muslims ie close to 26 percent.
We all know the hindu genocide was planned by the forces responsible for 1947 partition ie Muslim league.

I wish to add that this was not only punjabi hindu, who had faced the major brunt of partition but a few other communities also which comprised close to 15 percent population of the region like sikhs christians & budhist etc had also suffered.
Result of the Genocide was that close to 40 percent of the minorities of this region were reduced to 1 percent.

Ideally speaking as per jinnahs theory other part of India should have been having identical demographic configuration. This was also expected by the displaced punjabi hindus. But this did not happen. Gandhi & Nehru had accepted partition of our ancestral lands, but backed out from implimentation of jinnahs theory in this partitioned part of the region ie Rest of India, which was under their influence & effective leadership.

They also closed eyes & refused to look into grievances of the agrieved displaced population. They refused to look into the plight of migrated punjabi hindus.

At no stage in the history of post partitioned India, they thought of providing justice to the displaced punjabi hindus.

Ideally speaking consequent to partition, the displaced punjabi hindus had deserved a nation, identical to Pakistan (This never happened.

Now after seven decades of 1947 partition we have witnessed the followers of jinnahs two nation theory showing their muscels to the legally elected governments of India several times & the reason is uneven demographic changes in the post partitioned India.

Consequent to 1947 partition punjabi hindu settled in Punjab Kashmir Haryana etc. We all are aware of the environment which our people are/were being subjected to, since last few decades in kashmir punjab etc. etc. etc. They were made refugees in their own nation ie post partitioned India. I need not to highlight this issue much as we all have been witnessing in our day to day lives & we know which had been the targetted population in punjab kashmir etc. We all are aware what had happened during last few decades.

We have also seen, consequent to every war with Pakistan while our government gave VIP treatment to Pakistani POWs but our several Saurabhs Kalias Sarabjits etc etc were treated very badly.

We have also witnessed during post partioned period, the efforts of some political leaders to divide the already divided hindu society from time to time in the shape of Lingayats SC ST OBC etc etc. They remind them of some imagined injustices (of few centuries back) prior to moghul & british period & divide society whenever there are some or other general elections in any region/state but till date i am yet to see a single politician who had mentioned about the biggest injustice of few decades back ie 1947 hindu holocaust.

However the point which i feel to bring up is that humanity shall be best served if world community creates a small nation for the agrieved punjabi hindu community in the form of a buffer zone between two major south asian powers so that conflict between them is avoided. Mother planet has enough land resources for this purpose. I therefore strongly feel that the agrieved punjabi hindus must take up this issue to UNO.

This world comprises hundreds of Muslim nations, Christian Nations, Budhist nations, But not even a single hindu nation, although most of these central asian nations have emerged only after dragging out killing or forcibly converting hindu population since last several centuries.

UNO has recognized several nations in Asian & African regions, which have a population of a very few lakh people only.

We have also seen emergence of a jews nation “Israel” which was created by allocating some of their ancestral lands. Jews have also witnessed identical history like us & definitely deserved a nation for the survival of their coming generations.

Therefore creation of a nation for close to one crore punjabi hindus may also become a reality one day if we people start thinking on this subject. Pakistan & China may return our our ancestral lands for this purpose or may compensate in terms of land resources in lieu of hindu’s losses for the purpose.

I understand there are enough land resources available for this purpose in south Asia, which can be used as buffer zones between major powers of south asia.

This shall create a safe place for the agrieved hindu population as with change in demographic configuration in this part of post partitioned india our people may most likely have to face another Jinnah in future.
We have witnessed voilent Dalit movement Jaat movement Patel movement etc etc & future of secular hindu of post partitioned india, who was not effected by 1947 partition at all, has also become clearer now. We all have witnessed islamic terror Bindrawale phenemenon etc etc during post partitioned period.

The idea of this write up is therefore very close to our reality ie our existence & our survival.
I feel a nation created exclusively for punjabi hindus may be co-habitated by the people from the beliefs like Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism & of course the hindus of rest of India, who are peaceful people & have shared a history of peaceful co-existence with us in this region.

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